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tigerman1956's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:16 AM

33 Senators Voted Against English as America's Official Language June 6, 2007

On Wed, 6 June 2007 23:35:23 -0500, "Colonel Harry Riley USA ret" wrote:


Your vote against an amendment to the Immigration Bill 1348, to make English America's official language is astounding. On D-Day no less when we honor those that sacrificed in order to secure the bedrock character and principles of America . I can only surmise your vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens.

I don't much care where you come from, what your religion is, whether you're black, white or some other color, male or female, democrat, republican or independent, but I do care when you're a United States Senator, representing citizens of America and vote against English as the official language of the United States.

Your vote reflects betrayal, political surrender, violates your pledge of allegiance, dishonors historical principle, rejects patriotism, borders on traitorous action and, in my opinion, makes you unfit to serve as a United States Senator... impeachment, recall, or other appropriate action is warranted.

Worse, 4 of you voting against English as America 's official language are presidential candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd, and Senator Obama.

Those 4 Senators vying to lead America but won't, or don't have the courage, to cast a vote in favor of English as America's official language when 91% of American citizens want English officially designated as our language.

This is the second time in the last several months this list of Senators have disgraced themselves as political hacks... unworthy as Senators and certainly unqualified to serve as President of the United States.

If America is as angry as I am, you will realize a back-lash so stunning it will literally rock you out of your panties... and preferably, totally out of the United States Senate.

The entire immigration bill is a farce... your action only confirms this really isn't about America ; it's about self-serving politics... despicable at best.

Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ anonymous

The following senators voted against making English the official language of America:

Akaka (D-HI)

Bayh (D-IN)

Biden (D-DE) wants to be President?

Bingaman (D-NM)

Boxer (D-CA)

Cantwell (D-WA)

Clinton (D-NY) wants to be President?

Dayton (D-MN)

Dodd (D-CT) wants to be President?

Domenici (R-NM) coward, protecting his Senate seat..

Durbin (D-IL)

Feingold (D-WI) not unusual for him

Feinstein (D-CA)

Harkin (D-IA)

Inouye (D-HI)

Jeffords (I-VT)

Kennedy (D-MA)

Kerry (D-MA) wanted to be President

Kohl (D-WI)

Lautenberg (D-NJ)

Leahy (D-VT)

Levin (D-MI)

Lieberman (D-CT) disappointment here.....

Menendez (D-NJ)

Mikulski (D-MD)

Murray (D-WA)

Obama (D-IL) wants to be President?

Reed (D-RI)

Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority Leader

Salazar (D-CO)

Sarbanes (D-MD)

Schumer (D-NY)

Stabenow (D-M)

"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale, and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled or hanged."

President Abraham Lincoln

Please forward to as many people as you know. WE NEED THIS INFORMATION PASSED ON TO EVERY RED-BLOODED AMERICAN!!!!!!

lulu24's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:20 AM
eh, i don't think we SHOULD have an official language.

america has always been made up of a hodge-podge of individuals...that speak MANY tongues.

Jtevans's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:25 AM
I agree,English should be the official language of the U.S

If i'm in my own country,why should i learn to speak the language of someone that is coming here?.sure if i was going to visit another country i would learn their language but why is it everyone thinks America is the only country that doesn't need an official language?grumble wait,let me guess,our official language should be Spanish,right?explode

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:26 AM
Personally I feel that English SHOULD be our official language...When people started coming to America, they took pride in learning English.........they still spoke their own languages at home, and among friends.......but English was the one they ALL chose to speak at work, and outside the homes. People also learned to speak other languages because the people would share their knowledge as they developed new friendships.

Blaze34's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:27 AM

Are you serious? 91% voted in favour? Where is that published? For the record, there are a lot of illegal alliens who speak English, and a lot of American citizens who don't. I think the native Indians alone take up more than 9% of the american population, and I'm sure there are a few of them who would dispute your argument.

oldsage's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:28 AM
For the immigrants of old, it was a point of THEIR pride to learn English & speak as an AMERICAN.
Part of their citizenship.
As it should be.

tigerman1956's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:38 AM

no photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:40 AM
"Borders, Language and Culture" - per Michael Savage

Jtevans's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:42 AM
Tiger,here it is required to learn Spanish in school.unless they make English the official language in the U.s,you can pretty much say bye bye to the English language :angry:

lostannotfound's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:27 AM
actually it isnt required students in florida learn spanish in particular..i mean i know elementary schools have started teaching it and all but in high school you are only required to take 2 classes of a foreign language available at the school if you are going to college...otherwise you dont have to take any if you dont want too

Jtevans's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:34 AM
Lost,i'm in Ark and about 50% of the population here is Mexican (no i'm not calling them Hispanic because they're from Mexico so they're Mexicans.i'm from America so i'm an American)and it is a requirement in school here to learn Spanish.

TheMagicalMatt's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:40 AM
Everyone has their views on the subject.

But everyone should realize what the bill actually does:

It doesn't mean that if its voted for and passed that magically everyone is going to speak just English.

It just means that forms and signs and other government type things won't accomodate spanish or (well where I live) vietnamese or chinese.

Pretty much, it just forces non-english speakers to go out and learn english to function in society.

Which I'm for, and Im bilingual too. It just gets annoying going "wtf are you saying" time in and time out.

texasrose9's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:18 AM
In many foreign countries, it is required in schooling to learn English as a second language. My daughter does have Spanish classes here and has had them since she was in elementary school. Learning a second language is not a bad thing. I do think all persons who intend to reside in this country need to know the primary language, and that is English. It is very difficult to deal with the ones who don't out in the real world.

quakeman10's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:27 AM
I aggree I think english should be the main launguage of the US becuase other countrys would expect others to know the native launguage of other countrys if they where living in that country. but not trying to say other launguages shouldnt be allowed in the US. my opinion...

nu2topcat's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:50 AM
the main point is our elected officials are voting the way they want to and not the way we want them to, so do not vote for these butheads. they are self serving jerks who need to be run out of town

texasrose9's photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:16 AM
Funny, but if you read the states where they are from, most are from further north. Very few in the west and south. Hmmmmmmmmm......

no photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:59 AM
I forget the movie this line came from, but I'll never forget the line:

"This is America. We speak American here."

Yes, meant to be a throwaway line in some movie that a lot more people besides me have long forgotten.

The line, however, was true then. It's true now.

Say what you will. English SHOULD be the official language of America. Not meaning to be a hard@$$ here, but in Mexico, they only have one official language, and it ain't English, folks.

It's simple, really:

If you want to come to America, you MUST do these two things--

1.Come here LEAGALLY!

2.Learn English. It IS our official language here, whether some gutless politicians think so or not.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/13/07 08:03 AM
European countries do not have official languages and it makes them more interesting and diverse. I believe we should be as diverse as possible considering our motto of "send us your poor, etc...." If America should have an official language it should American Indian as they are the rightful residents here.

nu2topcat's photo
Tue 11/13/07 08:18 AM
that might be why they shut down Ellis Island in 1954. i do know that it cost us taxpayers a bundle to print everything in several languages. here in denver we have to hire bi-lingual teachers so they can communicate to their students at a added cost to the taxpayers. sorry people that is just wrong.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/13/07 08:22 AM
Being bilingual is an advantage for anyone, anywhere. It increases your employability and income. I wish my ancestors would have held to our original languages so I would be multi-languaged, I would be more employable today. It is just those white supremists here in this country wanting to keep it white that caused all this ruckus in the first place.

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