Topic: " Bye..Bye To The Obamas...Did He Win?"
EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:13 PM

LOL, Okay maybe my Gary Johnson is a little short of a donut in a box but I truly do believe if he get his campaign together he would be someone to look at.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:16 PM

Okay , How you feel about Mike Pence! I hear he's a no nonsenses kind of guy, ask anybody from Indiana

no photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:21 PM

the march was designed as a way for black men to congregate (like people do at churches weekly all over the world) to reinforce and inspire them towards being 'men',,

which includes not only being fathers
but being responsible
heading their households
cherishing their women
maintaining strong communities,,,

towards being men?.. they have to march to reinforce what is expected of them.

74% of black children under the age of 18 are raised in a single parent household. The mother

3 out of 4.. that is fact.

So how about instead of marching they get to work, support their kids and teach them right from wrong.. before those kids become a stat on some crime record.. or worst.. murdered.

Any male can father a child...doesn't take much, but a man takes care of what HE created.

March to be a MAN...I would be embarrassed.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:23 PM

Yes it does starts at home. I hate it when people allow media, music,movies,sports,technology to raise our children, & not do our jobs!

Lpdon's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:25 PM


LOL, Okay maybe my Gary Johnson is a little short of a donut in a box but I truly do believe if he get his campaign together he would be someone to look at.

Gary Johnson is just like Ron Paul, not Presidential material. I am hoping Donald Trump will be the President he promised to be but now that some of the hearings are going through stances are changing and it's pissing me off.

We need enhanced interrogations, no BS immigration policy and to deport, tare up the Iran deal, Tare up Obama Care and take the fight to ISIS and end them once and for all.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:25 PM

Yes, we lost our position as heads of households. But here's the kicker, men has to work hard to regain our positions & not taking the positions from strong women but its biblical for us to lead.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:26 PM


Okay , How you feel about Mike Pence! I hear he's a no nonsenses kind of guy, ask anybody from Indiana

From what I know if him I like him, but I don't know to much about him. I honestly was a supporter of Jim Webb on the Democrat side in the primaries before Trump entered the race.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:41 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 01/12/17 04:58 PM

the march was designed as a way for black men to congregate (like people do at churches weekly all over the world) to reinforce and inspire them towards being 'men',,

which includes not only being fathers
but being responsible
heading their households
cherishing their women
maintaining strong communities,,,

towards being men?.. they have to march to reinforce what is expected of them.

74% of black children under the age of 18 are raised in a single parent household. The mother

3 out of 4.. that is fact.

So how about instead of marching they get to work, support their kids and teach them right from wrong.. before those kids become a stat on some crime record.. or worst.. murdered.

Any male can father a child...doesn't take much, but a man takes care of what HE created.

March to be a MAN...I would be embarrassed.

I doubt the people who attend religious service all over the world believe that congregating to reinforce positive ideas is,,,,,,embarassing,,,,


msharmony's photo
Thu 01/12/17 04:49 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 01/12/17 04:57 PM


Wow! so I guess its safe to say you didn't think Obama truly represented our great nation.? well you do have the right to voice how you feel in my M2 Cyber home! Keep posting buddy, I want to hear more

Obama represented his own agenda. I personally know Law Enforcement Officers who have died during his Presidency and do we hear anything about that? Nope. But we do hear him say how racist and how big of bullies cops are and how because he was black that store detectives would follow him around a store.

That shows how truly ignorant and hateful and divisive he is. I have the statistics, I started a Non-Profit Organization to raise money for the families of Law Enforcement Officer's killed in the line of duty and the numbers have sky rocketed and I have been a "Store Detective" as he calls it for over 20 years now and I have NEVER followed anyone because of race, gender or any other discriminatory reason. I will follow someone because the show the signs that they are up to no good. I also guarantee that statement is 100% BS, because he wouldn't even know if he's being followed! Since the 80% 95% of it is being watched on camera and you never know whos watching what camera. There aren't many floor walkers left and the ones that are, are really good and you wont know they are even there.......

congratulations on your non profit,, but I fear your perception is perhaps more media than reality

police deaths have ebbed and wained under each president,,,with the most common average being 60-80 police deaths from assault/firearm, with the exception of Bush Sr and Reagan who averaged 80s and 90s

under OBama there has been one year that surpassed that average ( 60- 80 )

year, deaths total, deaths by assault or firearm

2016 140 / 79 assaults or gunfire
2015 130 / 49 assaults or gunfire
2014 146 / 61 assaults or gunfire
2013 124 / 39 assaults or gunfire
2012 139 / 65
2011 181/ 87
2010 177 / 79
2009 140 / 57 OBAMA

2008 162/ 60
2007 204 / 77
2006 161/ 70
2005 167 / 70
2004 167/ 75
2003 154 / 60
2002 160/ 74
2001 242/ 83 assault and gun and 72 terrorist GW BUSH

these trends come from many factors, least of all, being the President
unless we concede perhaps Trumps rhetoric contributed to the spike in violence from 2015 -2016,,but that would be silly,,,

no photo
Thu 01/12/17 05:24 PM

the march was designed as a way for black men to congregate (like people do at churches weekly all over the world) to reinforce and inspire them towards being 'men',,

which includes not only being fathers
but being responsible
heading their households
cherishing their women
maintaining strong communities,,,

towards being men?.. they have to march to reinforce what is expected of them.

74% of black children under the age of 18 are raised in a single parent household. The mother

3 out of 4.. that is fact.

So how about instead of marching they get to work, support their kids and teach them right from wrong.. before those kids become a stat on some crime record.. or worst.. murdered.

Any male can father a child...doesn't take much, but a man takes care of what HE created.

March to be a MAN...I would be embarrassed.

I doubt the people who attend religious service all over the world believe that congregating to reinforce positive ideas is,,,,,,embarassing,,,,


Well, we are not talking about all over the world.. are we. Were talking about right here.

Were talking about the million man march.. the 74% single parent home. The lack of parental responsibility.

And what happened to the last million man march.. didn't take?.. wore off?

Bottom line, you have the kids, then be man enough to raise them. And with a number like 74%... that ain't happening... sigh

So, march on... lets hope it does something this time... for the kids sake.

Because those are the ones that " father" abandoned.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/12/17 05:33 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 01/12/17 05:47 PM
the above assumes that marriage is proof a man is taking care of their child or that lack of marriage is proof he isn't,,,,

I am living proof of the error in that.,...I am still married to a man who does not a thing for his child

while the first one, divorced when our son was 3, has never stopped

'out of wedlock' is a statement about two things

1. the willingness to marry


2. the unwillingness of married to have as many kids

married couples have had less children, while the single have remained constant,, causing children to single/children to married,, to have increased

in either case,, being a man is about many things, including being a father(if you have kids)

and married and unmarried alike should aspire to it,,,

kudos to all who try to improve,, whether in congregation with others, or alone,,,drinker

no photo
Thu 01/12/17 05:50 PM
Edited by SimpyComplicated on Thu 01/12/17 05:52 PM

said to

Yes, we lost our position as heads of households. But here's the kicker, men has to work hard to regain our positions & not taking the positions from strong women but its biblical for us to lead.

Biblical babble

It every ones obligation to lead them selves if they choose to follow the lead of another they still need to choose whether or not to continue following.

There is no shame in following another and it is foolish to follow blindly or to expect another to follow you blindly

While we are limited in our capability of predicting outcomes and consequences we are best served when we utilise our own capacities to our best abilities and that includes listening to others.

So IMO the best leader is the one willing to follow when appropriate

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 01/13/17 07:05 AM

While we are limited in our capability of predicting outcomes and consequences we are best served when we utilise our own capacities to our best abilities and that includes listening to others.

I'll drink to that. drinker

notbeold's photo
Fri 01/13/17 07:32 AM
All of the presidents can only do what they are allowed to do by various controllers. Understand the symbols and flags.
He seemed to have done more than he was expected to do anyway.

Of course they will all do some bad stuff, people have agendas they have to push in order to stay in the position. Domestic and world affairs are not what they seem.

But they all puzzle me, deviants, moviestars, war criminals, morons; anyone except a native american.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Fri 01/13/17 09:49 AM

Hey, welcome to my cyber mansion, well your right in a lot of points. we know the elites are the real puppet masters behind our world. we know the elites agenda is to push the new world order, a cashless Society. I trying to stay away from conspiracies due to I did those topics in my earlier postings, and conspiracy theories aren't hit topics, but I want to keep it with what we can do to change the order of things.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Fri 01/13/17 09:50 AM

yeah mike pence which will be our vice president make things happen. I like him.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 01/13/17 02:12 PM


Wow! so I guess its safe to say you didn't think Obama truly represented our great nation.? well you do have the right to voice how you feel in my M2 Cyber home! Keep posting buddy, I want to hear more

Obama represented his own agenda. I personally know Law Enforcement Officers who have died during his Presidency and do we hear anything about that? Nope. But we do hear him say how racist and how big of bullies cops are and how because he was black that store detectives would follow him around a store.

That shows how truly ignorant and hateful and divisive he is. I have the statistics, I started a Non-Profit Organization to raise money for the families of Law Enforcement Officer's killed in the line of duty and the numbers have sky rocketed and I have been a "Store Detective" as he calls it for over 20 years now and I have NEVER followed anyone because of race, gender or any other discriminatory reason. I will follow someone because the show the signs that they are up to no good. I also guarantee that statement is 100% BS, because he wouldn't even know if he's being followed! Since the 80% 95% of it is being watched on camera and you never know whos watching what camera. There aren't many floor walkers left and the ones that are, are really good and you wont know they are even there.......

congratulations on your non profit,, but I fear your perception is perhaps more media than reality

police deaths have ebbed and wained under each president,,,with the most common average being 60-80 police deaths from assault/firearm, with the exception of Bush Sr and Reagan who averaged 80s and 90s

under OBama there has been one year that surpassed that average ( 60- 80 )

year, deaths total, deaths by assault or firearm

2016 140 / 79 assaults or gunfire
2015 130 / 49 assaults or gunfire
2014 146 / 61 assaults or gunfire
2013 124 / 39 assaults or gunfire
2012 139 / 65
2011 181/ 87
2010 177 / 79
2009 140 / 57 OBAMA

2008 162/ 60
2007 204 / 77
2006 161/ 70
2005 167 / 70
2004 167/ 75
2003 154 / 60
2002 160/ 74
2001 242/ 83 assault and gun and 72 terrorist GW BUSH

these trends come from many factors, least of all, being the President
unless we concede perhaps Trumps rhetoric contributed to the spike in violence from 2015 -2016,,but that would be silly,,,

A President calming the nation is better then having a President that inflames a nation and that is what Barry has done. Violent crime is on the rise. I live in a town where we have stupid little crimes, nothing big really and nothing major. The only thing that happened major here was the IHOP shooting and that was an isolated incident and the only one since the days of the wild west. Then comes 2015 and I lose a friend who was a decorated US Marine and Sheriff's Deputy to an ambush. I am also not mentioning the two LVMPD Officers who were assassinated in a Las Vegas Wal-Mart!

Keep convincing yourself every things ok under Obama.............

Lpdon's photo
Fri 01/13/17 02:13 PM


yeah mike pence which will be our vice president make things happen. I like him.

You realize the Vice President is a largely ceremonial role right? It wasn't until 2001 when President Bush took office that the Vice President was made more then that and since then it has gone back to a ceremonial role.

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/13/17 05:05 PM
LP wrote:

A President calming the nation is better then having a President that inflames a nation and that is what Barry has done. Violent crime is on the rise. I live in a town where we have stupid little crimes, nothing big really and nothing major. The only thing that happened major here was the IHOP shooting and that was an isolated incident and the only one since the days of the wild west. Then comes 2015 and I lose a friend who was a decorated US Marine and Sheriff's Deputy to an ambush. I am also not mentioning the two LVMPD Officers who were assassinated in a Las Vegas Wal-Mart!

Keep convincing yourself every things ok under Obama.............

its easy to have the 'perception' that an individual or an event inflames people, its very hard to prove a correlation = causation conclusion though

especially when numbers show a trend of ebbs and waves under the previous presidents as well,,

so, IM not just 'convincing' myself
the numbers are
they may help others with the truth vs perception problem too

84 1,273,282
85 1,327,767
86 1,489,169
87 1,483,999
88 1.566,221

,,left with a trend of increased violent crime EVERY YEAR but one of his last term,, is HE blamed for 'dividing' the nation?

89 1,646,037
90 1,820,127
91 1,911,767
92 1,932,274

..left with a trend of increased violent crimes EVERY year of his only term. is HE blamed for 'dividing' the nation?

93 1,926,017
94 1,857,670
95 1,798,792
96 1,688,540
97 1,636,096
98 1,533,887
99 1,426,044
2000 1,425,486

..left with a trend of DECREASED violent crimes EVERY YEAR of his term. Is he credited for 'bringing the nation together'?

01 1,439,480
02 1,423,677
03 1,381,259
2005 1,390,695
2006 1,417,745
2007 1,408,337
2008 1,382,012

..left with a trend of Decreased violent crime in all but TWO YEARS, is he blamed for 'dividing' the nation?

2009 1,318,398
2010 1,246,248
2011 1,203,564
2012 1,214,462
2013 1,163,146
2014 1,165,383
2015 1,197,704

left with a trend of Decreased violent crime in all but THREE years, why is he blamed for dividing the nation?

notbeold's photo
Fri 01/13/17 06:22 PM
Edited by notbeold on Fri 01/13/17 06:28 PM
Trumpy will still have to do as he is told, no matter his bluster and rhetoric. If he doesn't, someone will see to it that someone else does.

They (the 'prez's') all have to take small incremental steps in the direction they are told, and do whatever else they can get away with for 'popularity'.

I'm pretty sure Obama did less damage to everything than the Bush's, but not everything is disclosed to the public, so time will tell. It was interesting to watch his methods anyway. Could have been a lot worse.

PS another good indicator of good governance is the suicide rate, including self harm by vehicle and firearm.