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Topic: the smoking ban
missthrashpants's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:16 PM
is it driving anyone else as crazy as its driving me, especially now its started freezing over!!


Pwned's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:17 PM
yea it sucks as i smoke 3 packs a day and now i gotta smoke them outside in the damn cold when i go somewhere

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:19 PM
no, the only time i smoke is when i eat to many jalpenos, hee haw. hey do i have to do that outside too?

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:20 PM
Nope I quit awhile ago...
Well at least you can still smokin in here... :wink:

brian325's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:21 PM
So glad I quit, but hey... even as a non-smoker I think it's rediculous. (something tells me I spelled that wrong) laugh laugh laugh

southerntouch's photo
Sun 11/18/07 06:39 PM
Yes maam but thats what happens when u lose all ur rites.

Belushi's photo
Mon 11/19/07 05:04 AM
Im a publican, and there has been a 33% drop in sales due to the smoking ban.

Les1952's photo
Mon 11/19/07 03:12 PM
Hotel, guest house, inn, club bedrooms etc. are supposed to be exempt from the smoking ban as personal living space. However this government have allowed their managements to designate smoking bedrooms thus making their management law makers and not parliament.

chrish's photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:51 AM
We obviously can't be trusted to make our own decisions, but to be fair, when you look at society, its easy to see why they could think that.

No excuse for removing yet another right though.

undave's photo
Tue 11/20/07 11:47 AM
I'll admit to liking a cigarette with a pint of beer.

But... pubs smell so much nicer now, and the main thing is that bar staff have to work in smoky conditions, stinking hair come the morning, higher chance of lung cancer.

I know what you mean about "another right" but... I know I'd smoke in a pub if I could, every now and again, and it's just not fair on the people that work there.

Plus, the flat truth is (and I'm not saying this in a way to criticise people's choices in life) that smoking is stupid. It's NICE sure but... stupid. It does bad things to your body. (Does this mean I'll give up caffeine? No. Well, only maybe if it was found to drastically reduce life expectancy. And maybe not then.)

Sucks for smokers, true. And a symptom of a Nanny State. But all round, a good thing.

Next: ban cars driving down my cycle roads!

Belushi's photo
Wed 11/21/07 11:42 PM
The ban came in to "protect" the workforce.

But then other examples of protecting the work force are to prevent large breasted women from exposing too much cleavage.

I dont smoke, never have done, never will do, I dont like it, but I allow my regular customers (who I know)to smoke.

It does protect property and it does make life more comfortable for non-smokers, but it is all about choice.

We are getting our liberties taken from us, one step at a time.

Although I like the idea of banning all cars from inside the M25.

Just public transport, anything over 7.5ton and motorcycles.

chrish's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:39 AM
Do you ride a motorcycle?

Les1952's photo
Thu 11/22/07 10:02 AM
N.H.S. service users who are disabled are supposed to be protected by the Disability Discrimination Act from public services discriminating against them by making their services inaccesable to disabled people. When disabled smoke for stress relief they are denied access to many public services in public places including the N.H.S. Yet another example of a lack of joined up government.

OIUWRH's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:14 PM
gave up....munfs ago

i could get a rollie lit in the artic ocean right now

if i had some bits.....and was in the artic

I MISSSSSSSSSSSSSS SMIRKIN TABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

sharocraft's photo
Fri 11/23/07 12:05 PM
What do we expect now that we live in a nanny state instead of a democratic state, I hate what the UK has become, greedy and bossy. Just dont get me on that soap box, infact I have a whole line of them, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

no photo
Fri 11/23/07 12:26 PM
I don't smoke, so I actually dig the smoking ban. Sorry, smokers.

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:22 AM
i dont smoke but i do like the odd drink and didnt mind having a seperate area within the pub for smokers but i think if there were enough smokers to argue the case thatyou are now causing more people who pass you by onthe street to inhale smoke you may get back in the pubs . and get us none smokers out in the fresh air....they could put a bar outside for us non smokers. i think anything is possible now with the present goverment and the conservatives.. just fight for your rights or say you wont vote for them

Greyhound's photo
Sat 11/24/07 12:41 PM
Us smokers have no rights. It is getting damn cold to be smoking outsidesmokin smokin smokin smokin

robert1652's photo
Mon 12/03/07 08:36 PM
Please follow the logic here

Smoking may be your pleasure that is OK

If you wish to smother me in the by product of your pleasure that would be OK as long as you accept that my pleasure is drinking Beer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you happy to be smothered by the by product of my pleasure????

Enigma777's photo
Wed 12/05/07 12:49 PM
As a non smoker, i fully appreciate the smoking ban. But whilst i can understand the misery of those who do smoke, very few can present a valid argument about it. To show you what I mean, here's a list of common 'complaints' smokers make:

1. "Us smokers have no rights anymore!"
You have the right to smoke, nobody has taken that away from you. You have the right to smoke, in the same way that people have the right to breathe non-toxic air. As a compromise, the government is effectively saying "ok, people who want to smoke can do so, but not in areas where it would affect the health of others". Can you tell me that that is not fair? Didn't think so.

2. "There are more smokers than non smokers, so why can't non smokers be forced outside and not us!?"
Two problems with this argument - firstly, it's wrong. The UK Government conducted a poll a year before the ban, which showed that less than 50% of the population smoked. This was part of the reason why the ban was enforced in the first place. Secondly, nobody's forcing you outside. You just can't smoke in public areas where you'll be affecting the health of other people.

3. "Us smokers can't smoke anymore! We have nowhere to go!"
That's bull. You can smoke in your own home, outside, etc. The only valid point is if you're referring to shisha bars - i personally think that shisha bars should be an exception since the ban is killing their business, and the only people who go to them are those who want to smoke socially.

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