Topic: santa fe high, Texas shooting
no photo
Fri 05/18/18 04:06 PM
Well it’s horrific to me each and every time, no matter how often it happens.

It’s hard for me to weigh in on these things, because I read all the arguments and they ALL seem pretty legitimate to me. Yet, noone knows what to do about it without making life inconvenient for one half or the other. We need to find a way to get over that.

If there’s ONE thing we should be able to find a way to come together over, you’d think American gunmen shooting up American children would be pretty high on the list!

IMO, no one on ANY mind altering drug, or in genuine NEED of a mind altering drug/script should have any second hand access to any firearm. There are rules and proceedires and precautions for...every...stinking... thing in existence it seems, but this!

Greeneyes, we DO overdrug our kids, because as Msharmony said, we’re NOT (as a whole) teaching our kids to cope. We DON’T (as a whole) teach them to behave either, ‘cause there’s a drug for that. We DON’T even expect our kids to respect one another, let alone their elders or authority figures anymore, but excuse bad behavior with the excuse of whatever condition they’ve been labeled with. Because there’s a condition for everything now. There are no bad kids, just conditions.

Don’t even get me started on social media for children. I’m bursting with opinions on this, but will only say one thing...Isn’t it hard enough on a kid to learn their way into maturity, without the weight of the world watching their every misstep?

I’ve shared my opinion, which I never ever do on this or like sites. I am by no means an expert in any aspect of firearms, national security, child psychology or psychiatric medicine. My opinions are based solely on what I witness around me, and that’s how it makes me feel.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 05/18/18 04:11 PM

Well it’s horrific to me each and every time, no matter how often it happens.

It’s hard for me to weigh in on these things, because I read all the arguments and they ALL seem pretty legitimate to me. Yet, noone knows what to do about it without making life inconvenient for one half or the other. We need to find a way to get over that.

If there’s ONE thing we should be able to find a way to come together over, you’d think American gunmen shooting up American children would be pretty high on the list!

IMO, no one on ANY mind altering drug, or in genuine NEED of a mind altering drug/script should have any second hand access to any firearm. There are rules and proceedires and precautions for...every...stinking... thing in existence it seems, but this!

Greeneyes, we DO overdrug our kids, because as Msharmony said, we’re NOT (as a whole) teaching our kids to cope. We DON’T (as a whole) teach them to behave either, ‘cause there’s a drug for that. We DON’T even expect our kids to respect one another, let alone their elders or authority figures anymore, but excuse bad behavior with the excuse of whatever condition they’ve been labeled with. Because there’s a condition for everything now. There are no bad kids, just conditions.

Don’t even get me started on social media for children. I’m bursting with opinions on this, but will only say one thing...Isn’t it hard enough on a kid to learn their way into maturity, without the weight of the world watching their every misstep?

I’ve shared my opinion, which I never ever do on this or like sites. I am by no means an expert in any aspect of firearms, national security, child psychology or psychiatric medicine. My opinions are based solely on what I witness around me, and that’s how it makes me feel.

>>>Nodding in agreement!<<<

no photo
Fri 05/18/18 04:11 PM
Edited by undrboss on Fri 05/18/18 04:13 PM

you are dead on, along with Greeneyes posts you two nailed it.

1) we don't teach our kids to cope

2) teachers today are not equipped to deal with new generation of kids on drugs

3) a lot of kids are over medicated, poor diet etc.

and to add in lack of disciple and respect.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 05/18/18 04:17 PM

and if the dad was irresponsible and did not have locked up properly he should be charged with negligence , its his responsibility as a law abiding gun owner.

If his son has a history of mental instability well then the father has a lot to answer for.

but until all the facts comes in , right now we are just speculating.

True! I heard it reported on radio early this morning before I went on my walk with a friend.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 05/18/18 04:33 PM
Solution: Active Parenting

Problem is, its not just the kids.
The parents are often more messed up than the kids.
Its a generational cycle like bigotry.
I feel the solution lies with breaking that cycle but how could that even be done?

One possible way would be to use the media overload as a tool.
Problem is, that doesn't make as much money as selling misery and discontentment.

When I was growing up Saturday morning cartoons were violent and full of bigotry. It was our parents and guardians that gave us the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Nowadays, the cartoons, tv shows and movies attempt to take the guidance out of the hands of the parents and look what we have?

When I was growing up, people lived within their means.
Credit was something you got in an emergency or to make a large purchase.
People managed their households on single incomes. Parenting was active and a family affair.
Nowadays, it takes both parents working to maintain their life of credit.
The credit card has changed our value system from family to the all mighty buck. People spend more than they have, so naturally, to stay above it all, they both have to work.
When the parents are dealing with work and money issues they are not thinking about what's really best for the child's development.
The 'depend' on other things to be the parent.
Whether that is the TV, school or the neighborhood.

Then, all these neglected children grow up to have children of their own which are raised on quick fix value systems. The only value systems those parents know.
Its a cycle and to fix the problem the first step needs to be to break the destructive cycle.

Another step is to get parents to own up to what their doing.
You try to tell someone they are messing up their kid and you will get anger and denial, even if you are accurate.
"Those are MY KIDS, Don't you dare try to tell me how to raise my own children"

One aspect feeds the other and so on.
To start fixing the problem, break the cycle.

no photo
Fri 05/18/18 05:07 PM
You’re right about parents (as a whole) Tom. How do you make them see the problem, when a bonified Doctor is telling them the problem is a medical condition?

It would be ideal to have a full time parent. I have never heard a kid grow up to blame their woes on a parent who was always there to support and guide them. This is a different world than the one we were raised in. (I’m making an age assumption based on your position on credit alone) laugh

The only thing I’ll say about the credit issue is that, I personally feel, the entitlement mentality is as much to blame for requiring two working parents to keep a houshold solvent as insufficient working wages are. It makes me sad to hear about where working wages NEED to be from people who don’t have a clue what NEED is. They think it’s a big screen in every room, a cell in every hand and 2,347 channels they’ll never watch on a salary that is not remotely in sync with their lifestyle.

IMO, they don’t even realize they’re putting comfort and convince ahead of their own children. And in turn raising them to believe that’s what’s right. That these are the things they’re entitled to too, and credit is the answer. How do you fix that?

I did it again! I’ll just be slinking back to the game room now.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 05/18/18 05:12 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 05/18/18 05:17 PM
Bulling and pier pressure has a lot to do with the mental state of teens these days and actually. Gotten worse the last two decades.
Starting early as elementary school. All schools should have low tolerance for this even to the extent of expelling may help also mandatory counseling for students to return to any school.

Police security should be in every school at least two in every school no matter if small school. More security for larger schools.
Only personly trained police who carry guns

Parents that have fears of shooting tragedy can only Home school or send children to s private school, or Christian. School. Huge percentage can not afford private. Schools.

Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns. Imo

BlakeIAM's photo
Fri 05/18/18 05:56 PM
Edited by BlakeIAM on Fri 05/18/18 05:58 PM
These our my thoughts concerning this recent horrific shootings.

Guns are NOT the problem.
The heart of man is.

The heart is desperately and deceitfully wicked above all things , who can know it...

We all need a spiritual heart transplant.
One of God, not this world.

Todays society is constructed in such a manner that we become enablers to this horrific behavior.

Destruction (of the family unit)

No father or father figure, no mother or mother figure.
Or, two fathers or two mothers.

A lot of todays youth are not getting the proper nurturing from the proper people .
Mainly the parents.

You do not isolate your children, but you (we) should insulate our children with wisdom, correction, instruction, and more importantly LOVE.

Children (young youths) want discipline and instruction, but more importantly they want to be heard and loved.

Who is really "raising" our children today?
Who is influencing our children today?

What "legal" drugs are our children taking daily ?
I personally am more concerned about that than the illegal ones.

Is the internet raising our children?
Drugs? Uppers , downers, all arounders?

Is the "legal" pharmaceutical billion dollar industry raising our children?

Who is the father to the fatherless?
Who is the mother to the motherless?

Our children are being destroyed through neglect (in general, not specifically).

We need to focus on the real root of the problem(s) not the outcome thereof.

More proactive , less reactive.

Some will go to extreme measures to be "heard".

Add some drugs (illegal and LEGAL) , dark music, dark influences, depression and dark delusions and a lack of love and accountability and you have a recipe for death and destruction.

When one doesn't have hope, death seems quite appealing .

The fact is , there is always hope.

Just some of my thoughts as to what helps create these horrific situations.

Rock's photo
Fri 05/18/18 06:09 PM
If there's to be an upside in this,
it's to be that at least, campus police
did their jobs and actually took down
the shooter, BEFORE he could rack up
a higher body count.

xox_LJ_xox's photo
Fri 05/18/18 06:20 PM
Very sad, and extremely scary having a young child who will be in high school in a few years. :cry:

no photo
Fri 05/18/18 06:38 PM

Solution: Active Parenting

Problem is, its not just the kids.
The parents are often more messed up than the kids.
Its a generational cycle like bigotry.
I feel the solution lies with breaking that cycle but how could that even be done?

One possible way would be to use the media overload as a tool.
Problem is, that doesn't make as much money as selling misery and discontentment.

When I was growing up Saturday morning cartoons were violent and full of bigotry. It was our parents and guardians that gave us the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Nowadays, the cartoons, tv shows and movies attempt to take the guidance out of the hands of the parents and look what we have?

When I was growing up, people lived within their means.
Credit was something you got in an emergency or to make a large purchase.
People managed their households on single incomes. Parenting was active and a family affair.
Nowadays, it takes both parents working to maintain their life of credit.
The credit card has changed our value system from family to the all mighty buck. People spend more than they have, so naturally, to stay above it all, they both have to work.
When the parents are dealing with work and money issues they are not thinking about what's really best for the child's development.
The 'depend' on other things to be the parent.
Whether that is the TV, school or the neighborhood.

Then, all these neglected children grow up to have children of their own which are raised on quick fix value systems. The only value systems those parents know.
Its a cycle and to fix the problem the first step needs to be to break the destructive cycle.

Another step is to get parents to own up to what their doing.
You try to tell someone they are messing up their kid and you will get anger and denial, even if you are accurate.
"Those are MY KIDS, Don't you dare try to tell me how to raise my own children"

One aspect feeds the other and so on.
To start fixing the problem, break the cycle.

that is pretty dead on balls accurate Tom , I wonder what the father of the loser shooter will say?

NeonMidnight's photo
Fri 05/18/18 06:59 PM
dear liberals quit attacking law-abiding citizen gun owners and start addressing the mental health problems in this country

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/18/18 07:34 PM
I have found that rarely has anyone suggested taking guns away from law abiding citizens in most conversations that others suggest they have.

Maybe it would help start a path to progress if we stop lumping every suggestion for gun regulation together as an attack on any law abiding citizens, and start working together with concerned citizens( of all political backgrounds) to address as many of the issues as we can that fuel this problem:

including mental health and regulations on guns based on mental health,

and community responsibility

and educational responsibility

and media responsibility for the values or standards, or lack thereof. which we constantly inundate our kids with through our own examples ...

no photo
Fri 05/18/18 07:46 PM

dear liberals quit attacking law-abiding citizen gun owners and start addressing the mental health problems in this country

This is a problem kids miss behave it's a mental health problem :confused: it's a make that child mind quit trying to get money for mental illness sheesh. Teach your children something be a parent do your job! I remember growing up we all carried guns in our trucks we didn't go around shooting everything up. Now days everyone is *** hurt over something or another it's ridiculous. If you say that anyone with a mental illness can't have a gun does this mean gays and transgender? Wouldn't that be considered a mental illness? To try to make yourself something other then what you are? Ridiculous! Children are no longer made to responsible for actions without someone screaming some sort of nonsense.

NeonMidnight's photo
Fri 05/18/18 07:54 PM
Edited by NeonMidnight on Fri 05/18/18 08:22 PM
Breaking News Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches emotionally bullied suspected shooter

Dustin Severin, an 11th-grade student at Santa Fe High School, told the news that the suspected shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtiz, was constantly teased and bullied at school by other students and coaches.

no photo
Fri 05/18/18 09:24 PM

Well it’s horrific to me each and every time, no matter how often it happens.

It’s hard for me to weigh in on these things, because I read all the arguments and they ALL seem pretty legitimate to me. Yet, noone knows what to do about it without making life inconvenient for one half or the other. We need to find a way to get over that.

If there’s ONE thing we should be able to find a way to come together over, you’d think American gunmen shooting up American children would be pretty high on the list!

IMO, no one on ANY mind altering drug, or in genuine NEED of a mind altering drug/script should have any second hand access to any firearm. There are rules and proceedires and precautions for...every...stinking... thing in existence it seems, but this!

Greeneyes, we DO overdrug our kids, because as Msharmony said, we’re NOT (as a whole) teaching our kids to cope. We DON’T (as a whole) teach them to behave either, ‘cause there’s a drug for that. We DON’T even expect our kids to respect one another, let alone their elders or authority figures anymore, but excuse bad behavior with the excuse of whatever condition they’ve been labeled with. Because there’s a condition for everything now. There are no bad kids, just conditions.

Don’t even get me started on social media for children. I’m bursting with opinions on this, but will only say one thing...Isn’t it hard enough on a kid to learn their way into maturity, without the weight of the world watching their every misstep?

I’ve shared my opinion, which I never ever do on this or like sites. I am by no means an expert in any aspect of firearms, national security, child psychology or psychiatric medicine. My opinions are based solely on what I witness around me, and that’s how it makes me feel.

Ref coping and over druging, it's always bewildering to me how you see on tv and the movies how people have a shrink (councillor )for every little thing, and I'm not talking about those who need help,just day to day life people. wtf, teach kids how to cope and man up!

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 05/18/18 10:04 PM

Breaking News Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches emotionally bullied suspected shooter

Dustin Severin, an 11th-grade student at Santa Fe High School, told the news that the suspected shooter, 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtiz, was constantly teased and bullied at school by other students and coaches.

And there ya go; quiet kid, teased, bullied, and outcast, and no one, not one of his peers, not a teacher, no one thought to ask him how he feels or if he needed some help, no one. It's not a gun issue, it's not a mental health issue, it's a community issue.

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/18/18 10:47 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 05/18/18 10:48 PM
Every problem man kind has can be traced to a mental element. but there is the real power of influence and accessiblity that can either add gas to the mental fires that are already existing or can extinguish them.

I also think dropping the ball with parenting and neighborly responsibility and compassion and rebelling against any 'norm' or social structure/rule/expectations has been another type of accelerating mixing with lost souls and desperate minds to reak havoc on so many.

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 05/18/18 11:20 PM
I must be old because when I was in school there was great satisfaction hammering someone who caused you problems with your bare knuckles.

today, it's the old philosophy, don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

we need to shut television down and these retarded reality shows that make idiots with guns look cool.

guns are for protection. that means it is for defense only. but these television shows have created gun toting for offensive purposes.

I say, let's storm Hollywood and correct them beotches. they think gun violence is good for the bank accounts? someone needs to put a scare in their britches!!

no photo
Fri 05/18/18 11:23 PM
I think the family responsibility has definitely either vanished or been taken away from people. partly because of do gooders against parents being able to punish children for mistakes to the generation of of children being raised by previous drug generations.
Also peer pressure, wealthy to poor. children can be very cruel.
The internet has isolated some, how many friends they have on Facebook is more important than physical friends!
Parents making children feel inadequate instead of praising them for what they are actually good at. If your not in the crowd then your nothing.
We see this in the adult world, if you're left or right, it's your choice and what you believe in. Every day we see adult hate because of others belief's.
Children see this and it's a bad model for them. using the mental health card is fake! Parents have children not the state so stand up to your responsibility!