Topic: Shutdown continues
Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 01/26/19 06:21 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 01/26/19 06:22 PM

Trump is the best choice for POTUS, when the other choice was Hillary.
Crooked. and nothing but trouble.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/27/19 01:16 AM

People should agree the Border wall needs to be built. Many Countries secure their boarders. Wake up Leftist. money is wasted many ways in government, this is Not a waste.

Your enemy is not Trump !

We had better build walls around the airports then, because most "illegals" are coming in through them, not across the border with Mexico.

Or do we need a wall to stop drugs? Watch any of the Customs and Border Patrol shows on TV (there is one on Netflix right now), and you can see that the main source of drugs coming in is through the ports.

A WALL DOES NOTHING to make us more safe, or better protected.

You say "Many Countries secure their boarders"? Are these the folks at boarding houses? What did the boarders do? Or do you mean snow boarders? Surf boarders?

Oh and any LIAR is my enemy, and Trump is the biggest liar I have ever seen. This whole shutdown is a staged event to whoop up the 30% of the morons in this country who still think this guy is some kind of intelligent mastermind. Trump plays the victim, and all you hoodwinked supporters eat it with a spoon. Trump CAVED so that he can have his SOTU, so he can have his bully pulpit. He needs the government open again just long enough to get the tax forms out.

Leave the government closed, it has not effected me in the least! And funny, all the folks who seem to support "less government" are the ones who are screaming the loudest that the government is closed.

It is all a circus folks. And when you elect a CLOWN, you gotta expect a circus

Can I use that last line, cause it is SPOT ON how I feel... smh.

elect a CLOWN and get a circus. :thumbsup:
elect a witch, get a *****!!!

since she was in elected office in New York for eight years, I'd say that did not end up being relevant to Hilary Clinton.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/27/19 01:17 AM


Trump is the best choice for POTUS, when the other choice was Hillary.
Crooked. and nothing but trouble.

except eight years of elected office and four years in appointed office, when she WASNT.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 01/27/19 07:19 AM


Trump is the best choice for POTUS, when the other choice was Hillary.
Crooked. and nothing but trouble.

except eight years of elected office and four years in appointed office, when she WASNT.
That is true for a number of politicians even those who have spent a few years behind bars!

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/27/19 01:04 PM


Trump is the best choice for POTUS, when the other choice was Hillary.
Crooked. and nothing but trouble.

except eight years of elected office and four years in appointed office, when she WASNT.
That is true for a number of politicians even those who have spent a few years behind bars!

which she hasnt and doesnt look like she will be, which still stands that there is no evidence of her being 'crooked and nothing but trouble'

oldkid46's photo
Sun 01/27/19 01:41 PM


Trump is the best choice for POTUS, when the other choice was Hillary.
Crooked. and nothing but trouble.

except eight years of elected office and four years in appointed office, when she WASNT.
That is true for a number of politicians even those who have spent a few years behind bars!

which she hasnt and doesnt look like she will be, which still stands that there is no evidence of her being 'crooked and nothing but trouble'
She has been involved in a couple of questionable activities in the last 10-15 years but nothing possibly criminal since the S&L crises and their property holdings in Arkansas. I don't know if she also tried to cover up Bill's little episode with Monica. None of that matters now as she won't be running for or appointed to any government posts in the future.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 01/27/19 03:15 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sun 01/27/19 03:16 PM
I 'm thankful she won't run again for President! laugh Maybe the Left can find a more honest Woman next time.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/27/19 03:45 PM
Yeah, one so 'honest' that they dont have a federal lawsuit for discrimination, or work with mobsters, or cozy up with dictators, or cheat on their spouse, or lie to our allies, or thousands of lawsuits against them, or ....

oh,, wait ....that wasnt Democrats nominee ...

petenh's photo
Sun 01/27/19 04:41 PM


Trump is the best choice for POTUS, when the other choice was Hillary.
Crooked. and nothing but trouble.

One can argue that "Crooked and nothing but trouble" applies more to the current resident of the White House.

Have not seen Hillary investigated for anything. Cheato talks a good game in front of his dullard fans, but has found nothing to go after her on.... sort of like how he was going to "reverse all of Obama's unconstitutional executive orders" in his first 100 days, he can call them whatever he wants (and his ignorant fans suck it all up), but there is no substance to all the BS.

petenh's photo
Sun 01/27/19 05:10 PM
I also get a kick out of how the conversation turned back to Hillary, when I asked about how a wall is going to make us more safe, when the drugs are coming in through the ports, and the illegals are coming in through the airports, not the Mexican border.

Let's see: what do the 9/11 bombers, Adam Lanza, Tim McVeigh, Steven Paddock, Richard Reid the shoebomber, the Orlando nightclub shooter, all of these other shooters, what do all these folks have in common? Not ONE of them has been anywhere near the Mexican border!!

Yet the argument is: "well the government wastes its money on all sorts of things, why not a wall?" I thought this guy was the guy who was going to "drain the swamp, clean up DC, and get all sorts of great stuff done?" He has done NOTHING. He picked a fight with N Korea to try to get a Peace Prize, but now we see that N Korea has been unphased by all the "progress" Donnie lied about in May. The middle-class tax cut (which, when ANY politician says it, is a LIE anyway) which he was promising right before the mid-terms has disappeared again. "Paying down the debt" is actually "running UP the debt faster than his predecessors". His amounts of time off (running up government spending for his protection details at his OWN resorts)has made W's amounts of time outs burning brush at his ranch seem paltry. And his associates are lawyering up quicker and more than the previous record keeper, the Reagan Cabinet.

We do NOT need a wall. The posturing on the wall by the Cheato is just playing to his ignorant base.

If he had kept his PROMISES about his 100 days' ambition, he would have had a better chance then, when he had both the House and Senate. Of those 30+ promises he made for his first 100 days, What has he accomplished, like 1 of them?

By the way, I think it is plain ignorant to claim Hillary would have been worse than this guy has already shown himself to be.

petenh's photo
Sun 01/27/19 05:14 PM

I 'm thankful she won't run again for President! laugh Maybe the Left can find a more honest Woman next time.

Hey, if the Right would find someone who is not a demagogue, a retard, or a pathological liar and egotistical BABY, I might vote for the candidate on the Right next time.

So there you go.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 01/27/19 05:39 PM
Edited by oldkid46 on Sun 01/27/19 05:41 PM

I 'm thankful she won't run again for President! laugh Maybe the Left can find a more honest Woman next time.

Hey, if the Right would find someone who is not a demagogue, a retard, or a pathological liar and egotistical BABY, I might vote for the candidate on the Right next time.

So there you go.
and I might vote for a candidate of the left if they wern't a socialist tree huger!!! You had your thief-in-chief for 8 years, give it a break!!

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/27/19 05:44 PM
thief? what did Obama steal?

oldkid46's photo
Sun 01/27/19 06:08 PM

thief? what did Obama steal?

From the taxpayers!! It is called income redistribution!!! Some of you might call him Robin Hood; others would call him a thief!

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/27/19 06:31 PM

thief? what did Obama steal?

From the taxpayers!! It is called income redistribution!!! Some of you might call him Robin Hood; others would call him a thief!

Can you elaborate please? Taxes are not dictated by the POTUS, neither is income. So exactly how did Obama 'steal' anyone's income?

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Sun 01/27/19 06:59 PM

thief? what did Obama steal?

From the taxpayers!! It is called income redistribution!!! Some of you might call him Robin Hood; others would call him a thief!

Can you elaborate please? Taxes are not dictated by the POTUS, neither is income. So exactly how did Obama 'steal' anyone's income?

Yes, I'd like to see actual figures and facts on *that* myself..

Not ranting or insults.

oldkid46's photo
Sun 01/27/19 08:41 PM

There you go ladies! Add to that the Medicaid expansion costs I get to pay for every year.

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 01/27/19 09:34 PM

I was taught in school, and by both of my parents and grandparents, to put away at least six months wages, (a year, even better) to cover your butt just in case of layoffs, injury, sickness, or anything that disrupts your paycheck. To displaced workers- Did you? If not, well hey, it sucks to be you. Lots of jobs out there, better go get one. I don't feel the least bit sorry for you because you were so short sighted. Besides, most creditors of government workers are cutting them some slack because of their situation.

this is from an earlier post by red rider and I totally agree. I am retired. I worked a lot of jobs for 47 years, but none offered a pension. My parents also taught me to pay myself first. Too many people depend on handouts from the government. Do you think you'll still be getting ADC checks, social security, medicaid, food stamps, etc. when thousands of illegals pour over the border and states decide to pay THEIR way instead of helping our citizens.?? If you believe you are still going to be OK you are sadly mistaken. And HARD if you are reading this, YEP, I still prefer to get my news from Aljazeera and The Guardian and FOX instead of the fake news.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/28/19 01:23 AM

There you go ladies! Add to that the Medicaid expansion costs I get to pay for every year.

oh, so we are counting taxes as 'theft' of a POTUS ... okay ... laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:11 AM

There you go ladies! Add to that the Medicaid expansion costs I get to pay for every year.

Thief-in-Chief was a "too polite" name to call him. I called him a dirty SOB when he came up with the medical device tax. It ruined a business, and put several hundred people out of work in my area when that went into effect.

I need none right now. (thank god!) To tax those items, is just flat cruel.

Capital gains is another one. You dems have it in your heads that it's a rich peoples tax. Think you'll never pay it? Think again. Just suppose you bought a house. It was in poor shape when you got it. You put money into it, fixed it up, made it a nice house to live in. Go sell it, you owe capital gains. Your penalty for being a hard working, industrious person.

The government actually stood in your way, when you took that job on. Permits. Wanna improve your property? Pay us. Roof leaks? Pay us. Plumbing bad? Pay us. Furnace no good? Pay us. Reside it? Pay us, and continue to do so every year in increased property taxes. Because you increased the value of your house for doing so. In some cities, you actually have to have a permit to paint your house.