Topic: Wrestlers who deserved a World title run
Goofball73's photo
Fri 12/14/07 07:59 AM
There are many of them current and in the past who either did not, or have yet to receive a title push for the World title. And since we have some wrestling fans here, figured I would ask this question.

What wrestlers do you feel deserve or deserved a title run?

1. Ravishing Rick Rude- why he never got a World title run in the WWF or NWA is beyond me. This guy had it all. Looks, charisma, and he wasn't bad in the ring either. Was always a favorite heel of mine.

2. Tully Blanchard- I consider him to be one of the best to have ever stepped into the ring, and it is only cause he was a Horseman that he never got his due. His feud with Dusty Rhodes is legendary, as was his feud with Magnum TA.

3. Matt Hardy- Push this guy...please! His Version 2.0 gimmick was working, and he had all the makings of getting a major push. And was just squashed. The guy is talented and he can carry the ball. I firmly believe he can.

4. Scott Hall (Razor Ramon)- If his personal demons were not there, this guy would have been a Heavyweight Champion. I firmly believe that.

Okay, now you guys' turn.

JohnnyAngel77's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:03 AM
ill agree with all those but matt hardy. i just loved the hardys. they were my 2nd all time favorites behind the hart foundation. i only see him as tag team material.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:05 AM
Finley!!!! He hasn't had any that I can remember. He's a long time vet in the business and has always been a hard working, loyal employee. I remember back in WCW, and he basicaly would come out like George 2 Ton would (b4 his managing career) just to prop up his oppenets. I'm glad to see now in the WWE that he's getting a bigger push, but I'd still love to see him snatch that world title;^]

MrRight2008's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:10 AM
Kane needs another one, so does Flair before he retires, Jeff Hardy needs a push, Finlay (Always has been one of my favs.), they need to give Samoa Joe the TNA World Title....Tommy Dreamer needs another ECW Title run, and where the hell has Jeff Jarrett been in TNA? Someone needs to come shut Kurt Angle's mouth lol the TNA Title has been the only championship from a major organization that Kevin Nash has never held....damn, ive run out of ppl lol i thought i had a whole list. good article tho, ill post up more if i can think of em...

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:11 AM
@Mrright, last I heard Jarret was still having family issues, not sure of the details;^]

JohnnyAngel77's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:15 AM
not to change the subject, but did anybody see brock lesnar's MMA debut? he was punching a guy so hard, the guy tapped out.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:22 AM

not to change the subject, but did anybody see brock lesnar's MMA debut? he was punching a guy so hard, the guy tapped out.

That was awesome, Brock would be perfect for my RWI idea;^]

JohnnyAngel77's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:22 AM

Turtlepoet78's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:25 AM
hehe, that's about as much as I'm gonna say about it right now, still waiting on the copyrights so I can try & sell it;^]

JohnnyAngel77's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:26 AM
ah, gotcha.

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:21 PM
HBK,Ray mysterio,HHH,Bobby L.,Tommy Dreamer,Rick Flair(WOOOOOOO)

no photo
Sun 12/16/07 04:22 AM
Remember the "territorial" days of Wrestling? Everybody had their own little wrestling promotion, which was visited on occassion by the NWA (National Wrestling Alliance)champion, who'd defend the title against one of the top local stars.

In choosing a wrestler to represent the NWA as champ, the board would look for these qualifications:

1.Adaptability. Could he wrestle any style and make the local guy look like a million bucks?

2.Out-of-ring toughness. Can our choice handle himself in case the local challenger tries a "double-cross" on the ring?

3.Reliability. He's gonna show up where he's scheduled, isn't he? He's not gonna do something stupid and get arrested, is he?

Did you know that in the heyday of the NWA(50s-80s), that the man chosen to hold the title had to put up a $25,000 "appearance bond", which he would forfeit if he didn't show up for matches or refuse to drop the title when he was supposed to?

All that being said, here's some guys who SHOULD have had NWA title runs:

1.Johnny Valentine. Father of Greg, he was a legit tough guy who was a super draw.

2.Ted DiBiase. In the early 80s, he was a prototype for what the NWA looked for in a champ.

3.Pat Patterson. Don't laugh. In his day, Patterson--much like frequent tag partner Ray Stevens--was an excellent worker who could handle himself if a local decided to get funny(no pun intended)in the ring.

4.Jerry "the King" Lawler. This was actually planned in the mid 80s as a Kerry Von Erich-like short switch. Don't know why it was nixed, rumors abound that this was when Crockett started flexing his then-muscle.

5.Bruiser Brody. Proven draw. HUGELY popular. The reliability issue worked against him, however.


As far as the current scene goes, I'd have to not only agree with Goofball's choices--Rude, Blanchard, Matt Hardy, and Hall--I'd also like to add a few names to his list:

1.Jake "the Snake" Roberts. Obvious choice, he was hugely popular, butI guess wasn't considered for the same reasons Hall wasn't.

2.Ted DiBiase. Only guy on both my lists. And sorry, folks, I don't count his "purchase" of the WWF title from Andre the Giant as a title run.

3.Magnum T.A. I'd like to think that if his career hadn't ended at age 27 due to a horrible auto accident, he'd had been given a run with the title.

4.Richard "D**k" Slater. Closest comparison to him would be Terry Funk, ring-wise.

kkKen's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:43 AM
How about A-A-Arn Anderson,can't remember him having one