Community > Posts By > mnhiker

mnhiker's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:07 PM
Apples and oranges.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Just more twisted logic from a rightie.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 09/10/08 07:50 PM
I'm sorry.

Just having a kid with Down's Syndrome and being the mayor of a small Alaska town doesn't qualify anyone to be Vice President.

I'm interested in her foreign policy experience.

Joe Biden has lots of it.

I don't want her a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

If (God forbid) something were to happen to John McCain, should he be elected as President (God forbid), I wouldn't want this woman to be President.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 08/27/08 08:48 PM

How do you like Jack Wheeler NOW, Lindyy?


sorry hiker, you did not fool me with that one......rofl rofl rofl


P.S. I do not hear you denying any of it about obamarofl rofl

Why should I deny something that any sane and rational person would know is wrong.

What a bunch of racist crap!

Anyone who would use language like "Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ, offering absolution from the Sin of Being White." is a racist themselves!

OH, hiker!! But you thought his remarks about Senator McCain were just finerofl rofl rofl

:banana: :banana: GOT YOU HIKER.....

I just though it was interesting that you are so enamored with someone who lambasts both candidates, yet you pick and choose which words of his you want to hear and ignore the rest!

Typical hypocrisy of a Conservative.

la, la, la, la, la (Lindyy with her fingers in her ears).

mnhiker's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:52 PM

How do you like Jack Wheeler NOW, Lindyy?


sorry hiker, you did not fool me with that one......rofl rofl rofl


P.S. I do not hear you denying any of it about obamarofl rofl

Why should I deny something that any sane and rational person would know is wrong.

What a bunch of racist crap!

Anyone who would use language like "Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ, offering absolution from the Sin of Being White." is a racist themselves!

mnhiker's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:40 PM

AND the empty suit choses a VP who has made such racist remarks i.e. having to be Indian to be able to get into a 7/11....................

OH, what a 'dream team'laugh laugh laugh laugh



Here's some information about John McCain you should know about:


McCain loved to tell jokes about lesbians, blacks, Hispanics and the Vietnamese community that occupied a large section of Arlington County, Virginia, just south of the District of Columbia.


"has no real identity. He is half-white, which he
rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he
hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic
surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.

What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is
'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved
Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.

Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of
slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah.

It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how some complete neophyte came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from her. Obamamania is beyond politics and reason. It is a true religious cult, whose adherents reject Christianity yet still believe in Original Sin, transferring it from the evil of being human to the evil of being white.

Thus Obama has become the white liberals' Christ,
offering absolution from the Sin of Being White. There is no reason or logic behind it, no faults or flaws of his can diminish it, no arguments Hillary could make of any kind can be effective against it. The absurdity of Hypocrisy Clothed In Human Flesh being their Savior is all the more cause for liberals to worship him: Credo quia absurdum, I believe it because it is absurd.

Thank heavens that the voting majority of Americans remain Christian and are in no desperate need of a phony savior.

His candidacy is ridiculous and should not be taken seriously by any thinking American.
Pass this on to every thinking American you know!"



Jack Wheeler also described John McCain as 'clinically nuts' and suggested that the former POW had collaborated with his Communist captors during the Vietnam War in exchange for "an apartment in Hanoi and the services of two prostitutes."

How do you like Jack Wheeler NOW, Lindyy?

mnhiker's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:15 PM

AND the empty suit choses a VP who has made such racist remarks i.e. having to be Indian to be able to get into a 7/11....................

OH, what a 'dream team'laugh laugh laugh laugh



Here's some information about John McCain you should know about:


McCain loved to tell jokes about lesbians, blacks, Hispanics and the Vietnamese community that occupied a large section of Arlington County, Virginia, just south of the District of Columbia.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:05 PM

Um, I think she's with Brad Pitt. Hell, he's better looking than Coulter.

You just go Dream about Brad, I will stick with Ann

Ann Coulter has an Adam's Apple, which technically makes her a MAN!!!

mnhiker's photo
Wed 08/27/08 07:00 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 08/27/08 07:00 PM


I worked at a very liberal law firm once....they tried to get me to change to damocrat and vote for whom they were supporting.....typical left wing liberals......SURE BACKED DOWN WHEN I STARTED PULLING SOME OF MY OWN CLOUT AND THREATENED REPORTING THEM TO THE BAR ASSOCIATIONrofl rofl rofl rofl


Sounds a lot like what former Attorney General Roberto Gonzales and those who worked under him did!

That (and other reasons) is why he is no longer Attorney General!

Bush can sure pick 'em, huh?


Six attorneys rejected from civil service positions at the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Monica Goodling, and other top officials for allegedly violating their rights by taking politics into consideration in the hiring process.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 08/27/08 06:52 PM
If Obama wins the Presidency, it really WILL be the end of the world as Republicans know it!

End of the backroom deals for greedy corporations orchestrated by Halliburton-stock-owning D I C K Cheney!

End of a 100 year occupation in Iraq!

End to religious wacko fundamentalists, neocons and right-wing pundits controlling the political discourse in this country!

End to secret prisons, ignoring the rule of law, cronyism and massive outsourcing of jobs to other countries!

End to the massive failures of the Bush Administration and the dawn of a new era of hope for the American People!

mnhiker's photo
Tue 08/26/08 10:04 PM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....



His wife forgave him, for what it's worth.

What was most disingenuous to me was that he was running as a Presidential candidate knowing this.

His wife knew it too.

Very disappointed in Edwards.

I guess this sad episode should be a lesson for both Republican and Democratic politicians running for office.

The skeletons in their closets will eventually be discovered.

Goodness, this is the most "neutral" I have seen you....rather refreshing.....and a little scarey.....hmmmmm....hiker, what are you up to?


Because, as an Independent, I can see flaws and hypocrisy in certain politicians, it doesn't matter which party they subscribe to.

As far as the Presidential race goes, it often comes down to the lesser evil, and you have to make a decision, even if you don't agree with everything that politician stands for.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:41 AM

Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.

Communism is for suck ass losers who have no balls and have an insatiable desire for someone to replace their mommy.

And communisim amazingly is working far better then the "democracy" we have, think if Russia and China were to join hands...what fun that would be for the "democrats". Face it, every political face has some sort of rotten background. Democrats have money issues at times and republicans...well they have slightly larger money issues...most of the time...last 8 years as a matter of fact...

No...communism never worked for the people. It ALWAYS leads to tryanny & more death to people than anything compared. It's called ACCOUNTBILITY...CHECKS & BALANCES...which goes right out the window.

How much tyranny and death has occurred under the Bush Administration?

Um, let's see:

Thousands of Iraqi women and children killed or horribly maimed in the initial attack on Baghdad and other attacks.

Who cares about them, right?

Secret prisons with torture held in other countries so the United States can keep it's hands clean.

Remember Pontius Pilate?

Thousands of U.S. troops dead in a horribly mismanaged war.

How's your kid?

Many lies and deceptions by the Executive Branch.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a President who told the truth?

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:32 AM

I apologize in advance for the large cut and paste but this was just too good to pass up. When Kerry ran for president right wing pundits made extensive comments about his marriage to a wealthy woman. McCain also divorced a first wife to marry a wealthy woman, with whom he committed adultery by the way, and his lived a life of luxury. Where are the right wing pundits now?

I included the statements in this post for easy reference.

The right and men who live off their second wives' inherited wealth

What's most notable about John McCain's confusion over the number of homes he owns isn't merely that it demonstrates that, after running his campaign based on depicting Barack Obama as an out-of-touch elitist and himself as the all-American Everyman, McCain lives a life that is about as far removed from the Average American as one can get, and has done so for decades. What's notable is how McCain was able to live that way. McCain himself isn't actually rich. He just lives off the inherited wealth of his much younger former mistress and now-second-wife -- for whom he dumped his older and disfigured first wife -- and who then used her family's money to fund McCain's political career and keep him living in extreme luxury (after insisting that he sign a prenuptial agreement, which would make McCain the first U.S. President to have one).

In 2004, numerous leading right-wing pundits had many things to say about men who do that:

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily, "President Gigolo?":

But if there is one characteristic of Kerry's life that should disqualify him absolutely as a candidate for president, it is the fact that he has sought out millionaire wives to take care of him. Not to put too fine a point on it, he's a serial gigolo.

Let me ask you this: How many single women do you know worth a hundred million dollars or more? . . . After raising children with her, Kerry sought and received an annulment of that long-term marriage. Then he married Teresa Heinz Kerry, the widow of a Senate colleague five years his senior. She is worth approximately $500 million.

Is marrying well good preparation for serving as the president of the United States? . . . . He's always had a net underneath him throughout his political career -- in his case, a net woven of homespun 24K gold.

And, once again, as Boteach points out, his second wife, Teresa made him sign a prenuptial agreement when they were wed: "Which begs the question: If his own wife doesn't trust him with her money, why should we trust him with ours?"

Teresa Heinz Kerry is not sure about her husband's character. Are you?

Rush Limbaugh, throughout 2004:

I mean, [Kerry]'s been there, but he's basically a skirt-chaser, folks. He's a gigolo. . . .Kerry is cheap. Most gigolos are. I mean -- I think it -- I think it goes with the, with the definition. . . .[W]hat do you consider a fair wage? John Kerry considers a fair wage a wife with 500 million. So, he had to find a company that had one. Well, there aren't too many of these companies that have little heiresses running around that are single, have 500 million that some guy can marry into. . . .Because see, Al Gore's daddy was a senator and Al Gore's daddy worked his way up from wealth and power to wealth and power. I mean, he got more of it than anybody ever dreamed of for having as little to go on. I mean, he's one of those old boys. You know how that worked back then. Then John Kerry's daddy is his wives. (laughter) I mean, he's a gigolo. Everybody knows this. There's nobody in our party really has much respect for this guy and you can see it last night, but I can't say that. I mean, you got sugar daddy wife back then. You got sugar daddy wife now. He worked his way up from a blue blood to a platinum American Express card, and it doesn't have his name on it.

Knight Ridder, October 30, 2004:

In Kissimmee, Fla., when Cheney brought up Kerry's name, a listener shouted, "He's a gigolo!" Cheney's response: "Ahhh, I'm not sure. I got to concentrate here on my work."

Hannity & Colmes, Jan. 24, 2004:

ANN COULTER: John Kerry can't really speak to the middle class tax cuts, inasmuch as he is ...


ANN COULTER: ... a kept man. He lives off the money made by other men and left to their daughters or wives.

Good Morning America, October 5, 2004:

CHARLES GIBSON: In going, in going through the book, John Kerry. You refer to him as a gigolo, the male Anna Nicole Smith . . . . What does that achieve, Ann?

ANN COULTER: Well, okay, then I don't want to hear him talk about a middle class tax cut when he has made his living living off rich women. I mean, it is simply a fact that he has married two heiresses. His specialty in life, I mean, if he has an economic plan, I think the one I'd like to hear about is how to snooker millionairesses into marrying me and living off them. I mean, that is not an, a, a trivial point.

New York Times, March 14, 2004:

Comedians have tried the Rich Guy persona along with a variation of the Gold Digger, which Jay Leno used in explaining how Mr. Kerry would eliminate the federal deficit: "He said all we have to do is find a really rich country like Switzerland and marry it."

Rush Limbaugh Online, "John Kerry's Resume":

[Kerry] has lived the life of a millionaire living off the inherited wealth of his two wives. As an Ivy League educated millionaire who did not have to work for his fortune, Mr. Kerry never had to worry about the money he earned, the taxes he paid, or the programs he and Ted Kennedy forced the rest of us to pay for. . . . Mr. Kerry Heinz is not effected (sic) when these neighborhoods are destroyed and working class families lose the largest asset in their retirement plans -- their home's value.

Rabbi Smuley Boteach, World Net Daily, May 25, 2004:

Now, having a wife who provides you with a private jet and eight multimillion-dollar vacation homes provides for a comfortable life. But is this the right preparation for becoming president? . . .

To be sure, that does not mean Kerry never did an honest day's work in his life. On the contrary, he was a successful prosecutor, lieutenant governor and distinguished senator. But even while he did these jobs, his wives' wealth always gave him a safety net. He was going to be taken care of whether he succeeded professionally or not. . . .

Whether Kerry wins or loses the presidency, he will still be living like a king. For most people, that would be a blessing. But for someone who wants to be the president of the United States, having such a significant fallback position is actually a curse.

Alas, there is yet one other important consideration that should get us all thinking. Before they married, Teresa Heinz made John Kerry sign a prenuptial agreement. Which begs the question: If his own wife doesn't trust him with her money, why should we trust him with ours?

Taki Theodoracopulos, American Conservative, May 24, 2004:

If John Kerry wins in November, he will be the premiere president of this great country of ours to be also a gigolo. The dictionary defines "gigolo" as a man supported by a woman in return for his sexual attentions and companionship. It might sound rough for John Kerry, but it's right to the point. Let’s face it. The 44th president (maybe) is as close to a gigolo as I can think of, and I have known many.

John F. Cullinan, National Review, July 15, 2004:

To the mayor's ill-considered suggestion that commuters simply work from home, take vacation (on Menino's schedule) or just lighten up, the Boston Herald tartly responded with an editorial aptly headlined DNC to commuters: shut up, stay home. Howie Carr, the most irreverent local political columnist [who routinely referred to Kerry as "Gigolo John" and "Senator Gigolo"], greeted last week's addition of Sen. John Edwards to the Democratic ticket with this puzzler: "For this dynamic duo" — helpfully identified as "the gigolo and the ambulance chaser" — "all of Boston is to be placed under house arrest for four days later this month?

Michelle Malkin, "Limericks for John Kerry," July 24, 2007:

Lucianne’s rhyming readers have responded with their own verses. A sample:

There once was a phony named Jawn

Who almost sailed in on a con

He thought he was shifty

But got beached by the Swifty

Now lives as the Gigolo Mon

Somehow, the deep stupidity of our political discourse actually manages to escalate during presidential campaigns, becoming even more vapid and idiotic than normal. But, as I argued continuously when I did my book tour in April and May for Great American Hypocrites, this is the kind of campaign the GOP runs every election and in which they specialize, and there are only two options for Democrats in response: (1) purport to "rise above it" and thus ensure that they get slaughtered in a one-sided, one-way War of Personality Demonization which renders issues irrelevant (hence: the all-American Everyman War Hero versus the rich, out-of-touch, effete elitist), or (2) attack the GOP candidate using the same lowly character themes in order to neutralize the attacks and prevent the election from being decided on these grounds. It's good to see the Obama campaign, finally, engaging these issues aggressively. As I wrote in my book:

The reason why this has worked is that there are almost never any attacks on these myths, no aggressive examination of the real lives of these leaders. Critics of Republicans shy away from these themes. There is a squeamishness to use their own weapons against them. . . . It needs to be shoved into the media's faces and into our public discourse how false and deceitful and artificial are these "Republican Values" and personality attributes that they concoct for themselves. To do that, the most prominent right-wing political leaders need to be put under a microscope -- their actual lives and beliefs -- to show how lacking they really are in the virtues they claim to exude and revere.

There needs to be a lot more focus of this sort on John McCain's "character," given that, from now until November, no matter what Obama does, the Rovian disciples managing John McCain's candidacy will ensure his campaign is about little other than these sorts of slimy, personality-based, Freak Show attacks on Obama. It's what the GOP does and it's what the media is capable of disseminating.

-- Glenn Greenwald



I usually think about the 'Swift Boat' attacks on Kerry in the last election.

The news media has given, and still gives John McCain a pass when it comes to his character.

Maybe because he's considered by many to be a 'war hero'.

But perhaps closer attention should be paid to McCain's character (or lack thereof).

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:24 AM

I've only agreed with one thing the OP has said, and this is true

The VA hospital/healthcare system is the most fvcked up place in the world to go if you are in need of good medical care or in pain.

Yes, all you VA doctors, nurses, workers, administrator, you all suck a big weiner

You should all be snakebit , shot, promptly hung, but not before you are given an asprin for your pain and told about the budget and how your meds cost to much, suck my arse you b@stards,

Directed to all VA docs and nurses, i know, it aint your fault, but your the ones that are there
huh noway

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:23 AM

I'm for a draft where "chickenhawks" like **** Cheney can't get a deferment and Dubya can't hide and not show up for his National Guard duty. If the children of government officials all had an equal shot at being on the firing line, I think our reps would be much less apt to warmonger.


Hardly any of the current politicians have children in the military serving in Iraq, so it's easy for them to see someone else's kids going off to war!

"Fortunate Son"

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:11 AM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....



His wife forgave him, for what it's worth.

What was most disingenuous to me was that he was running as a Presidential candidate knowing this.

His wife knew it too.

Very disappointed in Edwards.

I guess this sad episode should be a lesson for both Republican and Democratic politicians running for office.

The skeletons in their closets will eventually be discovered.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 06:59 AM

I don't hate Christians. I have deep respect for the rare few who walk the walk.

I have no respect for sheep however or for idiots, or for those who inflict their religious values on the rest of us.

Look at some of the posts here. There's a great sampling to chose from from so-called Christians who have commented on threads here advocating murder, discrimination, and the suppression of thought.

Real Christians, gosh I am glad I am not like those posters.

Instead of trumpeting my faith while advocating immoral, violent acts and following sheisters like the PTL club and mega-churchs (who btw are laughing all the way to the bank)I chose to live my life in a way I think is productive and respectful of others.

I am not worried about my immortal soul. Not because I don't think I have one or because I am afraid of hell or because I tithed and gave up thinking to be programed by a pastor. I am not worried because I live a life in which I behave morally and exercise what may be Gods greatest gift and that is free will.

I don't want a world without God. I want a world without idiots who presume they can speak for God.

I don't hate Christians either.

Just Religious Right Christians (and they are a minority) who follow Bush Jr. and have crammed their beliefs (which are NOT mainstream Christian beliefs) down all our throats for the past 7 years.

They have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for people (even Christians) whose belief does not match their own.

They've bought into the neocons mindless drivel of labeling people who are against the war 'appeasers' or 'terrorist sympathizers'.

Their blind, myopic, twisted view of the world is irrational, and most sane people do not share it.

Lets flip that. What about all the dems than think anyone who supports the war is brainwashed or a neocon. This is happening on both sides of the fence.

Support for the war is an entirely different matter.

That is your right.

You can support the war and not be for everything the Bush Jr. Administration represents.

I don't agree with the dems on everything, since I am an Independent (as in independent thinker).

I supported Bush Jr. going into Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks and still think it was the right decision.

But whether you support the war or not, the main question now is:

How soon do our troops come home?

mnhiker's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:02 AM

I don't hate Christians. I have deep respect for the rare few who walk the walk.

I have no respect for sheep however or for idiots, or for those who inflict their religious values on the rest of us.

Look at some of the posts here. There's a great sampling to chose from from so-called Christians who have commented on threads here advocating murder, discrimination, and the suppression of thought.

Real Christians, gosh I am glad I am not like those posters.

Instead of trumpeting my faith while advocating immoral, violent acts and following sheisters like the PTL club and mega-churchs (who btw are laughing all the way to the bank)I chose to live my life in a way I think is productive and respectful of others.

I am not worried about my immortal soul. Not because I don't think I have one or because I am afraid of hell or because I tithed and gave up thinking to be programed by a pastor. I am not worried because I live a life in which I behave morally and exercise what may be Gods greatest gift and that is free will.

I don't want a world without God. I want a world without idiots who presume they can speak for God.

I don't hate Christians either.

Just Religious Right Christians (and they are a minority) who follow Bush Jr. and have crammed their beliefs (which are NOT mainstream Christian beliefs) down all our throats for the past 7 years.

They have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for people (even Christians) whose belief does not match their own.

They've bought into the neocons mindless drivel of labeling people who are against the war 'appeasers' or 'terrorist sympathizers'.

Their blind, myopic, twisted view of the world is irrational, and most sane people do not share it.

mnhiker's photo
Thu 08/21/08 10:04 PM
Too bad the once maverick McCain,
the one who could reach across both
sides of the aisle, sold his soul to
Karl Rove, the neocons and the Religious Right.

In other words, the Devil.

And I don't think what Jack Abramoff has to say
when he testifies on Sept. 4th will help McCain.

mnhiker's photo
Thu 08/21/08 09:45 PM

For the record, I don't agree with Obama's views on abortion.

But there are other issues out there that pertain to life as well.

Like finding a way to get out of Iraq so our young people don't have to keep dying there?

How's that for a pro-life issue?

mnhiker, I just knew you would not like my responselaugh






Nice, comparing me to Saddam Hussein and terrorists.

Republicans always lie about people and label them when they can't use logic.

I never defended Saddam Hussein.

He was a butcher and his sons were worse.

But he was contained, and we had better ways of dealing with the likes of him.

How many Republican politicians have their sons and daughters over in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Very few.

Maybe if they did, they wouldn't be so gung ho to keep them over there until we declare 'victory'.

I'll state it again:

It's not our victory to be won.

It's the Iraqi peoples', if they want it.

"Republicans always lie about people and label them when they can't use logic. "

Liberals label us rednecks and racist bigot's if we don't agree with them

Boy, I sure wouldn't.

Not unless you really were a redneck or a racist bigot.

But then, I don't consider myself a liberal.

I'm more of a middle-of-the-road moderate.

mnhiker's photo
Thu 08/21/08 09:41 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Thu 08/21/08 09:41 PM

For the record, I don't agree with Obama's views on abortion.

But there are other issues out there that pertain to life as well.

Like finding a way to get out of Iraq so our young people don't have to keep dying there?

How's that for a pro-life issue?

mnhiker, I just knew you would not like my responselaugh






Nice, comparing me to Saddam Hussein and terrorists.

Republicans always lie about people and label them when they can't use logic.

I never defended Saddam Hussein.

He was a butcher and his sons were worse.

But he was contained, and we had better ways of dealing with the likes of him.

How many Republican politicians have their sons and daughters over in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Very few.

Maybe if they did, they wouldn't be so gung ho to keep them over there until we declare 'victory'.

I'll state it again:

It's not our victory to be won.

It's the Iraqi peoples', if they want it.

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