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Topic: A McCain Presidency Guarantees a Military Draft
madisonman's photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:01 AM
John McCain tells us that he is not a very good economist. It brings to mind the old joke that the definition of an economist is someone who is good with numbers but did not have the personality to be an accountant.

Prepare for a campaign during which McCain will prove to everyone that, as the poor economist he admits to being, he is not good with numbers, and he certainly will not be held accountable.

Buzz up!on Yahoo!But McCain is not joking when he talks about his war policy. He wants to continue the Iraq War. He pledges to increase the US commitment to fight al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. He wants to follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell (and, by the way, he knows how to catch him, he just has not told George Bush). He also speaks of other wars.

George Bush says to listen to the generals. Well, the Army Chief of Staff General George Casey tells us that our military is way overstretched, and that tours-of-duty will have to become shortened. [When asked prior to the invasion in '03 whether he was worried about overextending the military, our seerless President said: "the military will not be overextended," and the reporter failed to ask him how he knew that]. General (ret) Barry McCaffrey has said that we are so lowering recruitment standards just to keep our numbers up that he is concerned for the long-term quality of the military.

Where is the money going to come from to pay for it all? Daddy at least got the Saudis to pay for most of the first Gulf War. George W. has not received a devalued dime from them. Having succeeded in bankrupting the country by turning a $5 trillion projected surplus into a $3 trillion deficit, an astonishing $8 trillion turnaround, borrowing like bandits from the social security trust fund just as the boomers are about to retire in droves, what devalued currency is McCain going to use to pay for all of this?

Listen for these McCain answers: he will be "confident" that Americans will be patriotic enough to answer the call to duty and volunteer in sufficient numbers for the military (but, curiously, not confident that the wealthiest Americans are patriotic enough to pay higher taxes to support his wars -- odd, isn't it?) Does McCain believe that, now that they can no longer exhibit a higher patriotism by helping their dad become president, the Romney sons will now volunteer? Or, Jenna's financee? Or, perhaps, Jenna herself? We do need to give McCain credit, his own sons, like Jim Webb's, are volunteering.

But, unlike the squeamish White House reporter who was afraid of not getting called upon again and thus accepted Bush's bald assertion on overextending the military without a followup, we ought to be entitled to ask McCain two questions: upon what recent evidence is his confidence based? And, if he is wrong, what is going to do?

He has 4 choices. He can call for a draft. He can wind down the Iraq War, and deploy some, but not all the forces to Afghanistan. He can get sufficient volunteers. He can get allies to add troops.

Well, people are just not volunteering in sufficient numbers. The allies are pulling, not adding, troops. So, he is down to a draft or winding down the war. He said he will not do the latter. What's left?

He will not tell you this, but here is the answer: he will have to call for a military draft, period. The military would prefer not to do it, draftees are more difficult to train and form into cohesive fighting forces. But, there is no other way to fight all his wars, at the level he wishes to fight them. No, McCain is not joking about his war policies. He just will not tell the truth about the implications. He will, of course, deny vigorously when challenged that they require a military draft.

But, that's what simple addition compels. Today's second-graders, who will 10 years hence be called by McCain's draft, could teach him that.

no photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:02 AM
Edited by ddn122 on Fri 08/22/08 11:03 AM
now you can predict the future

please provide the winner of the world that you can put something useful in your threads

BobbyJ's photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:03 AM
I'm all for a military draft. Draft everyone over 50 years old! Do that and there will be no more wars!

madisonman's photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:07 AM

I'm all for a military draft. Draft everyone over 50 years old! Do that and there will be no more wars!
you have a point there, as each mother sees there sleeping children after busting the rear to raise them do they realy want them in Iraq to be disfigured for life? and then stuck in a god awful VA hospital?

Chazster's photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:10 AM
Laughable, there will not be a draft. Now adays, wars are won with technology, not numbers.

madisonman's photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:17 AM

Laughable, there will not be a draft. Now adays, wars are won with technology, not numbers.
fortunalty we wont have to worry about it since Mcain wont be elected anyhow

no photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:22 AM

now you can predict the future

please provide the winner of the world that you can put something useful in your threads

madisonman's photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:28 AM
Its realy a logical deduction as the auther of this topic stated, in fact it was all over the news last night, well not on fox news anyhow. If you go to Mccains website you will see his plan and according to the news he admited it, anhow the only way he can fullfill his plan is to increase the number of troops wich can only be done through a draft.

madisonman's photo
Fri 08/22/08 11:34 AM
guess John McCain cares as much about the youth vote as he does for the black vote. At a town hall meeting, someone remarked "If we don’t reenact the draft, I don’t think we’ll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of hell," a reference to McCain’s statement that he would "follow Bin Laden to the gates of hell." McCain responded "Ma’am, let me say that I don’t disagree with anything you said."

Previously, McCain had said that he would consider a draft, and when a young man asked him a question about his age, he called him a jerk and joked "You’re drafted.’" McCain has also joked about bombing Iran, made statements about there being more wars to come, talked about staying 100 years in Iraq, and agreed with Newt Gingrich that the Iraq conflict is World War 3.

The military has been losing people since the Iraq war. How would McCain fight these other wars or bomb Iraq when most young men don’t share his warmongering zeal?
Considering the fact that young people overwhelmingly oppose the war in Iraq, what would the effect of a draft be for the country? Would it be worse than Vietnam? How does McCain intend on paying for all these wars considering the dire state of our economy?

Watch McCain Accept the Idea of a Draft

120557's photo
Fri 08/22/08 02:22 PM
Hi madisonman. I see that you are still talking like the monkey you portrade preveiosly. Keep on with you thoughts cause they don't amount to a hill of beans. Of course McCain will get elected nregardless of your complaining. So on that note - Have a nice day.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 08/22/08 02:59 PM
Edited by catwoman96 on Fri 08/22/08 03:02 PM
nevermind. its just not worth it

madisonman's photo
Fri 08/22/08 03:33 PM

Hi madisonman. I see that you are still talking like the monkey you portrade preveiosly. Keep on with you thoughts cause they don't amount to a hill of beans. Of course McCain will get elected nregardless of your complaining. So on that note - Have a nice day.
just a reminder the posts are not about me and if you dont like them there are plenty of other topics to post in. I am sure there is a thread about the cartoon network somwere laugh

120557's photo
Fri 08/22/08 04:23 PM
Edited by 120557 on Fri 08/22/08 04:24 PM
Yea, but I find more fun talking to someone that is so down on this country, yet does not leave it.

120557's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:17 PM
Edited by 120557 on Fri 08/22/08 07:18 PM

nevermind. its just not worth it
Your right, but I love to get it on with people who are down on this country. I spent 20 yrs serving her and no one forced me to do it. Just like the ones who are serving now on their own free will. No one forced them to sign on the dotted line yet. Many have perished for her and many will perish again. I just don't like slimmy things that try to down grade her. MY PERSONAL OPINION..................

Chazster's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:24 PM

Laughable, there will not be a draft. Now adays, wars are won with technology, not numbers.
fortunalty we wont have to worry about it since Mcain wont be elected anyhow

IDK I think it can go either way. You know we are gonna give it to you if McCain does win lol.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:26 PM

nevermind. its just not worth it
Your right, but I love to get it on with people who are down on this country. I spent 20 yrs serving her and no one forced me to do it. Just like the ones who are serving now on their own free will. No one forced them to sign on the dotted line yet. Many have perished for her and many will perish again. I just don't like slimmy things that try to donw grade her. MY PERSONAL OPINION..................

i feel the same way. his threads are totally biased and unresearched.. I have almost decided his pure hatred for the republican party and disrespect of the american troops....i think madman might be hitler reincarnated.

anyhow, he does not bring much joy and hope for america with his own personal vendettas. he has intitatied a preemptuve strike on mcain i believe, but does not see the similarity of himself, he might be hitler

lnghntr's photo
Fri 08/22/08 07:58 PM
maybe he watches too many Michel Moore movies

madisonman's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:48 AM

nevermind. its just not worth it
Your right, but I love to get it on with people who are down on this country. I spent 20 yrs serving her and no one forced me to do it. Just like the ones who are serving now on their own free will. No one forced them to sign on the dotted line yet. Many have perished for her and many will perish again. I just don't like slimmy things that try to donw grade her. MY PERSONAL OPINION..................

i feel the same way. his threads are totally biased and unresearched.. I have almost decided his pure hatred for the republican party and disrespect of the american troops....i think madman might be hitler reincarnated.

anyhow, he does not bring much joy and hope for america with his own personal vendettas. he has intitatied a preemptuve strike on mcain i believe, but does not see the similarity of himself, he might be hitler
one minute ya all are cryingabout the cut and paste the enxt minute they are unresearched? please provide one little bit of prooflaugh

t22learner's photo
Sat 08/23/08 08:01 AM
I'm for a draft where "chickenhawks" like **** Cheney can't get a deferment and Dubya can't hide and not show up for his National Guard duty. If the children of government officials all had an equal shot at being on the firing line, I think our reps would be much less apt to warmonger.

120557's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:49 AM

nevermind. its just not worth it
Your right, but I love to get it on with people who are down on this country. I spent 20 yrs serving her and no one forced me to do it. Just like the ones who are serving now on their own free will. No one forced them to sign on the dotted line yet. Many have perished for her and many will perish again. I just don't like slimmy things that try to donw grade her. MY PERSONAL OPINION..................

i feel the same way. his threads are totally biased and unresearched.. I have almost decided his pure hatred for the republican party and disrespect of the american troops....i think madman might be hitler reincarnated.

anyhow, he does not bring much joy and hope for america with his own personal vendettas. he has intitatied a preemptuve strike on mcain i believe, but does not see the similarity of himself, he might be hitler
one minute ya all are cryingabout the cut and paste the enxt minute they are unresearched? please provide one little bit of prooflaugh
You want proof. Just look at what you print. Then look in the mirror. What do you see? You don't want me to say what I think about you. Look at your pictures when you post.

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