Community > Posts By > JaideStar

JaideStar's photo
Fri 04/29/16 03:09 PM
So apparently my post was edited for "Dissing a site" ... and I'm like HUH?!
I don't get how my saying I had crappy luck in another site is dissing it... If anything I was being more particular of the males who frequented there but if I have to watch EVERYTHING I say in here just because people are too sensitive maybe this site isn't the right option either... :S

as for finding someone... I gave up... I WAS here to see if I could connect with people and make friends more than anything since dating is obviously off my agenda.

Too many overly sensitive people in this world. SMH

JaideStar's photo
Fri 04/29/16 03:00 PM
Thanks :) I usually don't post stuff outside of DA but thought ... why not LOL :)

JaideStar's photo
Fri 04/15/16 05:49 PM
The blush of newly fallen snow touches
the surroundings with it's beauty like
the soul is touched by a gentle kiss.
A whisper upon cool lips,
heated to make one melt like that of
the spring time sun.
In satisfaction a red blush of
joy spreads across ones face
like that of a setting sun, contentment
for all who are blessed by the beauty of both.

Written Dec 1st, 2008
(All of my poetry is published on line in Deviant Art.)

JaideStar's photo
Fri 04/15/16 05:42 PM
Edited by JaideStar on Fri 04/15/16 05:43 PM
I'm looking for someone who is honest and can make me laugh. Someone who wants kids and can accept kids who aren't his own. I always hear how guys complain about chicks wanting the "bad boys" and never the "good guys" but the good guys IS what I AM looking for... and there's never one when I look...

nearly 5 years single... I'm still looking.

JaideStar's photo
Fri 04/15/16 05:36 PM

You were always the one - To look out for everyone else.
You were always the one - Left scared and confused.
You're always the one - Who is left feeling empty.
You're always the one - Who's been abused, used.
You're always the one - Who's on my mind.
You're the one - I want to care for now.
Let me - accept me.
You're always the one - I want to be with.
I need this - Is that really so bad?
I'm pushed away - Again left feeling dejected.
I'm always the one - Who wants what's good.
I'm always the one looking at - The way it should be.
So hold me.
We're always the ones - Looking for something better.
Maybe to each other we could always be one ... Together.

Written April, 2004 Thought I'd share... even if I don't like to.

JaideStar's photo
Fri 04/15/16 05:09 PM
Edited by JaideStar on Fri 04/15/16 05:09 PM
My name nickname is AJ (what everyone in RL calls me)
and as the title states I'm 43 and new to this site.

I also don't give to flying figs if a person thinks I'm "Too fat" for them... if they're narrow minded then so be it... I love me for who I am... I do NOT need anyone's validation; THAT is for cars!

I don't appreciate being lied to either. "Oh I'm a nice guy!" (says the man who tells me I'm "Stupid" for wanting to get an education...) If you HAVE to convince me... then you're not who you say you are.

I'm not into one night stands... I want long term and I'm tired of hearing... Oh don't take this site too seriously... I am here trying to make a serious effort to meet someone, I'd like it if someone would take me seriously in this matter.

SO if you've made it this far in my message and you are in the Halifax or Dartmouth area. The by all means drop me a line. (AND just so it's known, long distance fellas are likely to have less luck as I can NOT go to see anyone; I don't have a car or drive.)

NOTE: No I don't want to give you my email
NO I will not give you my phone number right away.
No, I'm not willing to meet you in a non public spot
No I won't go out the 1st message you send me... give me time to
get to know you some first.

(INTERNET SAFETY ... remember... if this can't be respected for me as I want to remain safe,m then you're also not someone I want to meet. This is taught to our kids for a reason and I will continue to go by it)