Community > Posts By > azrae1l

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 02:11 PM

I hope you meant legs. Under arms are a different picture
i don't shave those everyday either.....

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 02:08 PM
not even every week, no reason to. not like i'm gonna me rubbin up against smooth anything any time soon.....

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 02:06 PM
kinda makes you look like a grocer......

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 02:01 PM
you know we could sit here and argue this all day. you wanted a selfless act, i'm giving you one. if you choose to see it that way i guess i can't really help that.

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:59 PM
it doesn't make me feel like a bigger man, actually quite the opposite. i feel like all i'm doing is causing harm because i know that is the eventual outcome to him. i do it because it's his right to know her, not my right to take that away even though i know whats going to happen.

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:56 PM
you said selfless act, meaning an act with no benefit to the one performing the act.

so in order to show a selfless act you must show no benefit in any way that person.

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:39 PM
Edited by azrae1l on Wed 04/02/08 01:43 PM
ben·e·fit Audio Help /ˈbɛnəfɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ben-uh-fit] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -fit·ed, -fit·ing.
1. something that is advantageous or good; an advantage: He explained the benefits of public ownership of the postal system.
2. a payment or gift, as one made to help someone or given by a benefit society, insurance company, or public agency: The company offers its employees a pension plan, free health insurance, and other benefits.
3. a theatrical performance or other public entertainment to raise money for a charitable organization or cause.
4. Archaic. an act of kindness; good deed; benefaction.
–verb (used with object)
5. to do good to; be of service to: a health program to benefit everyone.
–verb (used without object)
6. to derive benefit or advantage; profit; make improvement: He has never benefited from all that experience.
7. for someone's benefit, so as to produce a desired effect in another's mind: He wasn't really angry; that was just an act for his girlfriend's benefit.

ok now with that out of the way. how does my son having the right to know his mother and make his own decisions relate to me gaining in anything?

1. i have no advantage over him nor her for doing so....
2. i get no payment or gift from either for doing this...
3. i'm not performing in public or in a theatrical production...
4. i'm serving no act of kindness nor good deed towards myself by doing so...
5. i'm not doing good or being of service to myself...
6. i'm receiving no advantage, profit or improvement to myself...
7. i'm producing any desired effect in my mind by doing so...

yeah i see no benefits for myself here, i see benefits for him and for her. i'm not getting any. you say there are no selfless acts or people who do the right thing simply cuz it's the right thing to do regardless of how they feel about it. i show you at least one. i don't feel good about myself for doing it, i certainly get no satisfaction from it. no benefit at all, it just is simply the right thing to do.

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:28 PM

i don't see how me teaching him right from wrong benefits me at all.

I don't see how it doesnt??

good reply, no evidence of anything. how does it? i'm not gaining anything here. i have responcibility towards teaching him, thats not a benefit.

maybe we need to look at what a benefit is here.....

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:24 PM
Edited by azrae1l on Wed 04/02/08 01:27 PM

i really wanna know how i'm benefiting.....

cuz you know your doin right by your son.. believe it or not your showin him how to be a real man!

Or MAYBE I stress maybe you are so angry you are trying to make her look even worse by being the "bigger" person. THen it wouldn't seem so selfless. The good thing is it ends up that way because nothing hurts a child like someone hateing the parent so much that they down them which indirectly is downing half of what a child sees themself as. A child will find some glimmer of something good in both parents if given a chance. If nothing more that they brought them into the world. In your case that may be your Ex's saving grace.

ok so your saying by me having nothing to do with her, and i mean nothing. i don't speak about her at all to anyone. our whole relationship now is me dropping him off and asking what time i pick him up. i don't insult her, i don't rag on her. yeah i know eventually she'll screw it up like she does with every other relationship she has with anybody. but no i make it a point not to say anything about her, i want him to learn what she's like on her own.

so once again, how do i benefit here?

emotionally?..... nope
monetarily?...... nope
physically?...... nope

sorry i just don't see it....

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:20 PM
i hate it when people start a debate like this and walk away with out even providing any sort of proof for their arguments.

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:06 PM
i suppose i'm not getting an answer....

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 12:52 PM

See, there are some good ones left ladies! :heart:

I know Jilly.. isn't he a dreamboat?

more like a tugboat......

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 12:47 PM
Edited by azrae1l on Wed 04/02/08 12:55 PM
i don't see how me teaching him right from wrong benefits me at all.

frankly i want her gone. i could take full custody with no problems and i really want to. i also know i'm not doing right by him, eventually she'll walk out on him again, he'll learn what kind of person she is and he'll end up not liking her as well.

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 12:43 PM
i really wanna know how i'm benefiting.....

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 12:37 PM
well yeah that goes without saying......

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 12:35 PM
ok, i'll answer this one honestly since you seem to think everybody is out for themselves in sort of way....

i deal with my ex so my son can still have his mother at least what little mother he has. i get nothing from her in any way shape or form. i collect no child support, we don't speak, we're not friendly to each other, i have absolutely no use for her in any way shape or form. we fight constantly, we have nothing nice to say to each other, i have to deal with seeing the woman who cheated on me and walked out on her family for a weekend peice of ass. she see's him strictly because he has a right to know his mother.

what do i gain from this situation? i do it only for him...

azrae1l's photo
Wed 04/02/08 12:26 PM
whenever a woman has sex with me, it's a selfless act.........

azrae1l's photo
Tue 04/01/08 10:34 PM
Edited by azrae1l on Tue 04/01/08 10:35 PM

ok i'll stop by with the video camera in about an hour or so......
Yuck yuck yuck...wanka wanka wanka!
Ok...I'll leave the light off. happy

night vision........

i'm filming a new stag film.....

girls gone sleeping......

azrae1l's photo
Tue 04/01/08 10:30 PM
ok i'll stop by with the video camera in about an hour or so......

azrae1l's photo
Tue 04/01/08 10:29 PM

If you can yes... then please tell me how

first you stop putting them in your mouth
second you stop lighting them
third stop sucking on them
