Community > Posts By > Lonely_Cowboy

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:50 PM
the only wrongs i have done in my life have been to brake a few hearts. i could list you all the hearts i have broken but to accomplish what? there isnt any respect to give to micheal jackson. God does not make people gay. God does not make people molest. God does not make people kill. alot of people have died in the name of God... but he didnt go out and say kill other people who you think deserve it.. those people made a choice to be wrong in the name of our lord. so i have no pitty or respect or forgivness for hose who wronged the lord in such ways. let the world come down on me on my death bed on my last word to speak let every one judge me as they see fit. i am who i am and thats all that you get.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/25/09 07:08 PM
I'm personally glad he died. What a huge waste of talent all i can ask why would God give a horrible person like that all that talent. molesters should die and im suprised some one didnt beat mother nature here because if i was a father i would have beatin him to death for touch my son or daughter.. let the world be a safer place with oneless child abuser. my personal screw you to micheal jackson. if you get offended at what i say then because you worship a child abuser with more money than he desevered to buy himself out multipul jail sentances he got ever last thing he deserved... end of sentance end of post this thread is done and if you wanna go report me because im bashing the biggest molester in history then do it i dont personally care.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/25/09 06:00 PM
how any one could idolize a child molester is beyond me??? maybe its becuse he was famous??? or maybe the whole world is a far sicker place than i thought. seriously we praise the lord when a cerial killer dies. but when the most famous little boy molester dies we say why?? like any body really knew him out side of his family besides the boys virtue he took? he was just another thing that bit the dust... and another one gone and another one gone another one bites the dust hey we're gonna get you two another one bites the dust yeah... seriously why miss a child molester we are better with out him or his 20 years of iconic american conversation. shouldnt we be sader because farah fauset died ... ??

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/25/09 03:58 PM
silly molester kids are kids lol .....

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/25/09 03:52 PM
no the king child molester is dead and gone for good. and the world is a much better place with one less molester out there!!!

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/25/09 03:48 PM
Died today in the LA hostpiatl of a heart attack and cardiack arrest

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 06:45 AM

For me, I like to see that a guy likes to travel. Especially when it comes to dating. It means that later on down the road, I'll have someone to travel to new places with, which is important to me.

i think everyone "should" like to travel....somewhat.....ya know what i mean??

who wouldnt wanna go to disney world or the smokies?
i agree with this if you never leave home and just loaf about like a bumb in pjs and a hoodie you'll let life pass by at such a slow rate :tongue: huh

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 06:43 AM
you know itrs gonna get reall friendly now. i like to travle. been to the grand canyon every spring brake for the last 9 years its sorta a comfortthing to go out and see stuff you dont every singal day. :) singmesweet your one of my fav thread posters lol you keep me on my tops with spelling and grammer. poke poke poke .... Mega pokes you ha ha ha im evil so whats new every one. singmesweet did you read my long post on here page six lol

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 06:36 AM

I'm goin to assume ur referrin to wine an not art. I don't really care to drink wine. Give me liquordrinker Capt & coke, Colorado Bulldog, Tequila Sunrise, just don't give me whiskey unless u wanna see me get real mean an fiestyshades
i dig a fisty whiskey girl lol

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:37 AM
if you took the 3 seconsds to read it though it makes a good point.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:36 AM
i think please correct me if i'm wrong here, but i think that wemon in general consider the fact that they have done something once makes it a constant thing in their lives... but it's only a constant memory. im not saying guys bash up in this area some guys do the exact same thing. but i do agree wemon are far worse with this oh hey lets go fish hunny ... ok dear wheres a good spot business.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:36 AM
Right so i only got through page three, and noticed how woman complain about spelling. and i noticed words from girls in this thread like stoopid ? wtf??? it's stupid. and the word an when clearly the word and should have been used. i think this is a good thread and clearly men know more about consistancy than the female race gives us credit for. also it's highly subjectable content we are talking here.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 04:32 AM
Right so i only got through page three, and noticed how woman complain about spelling. and i noticed words from girls in this thread like stoopid ? wtf??? it's stupid. and the word an when clearly the word and should have been used. i think this is a good thread and clearly men know more about consistancy than the female race gives us credit for. also it's highly subjectable content we are talking here. i think please correct me if i'm wrong here, but i think that wemon in general consider the fact that they have done something once makes it a constant thing in their lives... but it's only a constant memory. im not saying guys bash up in this area some guys do the exact same thing. but i do agree wemon are far worse with this oh hey lets go fish hunny ... ok dear wheres a good spot business. i fish a four wheel i can go mudding. i honestly belive that wemon sometimes make absolutely no sence what so ever. but neither do us guys as was said before when wemon are looking for a life sentance with mr. white horse prince charming they dont understand that we are damaged goods from day one and the ones that stick around idk... for any good amount of time lie to them selves every day. example ok today im really gonna change him and his bad habbits will be gone and i wont have to pretend to smile any more... gosh i wish it was like in the begining when he didnt have morning breath... or didnt expect me to have food and laundry done when he gets home... i think both sides are pretty vauge on everything. i can only speake for my self but if it's on my profile i do it on a regular basis. but to close this out it's never gonna change the circle of chaos goes round and round never ending girls only wanna hear what they want the stuf that makes them happy, other wise it's a cring machine and dramma and guys we do make them cry for silly reasons but it all works out sooner or later. and i have no issues with paying for a date but for me to bankroll every singal solitary event that happens in a relationship no "F"ing way. a man shouldnt have to spend every singal dime every day on the relationship the girl should do some of the paying in my book. please feel free to rip me a new one but if you read my words and really think before you coment youll realize hey he bashed guys as well and maybe hes right .. maybe. so read carfully and think hard before you tell me im wrong or i didnt bring up any good points.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/18/09 09:42 AM
who's doing the pussifacation?

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/18/09 07:20 AM
so i think that this thread needs so new colors to it. today is blah.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/18/09 07:18 AM
so how is my grammer and punctuation coming? i hope that i have improved, because it drove me crazy not being good at those things.

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Thu 06/18/09 07:16 AM
drinker Free shiner bock for every one in this thread drinker

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:01 PM
im not pussafing i drink dark beer :) and dark hard liqure such as burbon and whiskey and rum etc...

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:25 PM
lol creepy maybe but just wondering was all. so heehee...

Lonely_Cowboy's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:23 PM
thank you tigardman. i posted your summarized version of what i wanted to say. i thank you all for your help and words of wisdom i really feel like you are all really good friends. i hope that my communication on here gets better. :) if you all now like my profile now after all the help you have given me YAY! now all i need to work on is the punctuation and spelling.