Community > Posts By > kimberlylarae

kimberlylarae's photo
Sun 08/06/17 10:52 PM
God wrote the book on it (it's called the Bible and it tells you everything you need to know about fornication--the sin of sex before marriage) and I'm writing another that's based on the first one. God doesn't make rules just to hear Himself talk. Every rule and law of God is made to protect us, to keep us from getting hurt, to protect the man and to protect the woman, and to protect any innocent children who may come of this union. They are also to protect society. I'm not getting all in your face, I'm just telling it like it is. There's so many reasons to wait until the wedding night. And it's so hard. But it's SO worth it. We, in this age of science, are discovering more things all the time about why God made sex just for marriage. Like a woman's body can absorb her husbands DNA. So that in a sense, we really become one with our husbands. (And also the DNA belonging to men that 6 months from now you may not even like. Which is never God's will). Our husband's semen absorbed, again, through intercourse, can actually protect his wife from various illnesses--especially depression. Why? Because depression, more than anything else, can lead to unhappy marriages and divorce and God hates divorce. So this is why God tells us in the bible to never neglect our married sex lives. Also, the sex hormones released by intercourse bonds a husband and wife. These are the same hormones that bond a mother to her newborn baby. And this is why breaking up with someone after having sex with them hurts so much. And if we do this time after time, our bodies stop releasing the hormone, and we can no longer bond with a man (or a man to a woman) or even our children. Our bodies try to protect us from getting hurt again. Premarital sex leads to a high rate of divorce. We are not sure why, but a major strike against us is not a good way to start a marriage. Women who are virgin, or at the very least, wait to have sex with their current man until marriage have a far lower chance of divorce. Everything we can do to ensure a good strong happy successful marriage is worth doing. Why? Because divorce means no more sex until your spouse dies. Yup. Read Matthew 19. Also, and this says it all,

kimberlylarae's photo
Sun 08/06/17 10:21 PM
Someone who lives their lives according to the teachings of Christ.

kimberlylarae's photo
Tue 01/31/17 08:18 PM
1 crush age 15 (Yucky)
2 crush age 16 (nice)
3rd man love of a lifetime (really nice)
Will there be a 4th? I'm beginning to think there's only one love of a lifetime.

I've dated my whole life never got to the kissing stage. Except for the above.

kimberlylarae's photo
Tue 01/31/17 12:10 PM
I don't know if by now you've found the love of your life, but I hope you didn't settle. I see people--too many people--who settle for someone they like, or sometimes, not even that with disastrous results. You deserve better. And the other certainly deserves better. Keep looking. Keep learning about what makes a good relationship and how to make and keep it strong, healthy, and secure. Keep learning about how to be a blessing to the love of your life once you find that person. Maybe you're not ready, maybe there's something more you need to learn. It will happen. Keep praying to find the right one and keep praying to be made a blessing to that person. It'll happen. And when it does.

kimberlylarae's photo
Tue 01/31/17 11:55 AM
An Applehead Siamese, a Snowshoe Siamese, and a Himalayan. Sammy, Mike, and Murphy, respectivly, otherwise known as, Barfy, Stinky, and Julio.

kimberlylarae's photo
Tue 01/31/17 11:50 AM
I love Golden Retrievers, although I've known a Schnauzer who stole my heart, and I'm seriously considering a Westie--ADORABLE. Does anyone know if Westies are very intelligent? Easy to train?

kimberlylarae's photo
Tue 01/31/17 11:47 AM
My niece had a Schnauzer, Louie, and since we're a very close small family he more or less belonged to us all. We lost him last month to a very rare cancer. He was only 8 yrs old. We're heart-broken. He was about the most intelligent dog I've ever known. There'll never be another Louie. She has a baby mini pig now and while it's an interesting experience--Lucy Lu can't compare with Louie the World's Coolest Dog.

kimberlylarae's photo
Sat 01/28/17 02:19 PM
I've never seen shadow people until I moved into my present apartment. I saw it twice. I bless my apartment every night before going up to bed. I looked into the history of the place because there have been a lot of paranormal things here and no one ever keeps this apartment long.There's been at least one suicide, 4 rapes and 424 crimes/police calls in its history (some minor--a lot of violence). I think anyplace where there's a lot of negative energy caused by emotional pain there will be more paranormal of the ''negative sort.'' I am Christian, I do believe in angels--both good and bad. And I believe a lot of the so-called ghost activity people experience is caused by the bad--demonic. I believe there's a great deal of power and protection in holy and blessed objects whether you're Catholic or not. Make the sign of the cross--I do it a lot--stops it dead (no pun intended, but not bad). I had an experience with one. I saw it and suddenly it was like it was right in the front part of my mind/brain--just for a second like a hit--way too close up and personal. Possibly an attack of some kind. Also a black shadow like thing about the size and shape of a med. size dog and 3 dimensional about 11 inches across the ''back,'' zoomed through my kitchen right between me and the sink. I say shadow, but they are solid black, not transparent. I had the local paranormal group in but they caught voices on tape and wouldn't come back for a full investigation. He won't even walk his dog past this house! You know it's bad when ghost busters run away and won't come back.