Community > Posts By > Matty120179

Matty120179's photo
Mon 06/29/09 08:47 AM
Talking of Death & Comedy reminds me of a yarn from my mis spent youth. i was drinking at a bar in a town called Ballarat in Australia, not long after I lost everything in the Ansett collapse & losing a child & seperated from my wife. i was needless to say in a bad place. I was paraletic playing a game of pool (8-Ball to our American cousins) The bar was rocking a live band was playing & the place was packed with a couple hundred people. I was so engrosed in the game & my shot I didn't notice the music stop playing. As I looked up there was a DEATHLY silence, so druken me says at the top of his lungs "S@!t what happened Did some one DIE or something" well a lady burst into tears & I received a number of evil looks. It was my luck that a guy had suffered a Heart Attack at the door & had died instantly. There was nothing else i could do but smile sheepishly & return to my game.

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 04:36 AM
Being an Aussie the best thing would be to fly over & do a cruise around Australia & a Pacific voyage back to the US, Australia is one of those places that has to be explored more then visited. Very few seaside towns have facilities for large Criuse ships there's little infrastructure the furthur you get out from the Cities. You could do a Cruise of the East Coast but if your going to see all the marvels of the West Coast it is something you have to jump into

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 02:17 AM

Who is your favorite character and why?

Greased up deaf guy is my favorite.... because it's so wrong :tongue:

I also like Mr. Herbert (perverted old man)

I am torn between the old pervert & Peter. Peter gets away with being an absolout BASTARD I am so jealous

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 02:10 AM
Biggest load of crud since "Quigley Down Under". I grew up in the remote north & I hated the movie it does not show the reality of the time or place. I tell you what they where the fastest horses in the world though they go from Northern Territory too Western Australia & back as quick as a screenshot. Terriable movie if you want to see what it is really like go there yourself by the looks of the movie it is too complex for Hollywood to comprhend.

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 01:50 AM


Has my childhood not been raped enough!?

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 01:45 AM
Luv it. I've worked in a Road house in remote north Australia in a town about the size of Dog River, it was called Halls Creek the show brings back so many memories of living in some real remote places growing up.

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 01:41 AM
Star Blazers

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 01:33 AM

last month i saw this on the tv guide channel, and was going to watch it....buuuut i got a lil high and forgot about it. a shame really cause it sounds like a great stoned flick!laugh

must see while stoned

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 01:13 AM
History gotta love a bit of histroy, I watch both anytime I get

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 01:06 AM
"What Dreams May Come" Staring Robin Williams, I don't know if it is the artst My ex & i fell in love over that movie. I can't watch it now since she died it actually became a bit of a story board for our love. Even though what happened was sad i am still blessed to have felt love so deeply & sprititualy. It is such an awesome movie

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 12:46 AM
American idol/Australian Idol doesn't matter if its Swedish Idol **** edition I hate em all. oh chuck reality shows in that catagory too, Reality shows are a way for the big TV stations can reduce costs it costs far less too produce a reality show

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 12:29 AM

Sandra Bernhard in Hudson Hawk could make a baby cry.


Imagine letting that near your dangly bits.... don't know about you guys but mine would beat a hasty retreat & cower around my prostate. That woman could bite the ***** of a bulldozer

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 12:20 AM
Edited by Matty120179 on Sun 06/28/09 12:21 AM
This Ones For The Goldies

My dad had a English Staffy that was so ugly when it was a pup he named it Boris after Boris Carloff. Now there is an ugly man he looked liked a Bulldog chewing a wasp... a wasp that he liked off a tyre that he smashed into chasing parked cars..... after being chased down the street & beat about the face with the ugly end of the ugly stick... Can't get any more ugly then that what us Aussies call Supermegafuglie with a Double Asshole twist

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 12:11 AM

A Clockwork Orange

Great movie a must see, a real crime & Punishment movie & a real funny peice. 2 favorite scenes Death of the rich lady with a Giant Porcolin Penis & the threesome that is played at 4 times speed... real funny stuff

Matty120179's photo
Sun 06/28/09 12:02 AM
Tombstone - Doc Holiday comments on being drunk after being told he is too drunk to shot someone "I have 2 guns...... one for each of ya"

Matty120179's photo
Sat 06/27/09 08:12 PM
Yes welcome fellow Sandgropers North or south it's a pretty wild place with just as Wild people

Matty120179's photo
Sat 06/27/09 07:42 PM
It's so hard for our generation to find a partner if we are still single at 30. So many get married way to young & by the time they are 30 & there marriage is gone bad your stuck with kids & in the dating game again, those of us who left it till later in life find the pickings slim because lets admit it it is not easy to date & raise kids. All my 20 something friends I tell to wait until your 30 before you get married or have kids, there is just so much you can do in one lifetime. My advice to all the 20 somethings "enjoy the time while it's there & don't take life too seriously."

Matty120179's photo
Sat 06/27/09 07:19 AM
I never understood the Cybersex thing..... tried it once !

Woke up in the morning with an itch disc drive & a computer virus ;-) so remember if your going to practice Cybersex then make it safe Cybersex & wear a condom on your head.