Community > Posts By > smo

smo's photo
Sat 06/30/07 03:41 PM
hi, here are two terrific phone numbers to congress: I-877-851-6437 and 1-866-340-9281 toll free , We should each spend 15 minutes everyday on these numbers telling our congress servants that we stand behind them on such issues as getting rid of the federal reserve,stop the war,remove the war criminals from power,get rid of the Patriot acts,redo 911 investigation,get rid of the war powers act, get pedophiles out of the the white house, and the male prostitutes, and put the 13th amendment back in the Constitution where it belongs, and any other necessary corrections that need worked on!!!

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:19 PM
I agree with adventure , this one world order idea has been around for
a long time, I understand that even Caesar was murdered by people , he
thought were his friends, over this same old problem, Who is going to
rule the world? Why do you want to rule over your brothers? Why not
rather be a friend and serve your brothers??Do unto others ,what you
want done to you!!

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:06 PM
I think, the Zionists want a one world order, but, I do not think , the
rest of the world plans to stand by and let that happen. Could you
picture the dream that each Zionist would have 1000 slaves, Why the
south never even hoped for such an outrageous dream. They only wanted a
few workers for the farm. And then ,the idea of exterminating the rest
of us?? And cutting the population back to about 500,000,000(500
million)world wide total ?? Hey, I did not dream this up!! Do a little
checking around. Are you on the list for one of those underground
bunkers stocked with food in Australia, South America, New Zealand , and
other places? Mostly in the southern hemisphere in order to escape the
heat in the northern hemisphere . I bet most of us are not on the list,
for a shelter, paid for by your sweat.The bad guys are dressed in grey
suits and pretend to be your friends. The good thing is there are not
very many of them, but they want us to think that we are out numbered ,
not true, but we need to put them on trial for their crimes against
mankind. They have bribed and blackmailed our Congress into impotency.
Time to stand up for America(LAND OF HEAVEN). It needs to be heaven
again. The rest of the world is watching what we are going to do about
it. Stop the war, bring the soldiers HOME where they belong. Yes,
support the soldiers ,and bring them home!!!I don't trust the Zionists.
I don't know if anybody ,anywhere trusts them, certainly not in most
other countries. Ask the Zionists what they think about a one world
order, run by Zionists?

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 03:00 PM
Hey, what is even more exciting, I hear that Russia wants to help us
solve our internal problems in these united States in America(land of
HEAVEN) The world is watching us to see what we are going to do about
it. I hear the Russians have lots of evidence( spy satellites) to help
put our crooks in prison, for a long, long time. I heard that the
Russians have a powerful spy system with all the evidence.( COSMOSHERES,
little manned space ships floating around above us)Boy!! isn't this
technology great and yes the internet too? Why even 911 is going to be
real interesting too. Well, even the aliens are watching us,to see what
we are going to do. By the way , Many of the aliens are exactly like
us, so ,I hear. I have a feeling we are going to learn a lot in a hurry
now days.But each of us needs to do our share in exposing these crooks.

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 02:36 PM
That is ,great, about time , We need to get Jay Rockefeller working on
this too, I think he is ready to play ball too, good for him, and Leahy.
I think Jay is tired of seeing our nice country going down the tubes
,too. I think this thing can be fixed, because there are not as many
trouble makers as the troublemakers want us to believe. They want us to
feel helpless and out numbered, but no, there is a relatively small
number of them, and as ,I said before, the enemy is dressed in grey
suits, it is not some Arab army somewhere. The enemy is right among us,
pretending to be your friends. Time to put them all on trial, and then
in prison for a long, long time. Many already know who they are. The
Kennedy murders are not a mystery either, there is plenty of evidence.
Over in England ,they know too, it will be just a short time and it
will all come out. The snake is eating his own tail, how long can that

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 02:03 PM
Yes, I truly believe that the federal reserve is probably the greatest
single crime against humanity on this planet in the history of this
planet, period.

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:55 PM
Hello, I agree with davinci Ron Paul should be president, but the
problem is too many people disagree, because they do not understand what
has been going on ,and think he is radical or some such nonsense, when
Ron Paul is really 100% right, but too many do not know that. So ,I
thought maybe put Obama in as president, and Colin Powell as vice
president, since neither of these are ,for the war, and they are already
liked by large sections of the people, and Obama is in actuality way out
in front of Hillary, even though opposers are trying to pretend it is a
close race, while Hillary's horse is way back out of sight somewhere.
Then maybe Ron Paul should be the next president in line. It is just a
suggestion because Obama is leading the pack, and I hope that he has not
been bought off or blackmailed ,yet. He is totally against the war, and
STOP THE WAR is high priority, but this federal reserve thing has
brought our country to its knees,brink of ruin, so we definitely need
to start somewhere. Yes, Ron Paul would be a wonderful President,
probably for sure better than any of us has seen in our lifetimes.He
believes in the Constitution ,too. Too many people don't have a clue,
is why I thought Obama ,this time, first???? But, hey, Ron Paul is
personally my first choice too.

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:30 PM
It is my understanding that in destabilizing Iraq, The first planes sent
out destroyed the places where the old Sumerian records were kept? I
wonder why that would be? I wonder what could be in those records, that
the world rulers rather we did not know? Do you suppose it would expose
the real trouble makers on this planet?? Who is to blame for most of our
problems, maybe? And WHO is against PEACE?? I think it is the same bunch
who are, and have always been against peace. I think now days, they
usually wear grey suits!!Not Turbans. They destabilize everything they
touch. Probably pretend to be your friends.

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:14 PM
Hi, Now who decided that Iraq should be unstable? It was not Iraq was
it? Who decided it was not a good idea for Iraq to sell their oil for
Euros instead of dollars?? I just wonder, wonder, wonder, WHO WHO
WHO???? Who could it be??

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:03 PM
Bird flu, do you suppose it was engineered?? Like Aids???

smo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 11:49 AM
No, war does not help good people, only helps greedy people who supply
the money and the goods. We need to put O bama in as president and Colin
Powell in as vice president, because they want what WE the PEOPLE WANT!!
Stop the WARS!! And get our Constitution Back!! Wars only ruin
civilizations. I don't believe the Arabs attacked us on 911 Do You?? But
the enemies of the Arabs may have, kind of a false flag situation,no???

smo's photo
Mon 06/25/07 08:03 PM
By the way, we do not have to be afraid of the fraudsters, there is only
a handful of them, they are hiding in plain sight dressed in grey suits,
look and act like your friends, it is no accident they own the world by
fraud.It is the same as a rigged crap game, exactly the same .It is all
rigged from the beginning. I want to ask that same question again. How
could about 3 men pass the Federal Reserve Act during Christmas vacation
while Congress was out of session?? This is the conclusion, I have come
to, evidently must be unconstitutional, does that bother you? IT should,
It is costing you your troubles.

smo's photo
Mon 06/25/07 07:47 PM
First of all, The Federal Reserve is not Federal at all, No more than
Fed Ex is Federal, And I personally believe it is the biggest crime
against mankind, in the history of the World. The money is created out
of thin air, It is borrowed into existence. The way ,I understand it is
if you borrow 1000. dollars at 10% simple interest for one year,say, at
the end of the year, you have to pay back 1100 dollars. But here is the
catch, they only have printed bills for 1000 dollars, not 1100 dollars,
so it is a game of musical chairs, 100 dollars short intensionally by
the way. So the debt can never be paid back. I see it as fraud against
the people who use the federal reserve system. (built in fraud) The 100
can never be paid back and now they start compounding interest on money
that does not actually exist. How can that be possible, collecting
interest on money that never actually existed? Plus this is actually
monopoly money, has no gold backing. Actually make believe money
borrowed into existence, with no backing. What a ponzi scheme, I think
they should all be in jail, biggest fraud in the history of the
WORLD!!!That is what ,I think, what do you think? So every time some one
borrows for a new house or new car, they do not print enough to cover
the interest, so it is impossible to pay for all the cars and all the
houses. So everytime the music stops, there are not enough chairs(money)
But it is worse than you thought, every time the music stops, they pull
many chairs, not just one. Tell me this, Can't you see those guys
laughing at us because of our ignorance? They get your houses, cars,
land,etc , for nothing , no investment,free. Sounds like Fraud to me,
how about you? Yes the federal reserve is private, not federal at all,
how about ,that? I think fraud invalidates the contracts, what do you
think? I am fairly SURE , that Ron Paul is 100% right, I think he is an
honest MAN. We don't have many like him. Oh , by the way, make Obama,
president, and Colin Powell, vice president, they want same thing we the
people want. They want our Constitution back, which means this federal
reserve problem could be cured(removed)and a new gold backed system, and
the national debt cancelled because of fraud. Remember fraud nullifies
the contract, and the fraudsters put in jail!!THINK ABOUT IT ,That is
how you start.

smo's photo
Sun 06/24/07 05:22 PM
Wake up and smell the country burning people. How can we defeat a
foreign enemy, when we can't even deal, domestically, with evil men in
high places within our own government?

smo's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:46 PM
I also read that Kennedy's assassination had to do with his printing of
U.S. Notes and that he planned to get rid of the federal reserve and the
national debt, because US notes would not have interest added and also
he wanted the people to know what the govt. knew about (real truth)
aliens. And after his death , the US Notes started disappearing, I
remember seeing US Note printed on the bills.

smo's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:32 PM
I have a Question? How could about three men pass the Federal Reserve
Act during Christmas vacation , while Congress was out of session? Near
as I can remember, that is what I read. Does any one have any
information on that? About 1913 ?

smo's photo
Sun 06/24/07 03:59 PM
Quote :Somehow Americans have fallen for the Orwellian doublespeak of
the federal government who tells us we must "give up freedom in order to
protect freedom" Huh? Still snorting cocaine, Bush? :End of quote. For
example the I D cards because of immigration problem.

smo's photo
Sun 06/24/07 03:50 PM
A free people do NOT have government I D cards, under any circumstance.
Illegal immigration and terrorism are not an excuse for tyranny.

smo's photo
Sun 06/24/07 03:22 PM
Yes, democracy is mob rule: Two wolves and a sheep voting on, what is
for dinner. Or even selfish people voting themselves an advantage over
others or city people groups out number country folks and try to
legislate city rules in the country where there is a totally different
situation and circumstances. Whereas a Republic is rule of Law, where
one man with a Constitution is a fortress against unrighteousness.

smo's photo
Wed 06/20/07 08:01 PM
Attacking Iran would be a serious mistake, since Russia and China and
a large part of the rest of the world, say that is a no,no, and it looks
as though they would support Iran, if that happened. Have you heard of
the thousands of Russian cosmosheres floating around above us( manned
space weapons spheres) I hear they plan to see to it that neither U.S.
nor Israel takes over the world. So ,if that is true,which I believe it
is, it would be a serious mistake to attack Iran. I figure that within
24 hours, this country would be one big pile of ruble, like some of
Baghdad is. War is not the answer. But I think the answer is to put
congress and the White House on trial for war crimes, and put the guilty
ones in prison for a long , long time.And then get our Constitutional
government, which ,I believe has been overthrown by these people, who do
not represent us at all. They are no longer our servants as they were
hired to be. Are we asleep??When are we going to wake up? This is my
opinion, and I respect your opinion, if it is different. I just want
what is best for all people. Do unto others like you want done to you.
I love you all, Smo