Community > Posts By > crier2000

crier2000's photo
Sat 09/15/07 08:29 AM
GoBucks, it is very easy to tell if the person your with is in love with you and means it. It is all in the eye.
The eye are the doorway to a person soul. If she truly loves you when she says it she will be looking into your eyes. If they are distant give her time, if time fails then move on.
My priest says that you choose to love someone, so maybe she is just checking you out to see if she can choose to love you.
By the way, I don't agree with that. You fall in love one day. You don't wake up one day and say I'm going to love this person today. You fall in love. Right girls

crier2000's photo
Mon 09/03/07 10:28 AM
All the girls seem to be looking for thier soulmate.
Please define what you consider a soulmate is to you.

For more interesting answers. Guys give your input.

crier2000's photo
Fri 07/20/07 02:17 PM
Thats not funny. Thats a put down. I did laugh though

crier2000's photo
Sat 04/21/07 12:33 PM
meeting up with my mistress. Going out to eat, back to her house. You
guessed it. Beddybye time.

crier2000's photo
Mon 04/16/07 02:37 PM
Hey ease up on thelonelywalker. He is just expressing his opion. We are
allowed to do that here in USA.
Now with what classyjeff has to say. What is the way? Is not the way
being to find Christ? Do you need to go to church to find him. Or can
you look up in the sky, spread your arms and call out for God? Find God
your own way but at least go to church on Christmas and Easter.

Greyhound, I love your analogy here is another.
Going to church don't make you no more a christian that going to a
garage makes you an automoblie.

crier2000's photo
Sun 04/15/07 06:44 PM
What way is that? If I walk out into a woods, sit down on a log and say
a prayer or just talk to God am I not following God's way. Getting and
be closer to him, asking for his help. I too stop going to church but
not for what other people have done. But I stopped because I thought God
let me down. I was wrong. I found that God is everywhere. You do not
have to go to a building to find God, you don't even have to be
connected to a religion to know God. Howeveryou do need to go to church
to receive communion. Which I believe that the Catholic faith requires
you to do on Easter. By the way I am Catholic always was and always
will be and I will not condem anyone who only goes to church twice a
year or not at all. "For he who has no sin (faults) cast the first

crier2000's photo
Sun 04/15/07 06:33 PM
Got to remember though that alot of people are coming back home for
those holidays, mainly the kids that grew up and moved away. But you are
right that there are alot of people that do only go to church on
holidays. Does that make them a bad Catolic, a bad Christian or is it
just thier way of worshiping?