Community > Posts By > mitchdamuscles

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:38 PM
honnyrobber- my doc just told me about some research that they are doing
about the opids, hydrocodon, oxycodone by the way stay away from that
shit it's what i'm on, and getting off of right now, but back to what i
was saying the research so far shows that the opids actually cause more
pain by increasing the pain reseptors in your brain, but i haven't heard
any thing for a 100% about that one.

Kingbreeze- I just wanted to let you know that your wrong in my
situation the pain meds are the last med i have to get off of and then i
won't be taking and Rx drugs well that's the hope any way.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/23/06 07:05 PM
This is all my opinion and have heard lots about in a lot of places, and
some of it is from experience.

What most but not all doctors don't want you to know is that your not
a patient your a custumer, what I mean by this is if people weren't sick
doctors would make a shit load of money and neither would pharmacys, so
they keep each other in buisness by giving you medication that is
basicly poisin, granted they may do some good at the time but in the
long run they hurt you more but if it's a med that you have to be on all
the time it is basicly a poisin that is always in your system that one i
do know expecially when it comes to narcotic pain meds, and watch out if
you try to get off of them. I have been on them for 3-4 years now and am
tappering off of them but even at that because of the time i have been
on them the withdrawls are driving me nuts, makin me feel like shit, and
over all it's just plain hell any way this is my opinion. i'm posting
this cause i seen a lot of things in regaurds to the subject in other

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/23/06 06:52 PM
I don't know for sure Will. But i do know that she is talking to my bro
and that may be y

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/23/06 06:20 PM
if any one has any info about sandra006 it would be most appericated

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/23/06 06:13 PM
a couple of weeks ago i read a post about some one here that was fake
the guy that posted it said that he was an FBI PI if this is you i have
a question for you what do you know about sandra006 I didn't recive any
message from her what so ever for a long time so i haven't even bothered
to look for her any more and started talking to another person now all
of the sudden she sends a message saying she is in trouble. Do you know
any thing about this user.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 07:50 PM
dog has always been about helping people, he just uses it to feed his
family and everyone has to do that.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:20 PM
thank you and enjoy yours too.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:18 PM
I think that people lie because they are either scared of scaring the
other person off or just scared that people might look down on them.
Other than that they lie just because they are full of shit

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:15 PM
on a&e they are having a special interview with the family about the
whole thing it's on tuesday night at 11pm my time and i'm pacific time
look for on a&e I have already heard a bit about it and have been
watching the show for a long time now, I think that if you watch it
you'll find out that it's completely bull shit, any way have a good one

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:05 PM
When i heard about it is pissed me off. What are your thoughts on this

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:02 PM
People who blame art, videogames, movies, music for their actions are
just full of shit, it's their choice to look at play listen to or watch
any of it, The reason that they blame this stuff is because they are to
much of a pussy to take responcability for their own actions. If parents
think that video games are a bad influence on their children, then guess

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 11:56 AM
I think you pretty much answered your own question, you have already
raised you kids and everything so obviously to me life began a while ago
for, as for being scared it reminds me of my change in to adult hood, I
think it's just the nerves we all get from life altering changes.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Wed 09/13/06 07:46 PM
Mydnlash- I don't know you could tell me your secrets.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Wed 09/13/06 01:00 PM
Hotmomma- I'm not sure what mine is. I guess that it would have to be
that when life puts a brick wall in my way I plow right through and keep
going, the thick ones slow me down a bit though. LOL

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 09/12/06 05:59 PM
any thing doesn't matter what it is.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 09/12/06 05:47 PM
What's the one thing your best at doing?

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 09/12/06 02:54 PM
honeyrobber- the saying true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing
is not ment literaly it just an understanding that no matter how much
you do know you'll never know everything.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/11/06 11:53 PM
For me it's. I'm a jack of most trades, master of a few, and willing to
learn what i don't know. That and True knowledge comes from knowing that
you know nothing at all. What about you guys?

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/11/06 11:45 PM
brybrymom- do I date often? No i don't. I haven't been on a date or in a
relationship for about 2 years i think. The catch is shallow people that
stereo type. If you tell someone or start talking to some one about your
life as a disabled person, they automaticly assume that you live in a
deep pit of depression. What they don't relize is that yes i get
depressed from time to time, but i don't live in a pit of depression
like they think, but simply life gave me a truck load of lemons, so i
guess there is enough lemonade for everyone. But if you want to know
more details check out my profile most of it is there. Have a good one.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/11/06 06:37 PM
Stephanie- Unless they steal the win this year like they did last year,
then i hope not.