Community > Posts By > mitchdamuscles

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/07/06 06:18 PM
How many people are really shallow even thought they say their not? Many
people have told me that they aren't, but then they will turn around and
look at some one and say something like who could possibly date some one
like that. Just because they have buck teeth or they are over weight,
Hell I have seen it as bad as some one saying that just cause a woman
didn't look like a model, but she was really pretty. What do people here

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/07/06 06:07 PM
What i want to know is how people view some one who lives at home with
their parents, when they are 20 or older, and if you knew that they
didn't really have a choice would it change your opinion?

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/07/06 02:47 PM
stephanie- about the cat leaving you a mouse, because you have been
feeding it for a while it's trying to show it's apperication by hunting
down your pests and making sure that you see it. My cats do it all the

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/07/06 02:43 PM
Have a talk with your friend find out y it is that he doesn't like the
other guy. Because of the fact the he has an outside look and no ties to
the other guy, your friend might see the other guy's true colors, so
talk with him he's probably just trying to protect you from harm in one
form or another.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Wed 09/06/06 10:41 AM
Thank you. But i'm not really worried about what people think I'm just
wandering what people think that's all. But thank you any way.


mitchdamuscles's photo
Wed 09/06/06 10:27 AM
There were to many sadows on my face for the pic so details and pic
aren't the best. Just wanted to know what you all think.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 09/05/06 04:02 PM
I'm gonna generalize this for all the responces. It's good to know that
there is an online community, that won't treat me like i'm a sorrowful
disease. Thank you all for your kind words.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 09/05/06 02:24 PM
If you read my profile then you know why i'm asking this. But what i
want to know is if you met some one with any kind of physical disability
would you get romanticaly involved with them? If not. Why?

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/03/06 08:03 PM
thank you all your opinions really matter. Because i have been trying to
figure out what to tell about my self with out giving the wrong idea and
it seems that i have done so.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/03/06 08:01 PM
hurts like hell 24/7. But i have no choice but to live with it so i do.
Thanks for asking

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/03/06 07:56 PM
thank you steve. as for the photo I'm still workin on it my cam is fussy
so it has to be the right time of day and everything ill try to get it

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/03/06 07:51 PM
thank you it's the most helpful info that i have gotten yet cajunrose

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/03/06 07:48 PM
I just changed my blog for a sentence to at least a paragraph because
people here keep saying that basics aren't enough so anyone who has the
time please check out my profile and let me know what you think. Thank
you have a nice day

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/03/06 07:25 PM
Thank you kay. But i think i should have explained a little more that i
never was much of a flirt or for the game also i haven't done much
dating or anything at all in the last few years for personal reasons i
have been single the whole time so im really lost because things have
changed alot like i'm not a teen any more so it's a whole new ball game
all together, but also i just haven't been out in public with women all
that much. Could you please give me some examples of what I might expect
to see when it comes to flirt. and if you can just overall try to catch
me up on things

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/02/06 12:49 AM
thanks king i'll keep that in mind but i'm looking for a way to tell
with out having to ask it just seems a little oquard to ask something
like that but thanks i will keep those ideas in mind

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/02/06 12:45 AM
Stephanie, i suffer from sleep depravation daily. I have a few ideas. if
you use caffeen cut back and dont drink it a couple of hrs before bed,
drink 8-10 8 oz glasses of water a day if you smoke try not to a little
while before bed although i haven't been able to do so my self, try a
soft calm music that is relaxing, and just keep trying things to make
your self as comforable as possible. For me most of these things are
imposible because of my injurys, which is basicly my entire spine and
even with the strong pain meds my doctor has me on I spend about 5hrs
just trying to get to sleep for the coupel of hrs that i get a night and
some times I dont sleep. Any way best of luck

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/02/06 12:29 AM
It seems to me that you can really tell if a woman if flirting or just
being nice, unless of course they just want to fuck your brains out,
then they are all over you like white on rice. But seriously how am I
supposed to know if I'm being hit on or if they are being nice. This
keeps happening more often with me and I don't want to mix things up and
start flirting with a woman that is just being nice, but if they are
flirting I wouldn't mind giving them my number or asking for theirs. Can
some one PLEASE HELP me with this matter. Thanks

mitchdamuscles's photo
Tue 08/29/06 02:23 PM
I agree that it may be short profiles and no pics will probably have a
major impact on people responding or sending the initial message. With
that said I have a question for you. What is some one like myself to do
since i don't like to brag or even write about my self because i just
don't know what to say? But some times i do know what to say i just
don't know how to say it. Aside from that if i were to tell alot of
details i highly dought that anyone belive it any way, and if they did
they would think the wrong thing about me, because of stereo typing. I
would like to hear your thoughts as well as anyone else who would care
to share their opion on this matter. If you need more details on this
matter send me a message, asking what ever it is you need, I'm happy to
answer any questions that you have. Thank you and have a great day

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 08/26/06 04:32 PM
how many people worry about id theft or wish that they could afford an
attorny for anything. Better yet what would you think if i told you that
you can get both for a small monthly fee you can choose one or the other
they monitor your credit for id theft plus for a small monthly fee you
have a group of lawyers that you can call 24/7 365 if any one wants more
info please let me know and ill get you all the info you want Thanks and
have a nice day

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