Community > Posts By > mitchdamuscles

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/30/06 05:53 PM
thanks man i know a bunch more just can't rember them right now

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/30/06 05:31 PM
this business man is planning a trip and knows his wife is an extremely
horny woman and want's to make sure she doesn't cheat on him.
So he goes to the dildo shop and looks at all kinds of dildos, he
explains his situation to the clerk the clerk says i've got just the
thing for you it's a really special didldo, so he pulls out this box,
the guy says whats so special about it, the clerk says it's a voodoo
dildo, the guy looks at the clerk like he's crazy and says, WHAT, the
clerks says here i'll show you then he says voodoo dick the key hole,
and it flys across the room and starts fuckin the key hole, then he says
voodoo dick back in the box, then it flys back into the box, the man
looks and says WOW, how much is it, the clerk replies $50 the man says
ok i'll take it.

He goes home and gives it to his wife and tells her all about it, she
says ok how does it work, so he tells her to make it start say voodoo
dick my pussy and it will start and to make it stop say voodoo dick back
in the box, she say ok.

So the man leaves on his trip about 4 hours goes by and his wife gets
really horny, then she rembers the present her husband gave her, so she
says voodoo dick my pussy, it flys outa the box and starts fuckin her
like crazy well after about 8 orgazims she wants to stop but forgot how
so she starts trying to pull it out and can't get it to stop, she starts
getting worried that it's going to fuck her to death, so she gets in her
car and starts flying to the hospital, on her way she gets pulled over.
The cop walks up and says maam why were you speeding, she replies
because i have this voodoo dick stuck in my pussy, the officer replies


mitchdamuscles's photo
Sat 09/30/06 05:05 PM
thanks man i needed a good laugh after my day

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:57 PM
no ghost i'm not trying to convert anyone, but the info in the post was
in accurate so im just trying to set the record straight if i'm talking
religion and some one doesn't want to hear I won't force them

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:16 PM
this will take me longer than i thought so it may be a couple of days so
look for a post it will be something like heaven and hell as depicted in
the bible ,

take care everyone and god bless

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/28/06 05:10 PM
ok this will take me a while to be able to give you the correct
information on this including exact quotes from the bible and yes hell
is real but not like you said in your post it's almost nothing like that
i will do some indepth reasearch on this and get back with another post
but expect to do alot of reading till then take care

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/28/06 04:58 PM
no prob, and yes this site is free and in a fraction of the time i have
been on other sites i have made a lot of friends and a good connection

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/28/06 01:48 PM
stay away from true .com they just billed my account for there fee with
out authorization from i called them twice and offered all the proof i
have that i had not even been on their site the day that the supposed
authorization was given and they won't listen the won't refund the money
and they won't give me an e-mail to send them my history list proving
that i was not on that site and they absoulutly refuse to work with me
to fix a simple mistake. You don't want the headache

mitchdamuscles's photo
Thu 09/28/06 01:40 PM
thanks man your cool im send you a friends invite

mitchdamuscles's photo
Wed 09/27/06 11:47 AM
i just tried to create a new chat room on yahoo and they will not allow
me to how ever we could meet in one of the friends rooms under the
romance section any way let me know

mitchdamuscles's photo
Wed 09/27/06 11:35 AM
that's great that they are adding a chat room here as for the idea about
using yahoo to chat till then i think it's a great idea now some one
mentioned using a chat that will allow you to play games how ever if
you sign into the chat room using your messenger not only can you im
people but you can play games and mark you fav room and sign in in just
a few seconds reguardless of what chat software you are running so my
suggestion is that some one creates a just say hi room on
infact i will do that in just a couple of min if i have time but also i
will keep checking on this topic to see if people have objections to
this or you can send me a mail that would be easier for me because i
have a lot to do today till then later my friends

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:10 PM
i'm a totall jet li fan how was it in comparison to fists of legend

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:07 PM
that's a really good one

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:05 PM
God of War is one of the best games i have played they could have left
out the nudity though. what do you think

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:03 PM
thanks man i needed the help i'll post a new topic

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 06:40 PM
I'm board while i'm waiting for someone to get online full of opinions
just don't know what to talk about

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:16 PM
i think everyone will have a good time here they just have to watch out
for the fakes that are trying to rip you off cause unfortunately there
are a few of them but they all seem to be the female users guess they
are trying to play on men or some thing anyway if some one sounds fake
to you just post something in the general discussion about them asking
and if some one knows weather or not they are fake they will tell but
usually if they know it's already posted here

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 05:11 PM
this is a very nice site the people here are very open minded, and
copassionate here, and yes as someone who has tried many other sites i
have met some very interesting people here and if they aren't
relationship material then they make good friends but i even met some
one and we have been talking for a while now any way it's all good here.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 09/25/06 11:10 AM
metal is the best workout music you can have it gets you pumped up and
totally sycked

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/24/06 06:51 PM
thanks guys this site is great but i do have a suggestion could you by
chance and some kind of chat room or instant messenger to make it easier
to talk to people here. Thanks
