Community > Posts By > jonnny55

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Sun 01/16/11 09:43 PM
from an early age i expreiencd these places so i no what there like but i was 1 of the lucky ones i went to live with a good foster family who give me every thing i need to sucseed in life i battled drugs depresion i even tryed to kill my self but this family helped me through this bad time in my life and i wil always be gratfull for what they done for me we are still very close to this day ind i visit regular it could of easyly gone the wrong way for me but i got the help i needed im older now and have 2 kids of my own who i love to pieces i do voluntry work 3 days aweek at my local youth center to help the kids where i live ive done it for some years now im there for them when they need me and i try my best to help and support them i even get a lot of the older ones coming back to visit i love what i do and i feel its my duty to give to these kids what i can and the only reward i get for this is seeing them make somthing of there lives

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Sun 01/16/11 09:06 PM

I think these programs are nothing but out for money. I would never put my kid in a program like that...most likely when they come out, they rebel even more!!!
Do you work for these people or something? I don't see how leaving a teen in a place like that for a long period of time away from loved ones is going to help...sorry but you are wrong!!!
i couldnt agree more

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Sun 01/16/11 05:09 AM
road kill im poor and cant aford food

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Sat 01/15/11 11:32 PM

Those programs don't work unless they want help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These programs are designed to help them to think,
and build their lives.
To give them goals and responsibilities.

Their misdirected lives will be changed.

They aren't initially aware of their need for these programs.

Would the streets and prison be a better alternative?

I understand that! But,untill the person is ready for the life changes.They will not work.....The progams don't fail.The people in them do. Back to the old saying,You can lead a horse to water,but you can't make him drink!!

Most young people don't voluntarily join these programs.
School couselors or the court system may recommend them.
These are offered as alternatives to juvenile detentions,
which have become revolving doors
for our young men and women today.
We as parents must be supportive of these programs
and our youths. Regardless of the episodes
that led to the choosing of these programs,
we should not leave our teen with the feeling of complete abandonment.

Somewhere along the way
our youth may have lost communication with us
prior to entering these programs.

Yet, in time they may learn to express positive feelings,
ideas and goals we never imagined we'd see in them,
even remorse... for the misunderstanding
between him/herself and the parent/s.

Once he/she is in the program let it run its intended course.

These are modes of interven
dont let your kid near one of these places detention centers are no good your kid will end up more messed up than you can imagin and if its you thats sent them there they will hate you for it and it will be in the back of there mind forever trust me also they will learn alot in there and i dont mean in a good way the people they will meet and mix with on a daily basis will teach them things your child will go in a petty thief with a few anger problems that can be sorted out by bit of quality time love and attention and come out an armed robber with a crack addiction there are better ways to help kids most of the time there crying out for attention not detention you tell me how your helping a child by locking them up taking there freedom do you no how it feels to be locked up like a dog it degrades you makes you feel worthless ive sat there and listen to kids cry kids that didnt deserve to be in that position good kids that made honest mistakes some of them never make it out of these places through bullying selfharming even rape i hope anyone who sends a child to one of these places has to experince it for themselves and lets see how they end up when they come out i agre with the wildernes projects camping fishing trips rockclimbin kayaking holidays that sort of stuff make them feel liked and loved compliment them and when they misbehave dont shout or disaplin them ignore it they will soon realise that it doesent work like i said it more than likely its the attention they want also lookat there back groundwhere theve come from some children have grown up and seen nothing but violence from an early age at home and in the area where they live drugs and various other things its not fair to throw a kid in front of a judge that comes from a nice area nos ****ALL about life in the real worldor the childs background and send him to dc would they send there own kids NO i dont care whwat any one says no child is bad its the adults that make them bad when i was a child i had a friend hes locked up now doing 20 years his mother was on heroin he never had a dad he used to steal not because he was bad because he needed money to buy food as his drugy mom used to spend there money on smack he got caught a few times and eventually got locked up since then every time he got outof jail within days he be back in for something petty but these charges build up and up and before you no it youve spent your life in prisonfor what started out as a bit of petty shoplifting because you are hungry through no fault of your own any way i could go on all night my point is children are not bad we make them bad give them love and care and a bit of your time and they will make good honest adults one day abandon them or write them of as bad and there on the road to nowhere ive got time for any child no matter what they have done

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Sat 01/15/11 05:35 PM

I am willing to shoot any animal, as long as I get a chance to have sex with Sarah Palin afterwards. Or during, whatever.
i hope ut works out for you give her 1 for me if you get the chance

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Sat 01/15/11 05:33 PM

Hunting is not a sport, never was and never will be. Hunting is final! It is also a way of life, anyone can go buy meat somebody else has touched but I prefer to kill and grill my own when I get the chance.
all you do gooders have pissed me off im gonna go and shoot some deer for fun now even though ive got a freezer full and im just gonna leave them dead on the floor ah hahahaha wonder how many i can kill hopefully about a dozen and any other animal that comes my ways gettin it to ill let yall no how i get on

Is hunting with Dynamite the same as Fishing with Dynamite?
i dont no i wouldnt mind tryin it though blow the fury fu**ers in to next week

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Sat 01/15/11 09:45 AM

Hunting is not a sport, never was and never will be. Hunting is final! It is also a way of life, anyone can go buy meat somebody else has touched but I prefer to kill and grill my own when I get the chance.
all you do gooders have pissed me off im gonna go and shoot some deer for fun now even though ive got a freezer full and im just gonna leave them dead on the floor ah hahahaha wonder how many i can kill hopefully about a dozen and any other animal that comes my ways gettin it to ill let yall no how i get on

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Fri 01/14/11 02:47 PM
in england there is a hunting ban no hunting with dogs with the exeption of rats and rabbits any animal killed must be shot or trapped and humainly killed

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Fri 01/14/11 11:28 AM

I don't hunt, but wouldn't mind picking off a few pesky rabbits that seem to invade my garden every year.
get yourself a fast dog and alamp good sport

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Fri 01/14/11 10:24 AM

careful dragoness, if you don't agree with them you may well come under attack as well.
no she wont we like her shes not boring like you coming on here tryin to be the big shot

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Fri 01/14/11 09:50 AM

give up? all you did was walk in here and tell me that i have my head up my azz because i don't agree with your description of a sport and since i dare do such a thing you simply give up?

you people are too much.

if were to much go away and think about your rubbish opinion go on back to your rock

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Fri 01/14/11 09:26 AM

I hunt,my frezzer is full. I should know better then to even get involved in a no win thread.
well it was stated that hunting is not a sport. who ever said that needs to pull thier head out of thier *** before theres anymore brain damage done.

hahaha!!! this is too funny!

yes i am the one that said it, i am also the one that said i have no problem with people hunting (wonder how that keeps gettin lost in all of this?)

i am also left to wonder why it is that if anyone disagrees with you nut cases, he then comes under attack? i mean god forfuccingbit someone should have an opinion that differs from you, right? as if being a hunter entitles your opinion to be any more just than those who do not hunt.

now since it is a physical impossibility for me to have my head up my azz, perhaps you might consider contributing something a bit more substantial to the conversation than resorting to the same predictable childish name calling or slander wielding rhetoric as your fellow "hunters". you know, like perhaps giving your reasons for believing it is a sport. or maybe even acting like an adult and actually having a conversation with real ideas and tangible premise.
you are so boring crawl back under your rock and stay there till you get a life or go and hug a tree or your boyfriend

you keep making my point, i guess i should thank you, but i'm afraid you might not understand the sarcasm.

you still here asleep

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Fri 01/14/11 09:14 AM

I hunt,my frezzer is full. I should know better then to even get involved in a no win thread.
well it was stated that hunting is not a sport. who ever said that needs to pull thier head out of thier *** before theres anymore brain damage done.

hahaha!!! this is too funny!

yes i am the one that said it, i am also the one that said i have no problem with people hunting (wonder how that keeps gettin lost in all of this?)

i am also left to wonder why it is that if anyone disagrees with you nut cases, he then comes under attack? i mean god forfuccingbit someone should have an opinion that differs from you, right? as if being a hunter entitles your opinion to be any more just than those who do not hunt.

now since it is a physical impossibility for me to have my head up my azz, perhaps you might consider contributing something a bit more substantial to the conversation than resorting to the same predictable childish name calling or slander wielding rhetoric as your fellow "hunters". you know, like perhaps giving your reasons for believing it is a sport. or maybe even acting like an adult and actually having a conversation with real ideas and tangible premise.
you are so boring crawl back under your rock and stay there till you get a life or go and hug a tree or your boyfriend
dont take it the wrong way thats my opinion of you

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Fri 01/14/11 09:08 AM

I hunt,my frezzer is full. I should know better then to even get involved in a no win thread.
well it was stated that hunting is not a sport. who ever said that needs to pull thier head out of thier *** before theres anymore brain damage done.

hahaha!!! this is too funny!

yes i am the one that said it, i am also the one that said i have no problem with people hunting (wonder how that keeps gettin lost in all of this?)

i am also left to wonder why it is that if anyone disagrees with you nut cases, he then comes under attack? i mean god forfuccingbit someone should have an opinion that differs from you, right? as if being a hunter entitles your opinion to be any more just than those who do not hunt.

now since it is a physical impossibility for me to have my head up my azz, perhaps you might consider contributing something a bit more substantial to the conversation than resorting to the same predictable childish name calling or slander wielding rhetoric as your fellow "hunters". you know, like perhaps giving your reasons for believing it is a sport. or maybe even acting like an adult and actually having a conversation with real ideas and tangible premise.
you are so boring crawl back under your rock and stay there till you get a life or go and hug a tree or your boyfriend

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Fri 01/14/11 08:55 AM

I hunt,my frezzer is full. I should know better then to even get involved in a no win thread.
well it was stated that hunting is not a sport. who ever said that needs to pull thier head out of thier butt before theres anymore brain damage done.

haha nice one mate

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Fri 01/14/11 12:23 AM
thanks for your comments found some of them really interesting

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Fri 01/14/11 12:16 AM

Venny Hamburgers!drool

Bambi on a bun!:banana:

drool OH GOD YES!drool
hahaha you tell em cant beat a bit of bambi

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Thu 01/13/11 10:21 PM

how do you feel about hunting with dogs

i live in england where theres a hunting ban with dogs except for rats and rabbits

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Thu 01/13/11 10:16 PM
how do you feel about hunting with dogs

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Thu 01/13/11 10:14 PM

i love meat, so if i go hunting i eat what i kill. say whatever you want but thats the way its been for thousands of years and more. i dont hunt for the fun of it and i only use a bow to make it more of a challenge.
you must get some fun out of it or you wouldnt want to make it more of a challenge

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