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Fri 10/02/09 10:57 AM
"Truth is constructed"
elizabeth fiorenza

I disagree as my beliefs have changed over the years based on my experiences and the fact that I am open to learning new things. I seek the truth....wherever that may lead.

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Wed 09/30/09 10:02 AM

You need to grow up and learn how to control yourself. You don't have to curse or get defensive I listed resources for people to use. Did it ever occur to you that I put that there because some parents may want to help their children understand the problem they are having? or perhaps help the child's siblings understand why their bro/sis is now seeing a doctor? My list was a source of resources where you could get information for anyone. Additionally, kid friendly websites usually have an education link or a parent link on them some even have support groups where parents and children with ADHD can go to talk about the problem. ADHD is a disability because it is a brain imbalance hence why it is covered under the IDEA individuals with disabilities education act. There is nothing wrong with it and children are normal besides being hyperactive you are trying to hard to pull something defensive out of something that isn't meant to be defensive. Additionally, you can talk from your perspective of having the problem but some children are very different from you as all children are. There are differentiating strategies that teachers use in the classroom to help each child meet their needs. I believe you may think negatively on your problem and that is why you are trying to pull something negative from my post, but there is nothing negative there just some information that I thought would help " parents" in the "parenting" section of this forum.

To the rest of you, yes it IS diffrent in every case, for people are all diffrent. What works for some may not be so with others. That I can understand, because I have severe ADHD. The only reason why I can type this long is because I am so pissed off. But please, don't say that you need to "CURE" ADHD. It really does make the people that do have it feel like it is a desiese or something, evrn if you don't mean it. ( I know I can't spell, don't ride me on that.) sorortiy girl, I don't like being mean but saying "I'm sre there is a kid friendly website as well" is just being a Bi**ch, you may have some good points, but the only way you know of this stuff is because of your books, mabye because you feel like you are teaching some of them. I know of it because I been through that IDEA crap. I sat in rooms filled with kids just like me,who fail because not that they do not understand, but because they feel like they are being treated like dribbling idiots. And the teacher treats us as such. This is B******it, I have a friend who has Severre ADHD, is 16 and writes re-writes software programs. In 11th grade, the teacher would give us problems desigened for 8th graders. Example: if the teach asks : what is the recopical of 1/2? and when we awsner her, she spits out a long list of questions : Are you sure, how did you come up with that? DO you want me to repeat the lesson? And then they act all excited and say: YEAH!!! YOU GOT IT RIGHT!!.... how does that make you feel?" My god,they treat you like you are in special ed. This does not teach them how, in any way to " feel Industral" and I gotta tell you - to hell with your books, certifics and programs, you don't have it- you don't know S**t. So get the F**K off you pestadal, stop being a B***th. It's NOT a disability, and you can't "CURE" it. Got it?

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Mon 09/28/09 11:40 AM
<< teacher just giving you a brief overview of it i'm not labeling them as retarded, because children are very bright as are children with ADD/ADHD infact they have a lot of energy and if that energy can be used effectively they can get more done than most people. However, if you research it like a book that I have on it "including children with special needs," i believe is the book it labels 3 sections as inattentive, hyperactive, and another one I forget where children most often have problems at who have this proble.In then in the academic hemisphere ADHD is under IDEA individuals with disabilities education act which provides children who have certain problems ADD/ADHD being one an IEP individal education plan every plan is different as all children are different and thus have different needs that must be met. Therefore in the classroom there are different procedures that teachers can use in order to aid children in feeling industrial. Additionally these are often the children who do get in trouble the most in class esp. when not medicated, medication is not a must bt for some it is a good option, otherwise if its not to severe with say a change in diet, getting lots of exercise, and the teacher and parens working cooperatively it can be helped as can most problems that occur like this.

If you'd like more information there are many websites about it I'm sre there is a kid friendly website as well, cdc- center for disease control will have information, school guidance counselors, resource teachers, and developmental pediatricians i'm sure would have more information on it!

Good luck with your pursuit

since this is parenting children with adhd or really grown ups as well when unmedicated often are inattentive, hyperactive, and often experience problems with behavior and academics.

In the classroom your child will have problems sitting through long lectures ( the teacher will have to modify their lectures), may want to talk when not appropriate, will often not complete tasks that are to long for him/her, may move a lot, be unable to sit down and study,etc.

as someone else said adhd is attention deficite hyper disorder, if you feel that your child has it please take them to their pediatrician and either your pediatrician can help suggest non medicated ways to helping your child or can perscribe medicine for him/ her.

Additionally, ADHD in school receives an IEP an individual Educational Plan where for example if your child has problems paying attention and taking notes, the teacher may have your child take as many as possible and then switch her notes with his, or the teacher may break down assignments like giving everyone else all of their work at one time where as with the child she would give him 1 part and then when he finisihed that part let him start on part number 2, etc.
Very good idea, I wish there was more like you. But most ADHD's will see the second part of your blog as you labeling them as "retarded", even though you are not. I have seen it before. Just a heads up.

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Sun 09/27/09 12:32 PM
God is called he because of the latin langage it came out of in many other languages everything has a pronoun he, she, him, her, God takes on a masculine pronoun thus why we refer to god as he

In reality God has no sex however he sent his son Jesus Christ to earth to save us all and he sent Jesus in mans form so that we as humans could better understand him.

atleast thats my interpretation. Good luck in your pursuit.

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Sat 09/26/09 07:13 AM
quietman is right it is the coriolis effect

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Sat 09/26/09 07:09 AM
since this is parenting children with adhd or really grown ups as well when unmedicated often are inattentive, hyperactive, and often experience problems with behavior and academics.

In the classroom your child will have problems sitting through long lectures ( the teacher will have to modify their lectures), may want to talk when not appropriate, will often not complete tasks that are to long for him/her, may move a lot, be unable to sit down and study,etc.

as someone else said adhd is attention deficite hyper disorder, if you feel that your child has it please take them to their pediatrician and either your pediatrician can help suggest non medicated ways to helping your child or can perscribe medicine for him/ her.

Additionally, ADHD in school receives an IEP an individual Educational Plan where for example if your child has problems paying attention and taking notes, the teacher may have your child take as many as possible and then switch her notes with his, or the teacher may break down assignments like giving everyone else all of their work at one time where as with the child she would give him 1 part and then when he finisihed that part let him start on part number 2, etc.

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Sat 09/26/09 07:00 AM
Edited by sororitygurl4life on Sat 09/26/09 07:01 AM

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Sat 09/26/09 06:58 AM
just to throw a little controversy out there we're not really in global warming. This is because we live in a "positive feedback loop" where yes we as humans do put carbon dioxide into the amosphere which will cause a warming system however because we have plants those plants eat( basically) the co2 and spit it back out as good stuff. Additionally, global warming has not been proven infaCt there is a scientific debate over global warming in the science community many scientists argue that the sun goes through warming periods and right now we are in a warming time with the sun with in a matter of time the sun will get out of it and temperatures will go back down to where they use to be.

Further more we as humans really only let a small fraction of co2 out in to the atmosphere the biggest supplies of co2 are the number 1 source termites, and tied at number 2 are ( some other animal i forget) and cows.

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Fri 09/25/09 01:16 PM
uhm that is pretty rude.. please be more respectful.

Why would catholics be considered devil worshipers?

Oh you mean the other religions with multiple gods.

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Fri 09/25/09 01:09 PM
his hat and a pajamas set

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Fri 09/25/09 01:05 PM

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Fri 09/25/09 12:35 PM
helps lizzard " put out his fire "

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Fri 09/25/09 12:32 PM
was once a cop but got fired cause he stopped a car that really wasn't speeding

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Fri 09/25/09 12:13 PM
cries... at night and holds a michael jackson pillow

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Fri 09/25/09 12:13 PM
lol ..... uhm welcome

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Fri 09/25/09 12:11 PM
do you tell them that in the beginning.. i havent really had that problem... make it known in the beginning and then if they leave they aren't worth it anyways.

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Fri 09/25/09 05:23 AM
for further questioning of this topic please see someone in your area a bout it who is in clergy because obviously you don't get it from what anyone else has said sweet...

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Wed 09/23/09 05:08 PM

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Wed 09/23/09 04:59 PM
your profile is pretty good like the guys said i'd add a few more pics!

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Wed 09/23/09 10:54 AM
there are good women out there.. you just have to weed through the ones who aren't worth your time :0)

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