Community > Posts By > CowboyGH

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 07:05 PM

I used to believe in soul mates. I do not anymore. And, not because I am bitter or jaded when it comes to relationships. Actually, I'm just the opposite. Both relationships and being single have their pros and cons and I think both can be wonderful times in a person's life. But, over the last 3 or 4 years I have stopped believing in the idea of "the one" or the person "meant for me". For a deeply spiritual person I am also pretty logical and I think that love and a good relationship is more about meeting someone, falling in love and making a choice to be together and to create a life together. I think you must have things in common and be willing to compromise in areas you don't agree. I don't think there is only person for everyone. That's not to say you won't find a person you spend the rest of your life with, it just means there isn't only person who can ever fill that role.

What do you think?

meeting someone, falling in love and making a choice to be together and to create a life together.

I believe you are absolutely correct, not just the quote.. but your entire post. I don't believe either that there is two people "made" for one another. It's about self sacrifice and dedication.. boils down to love. If someone loves the other, they will bend and twist for the other at times, as will the spouse. And in the end it will all work out. No two people are just going too hit it off and be absolutely perfect for each other in every way of the relationship without bending in and giving up something they want to do, want in general, or anything of such. Just boils down to who you love more, you and your specific happiness, or your spouses happiness.... Which again routes back to "love" for your spouses happiness should over come any selfish or personal happiness, as in you should receive more happiness from them being happy then specifically the happiness you would have received from doing or getting what ever it may be in the specific time.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 06:58 PM

I know it's not "proof" as it's next too impossible to "prove" something that happened in the past, especially at this length of time in the past. But there have been many cases of fossils found on tops of mountains of animals that were no native too that area, or mountains in general. Like wale fossils found on tops of mountains and things of that nature.

Am having computer difficulties and it's acting up at the very moment or I would site some of the web addresses too find such findings. Will try again later too find the more specific addresses to display such information.

mountains weren't always mountains... the tectonic plates forces an upheaval of the land, and mountains rise and fall over time...

True possibility, except for one factor. For it to have been tectonic plates shifting causing the mountain to rise. It would have had too do it very quickly to capture a whale on top of the mountain in the process, as in rising up in just mere seconds, possibly having to catch the whale off guard as in asleep or something so it couldn't swim away in time before it was caught in the rise of the mountain.

Or if it would have caused the water to drain out, lower the water level. Again would have had to be in split seconds too catch the whale off guard. And this isn't just one mere example of this happening, this is evident all across the globe. From California, to the Andes.

you're kidding, right?

read this...

Not saying it's not technically possible... just what are the odds it would have happened several times again all through the world? Especially keeping in complete form of the entire fossils of whales found on the mountains? And through out that passage, you'll see it refers to scientists "think" .... So that would drop it from a fact to a possible "hypothesis" which in the long run is merely an educated guess. Not downing science in anyway, as they have discovered many marvelous and important things. But for the discussion we're having, your putting your "faith" into a "guess" on this note. But still close to impossible. As it would have taken quite a many years for the whale to become fossilized in the first place, then AFTER it was fossilized, again quite many years for it to be moved in whole.

And furthering what I said, yes one or two whales could have happened this way. But what are the odds of the whole whale fossil doing this including sea shells and other various sea "creature" fossils in the same location?

read the webpage... those fossils sat around for millions of years before the mountains rose... most animals don't pick the spots where they die, they just die..

True, but what are the odds of this happening as I said multiple times through out the world? Yes you are right in your thinking to a degree, this very well could happen once maybe twice just so happened too have died where the mountain(s) rose. But what are the odds of it in multiple stops in through out the entire world? And again the fossils staying in tact as the mountains rose and not falling apart through the time of being weather beat'n or the actual rising of the dirt elevation. Seems we're at a stale mate in the discussion on this level. As you believe the mountains rose under neath the creatures that died in the sea/ocean and I believe there was enough water on the surface of the world at one point to place the whales above the mountains to necessarily die falling down onto them under the flooded world. And there is not enough proof/evidence to show either side is correct or not... you place your faith in the science side and I place my faith in the accordance of God... Many blessing Moe, been a pleasure.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 04:28 PM

Were given a new body in Jesus Christ..?..
It's got to be getting awfully crowded in there by

1 Corinthians 15:42 - 44

42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

It's got to be getting awfully crowded in there by

I missed the reference lol, please elaborate.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 04:11 PM

Sooo.let's say he does exist...
Now what.!!.. he still doesn't make his presence known.. does not answer all your prayers... and you won't see him supposably until the day you die...
And then what good will that do you?..last time I checked your brain stays here on Earth.. along with your and your voice

he still doesn't make his presence known

But he does make his presence known, you can see him all around the world in all the glorious things that happen, big and little. Most people put the credit else where, just depends on where you place your faith. And once someone comes to "know" God, they can feel him inside like a burning flame through the body.

does not answer all your prayers

He does answer all prayers. Just some people don't like some of the answers one receives as God only gives us the best and what is best for us. Not specifically what we selfishly want or maybe not in a way we thought originally or essentially thought of.

you won't see him supposably until the day you die

Not quite, it may seem like a blink of an eye as it does when one sleeps and not realizing it's been 8 hours or whatever may be the case. No one has gone to Heaven since Jesus was here, thus why "The dead in Christ shall rise first".

last time I checked your brain stays here on Earth

We are given a new body in Jesus Christ.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 03:59 PM

Yes or No ? And state why you say so

I would say the eventual plan/idea of marriage would be in the long view of starting a relationship. Otherwise, why start the relationship in question? One would only be wasting their time and being "taken" and possibly miss out on the person that they would actually marry and or would actually marry them.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 03:51 PM

I know it's not "proof" as it's next too impossible to "prove" something that happened in the past, especially at this length of time in the past. But there have been many cases of fossils found on tops of mountains of animals that were no native too that area, or mountains in general. Like wale fossils found on tops of mountains and things of that nature.

Am having computer difficulties and it's acting up at the very moment or I would site some of the web addresses too find such findings. Will try again later too find the more specific addresses to display such information.

mountains weren't always mountains... the tectonic plates forces an upheaval of the land, and mountains rise and fall over time...

True possibility, except for one factor. For it to have been tectonic plates shifting causing the mountain to rise. It would have had too do it very quickly to capture a whale on top of the mountain in the process, as in rising up in just mere seconds, possibly having to catch the whale off guard as in asleep or something so it couldn't swim away in time before it was caught in the rise of the mountain.

Or if it would have caused the water to drain out, lower the water level. Again would have had to be in split seconds too catch the whale off guard. And this isn't just one mere example of this happening, this is evident all across the globe. From California, to the Andes.

you're kidding, right?

read this...

Not saying it's not technically possible... just what are the odds it would have happened several times again all through the world? Especially keeping in complete form of the entire fossils of whales found on the mountains? And through out that passage, you'll see it refers to scientists "think" .... So that would drop it from a fact to a possible "hypothesis" which in the long run is merely an educated guess. Not downing science in anyway, as they have discovered many marvelous and important things. But for the discussion we're having, your putting your "faith" into a "guess" on this note. But still close to impossible. As it would have taken quite a many years for the whale to become fossilized in the first place, then AFTER it was fossilized, again quite many years for it to be moved in whole.

And furthering what I said, yes one or two whales could have happened this way. But what are the odds of the whole whale fossil doing this including sea shells and other various sea "creature" fossils in the same location?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 03:48 PM

I know it's not "proof" as it's next too impossible to "prove" something that happened in the past, especially at this length of time in the past. But there have been many cases of fossils found on tops of mountains of animals that were no native too that area, or mountains in general. Like wale fossils found on tops of mountains and things of that nature.

Am having computer difficulties and it's acting up at the very moment or I would site some of the web addresses too find such findings. Will try again later too find the more specific addresses to display such information.

mountains weren't always mountains... the tectonic plates forces an upheaval of the land, and mountains rise and fall over time...

True possibility, except for one factor. For it to have been tectonic plates shifting causing the mountain to rise. It would have had too do it very quickly to capture a whale on top of the mountain in the process, as in rising up in just mere seconds, possibly having to catch the whale off guard as in asleep or something so it couldn't swim away in time before it was caught in the rise of the mountain.

Or if it would have caused the water to drain out, lower the water level. Again would have had to be in split seconds too catch the whale off guard. And this isn't just one mere example of this happening, this is evident all across the globe. From California, to the Andes.

you're kidding, right?

read this...

Not saying it's not technically possible... just what are the odds it would have happened several times again all through the world? Especially keeping in complete form of the entire fossils of whales found on the mountains? And through out that passage, you'll see it refers to scientists "think" .... So that would drop it from a fact to a possible "hypothesis" which in the long run is merely an educated guess. Not downing science in anyway, as they have discovered many marvelous and important things. But for the discussion we're having, your putting your "faith" into a "guess" on this note. But still close to impossible. As it would have taken quite a many years for the whale to become fossilized in the first place, then AFTER it was fossilized, again quite many years for it to be moved in whole.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 03:29 PM

All depends on what the white lie was...

And how simple it was to me the term white lie is something that is like sure you look good in that..... no they don't hate you.... ect Sure I like your family....

To basic of a question....

If they are lying about cheating, prison or jail records and what they were in for then that is not a white lie..

White lies are normally those small things that is not bad just keeps from hurting your feelings... nothing major..

But....regardless starting off any relationship with any sort of lies is not good.. and will only bite you in the azz later..

sure you look good in that

Why would someone ask a question they do not actually want the answer to? eg., getting upset if the answer isn't what they wanted? Telling them the truth in this area, would actually help the relationship. It would allow the "person" to know what the spouse likes or doesn't like as in this example clothing.

Because then the spouse will think the other liked it or enjoyed it and would continue to wear it and or buy similar outfits/clothing. If one wants too truly make the other "spouse" happy, then why would they not want the true thoughts on the situation so that they can either continue to do as such and even maybe expand that onto other elements of the relationship or stop doing that/wearing that as to make the other happy. Because happiness in a relationship comes from the happiness of the spouse :)

Bro every normal person lies in his life to make the situation easy or not to hurt someone's feelings. Example if your pregnant wife asks you "do I look fat?", you don't say "you look like a cow wearing a jeans" but rather you say "you look beautiful or no honey I love you". These white lies make life easier and happier. Ofcourse sometimes they also know you are lying but it is for something good so they also don't mind.

Why not just tell the truth? If she asks that, just say you look like a beautiful angel carrying our baby child :) No need for a yes or not specifically.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 02:26 PM

A well clad woman is a beauty to behold. While Women who pose nude especially on social media undermine the dignity of women,hence they look ugly.

Yes it revolves around the "intentions" of the photo/moment. I think the female body/figure is very beautiful. And doesn't turn me on to just see a naked woman, again would depend on the intentions of the photo, the pose, the mindset while looking at the photo which would be instigated by the intentions of again the pose or facial expressions ect.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 01:41 PM

All depends on what the white lie was...

And how simple it was to me the term white lie is something that is like sure you look good in that..... no they don't hate you.... ect Sure I like your family....

To basic of a question....

If they are lying about cheating, prison or jail records and what they were in for then that is not a white lie..

White lies are normally those small things that is not bad just keeps from hurting your feelings... nothing major..

But....regardless starting off any relationship with any sort of lies is not good.. and will only bite you in the azz later..

sure you look good in that

Why would someone ask a question they do not actually want the answer to? eg., getting upset if the answer isn't what they wanted? Telling them the truth in this area, would actually help the relationship. It would allow the "person" to know what the spouse likes or doesn't like as in this example clothing.

Because then the spouse will think the other liked it or enjoyed it and would continue to wear it and or buy similar outfits/clothing. If one wants too truly make the other "spouse" happy, then why would they not want the true thoughts on the situation so that they can either continue to do as such and even maybe expand that onto other elements of the relationship or stop doing that/wearing that as to make the other happy. Because happiness in a relationship comes from the happiness of the spouse :)

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 01:25 PM

I will tell the whole incident later on but on a general note what you all think about a relationship which starts with a white lie?

White lie --> A lie told for a good/evaluation purpose

A lie is a lie, there is no "good" lie. It's deceit and trickery. If a relationship starts off on a white lie, it starts off on a lie, starts off on something that ain't true. So therefore how could the relationship be true?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 07/26/16 01:15 PM

I know it's not "proof" as it's next too impossible to "prove" something that happened in the past, especially at this length of time in the past. But there have been many cases of fossils found on tops of mountains of animals that were no native too that area, or mountains in general. Like wale fossils found on tops of mountains and things of that nature.

Am having computer difficulties and it's acting up at the very moment or I would site some of the web addresses too find such findings. Will try again later too find the more specific addresses to display such information.

mountains weren't always mountains... the tectonic plates forces an upheaval of the land, and mountains rise and fall over time...

True possibility, except for one factor. For it to have been tectonic plates shifting causing the mountain to rise. It would have had too do it very quickly to capture a whale on top of the mountain in the process, as in rising up in just mere seconds, possibly having to catch the whale off guard as in asleep or something so it couldn't swim away in time before it was caught in the rise of the mountain.

Or if it would have caused the water to drain out, lower the water level. Again would have had to be in split seconds too catch the whale off guard. And this isn't just one mere example of this happening, this is evident all across the globe. From California, to the Andes.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 07/25/16 04:51 PM
I know it's not "proof" as it's next too impossible to "prove" something that happened in the past, especially at this length of time in the past. But there have been many cases of fossils found on tops of mountains of animals that were no native too that area, or mountains in general. Like wale fossils found on tops of mountains and things of that nature.

Am having computer difficulties and it's acting up at the very moment or I would site some of the web addresses too find such findings. Will try again later too find the more specific addresses to display such information.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 07/25/16 04:22 PM

God's will can happen anywhere and anytime and can take any form. You just have to relax and let it happen. Be open minded and leave it to God. Just my thoughts

Hmmm. Okay. Nicely said I guess

It's the truth too. Why would it matter if you met someone in a super market, park, theatre, or the internet. What's the "location" of meeting someone matter? Of course God didn't mention nothing specific about it in the scriptures, as computers/net weren't in existence at that time. But again, it's just a "location" all in all, maybe a cyber location... but your thoughts, words, ect are still the same as if you were too meet in person somewhere.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 07/24/16 08:04 PM

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/16/16 06:42 AM

in fact jesus said 'he who is without sin, cast the first stone'

jesus was able to teach us to turn from sin, without taking part in the fatal 'judgment' of sinners

Amen, we are all "equal" we are all worth life, we are all a creation of God. It's unfortunate that these people weren't living necessarily "right" in God's eyes. But still there was a "chance" for them until they inevitably died. God loved us even when we were sinners, same as for these people in question. God didn't tell us too pray for the poor "Christians" or the sick "Christians"... no he said pray for sick "people" the this or that "people".... again not just specifically the "Christians".

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/14/16 06:24 PM
and please don't message me or anything if it's anything sexual, as I've encountered that with my message here. Sorry, not looking for that. May possibly lead in that direction later on down the line.... but no, not looking for someone too sleep with, but thanks anyways. Looking for a true honest woman too spend my time with that may possibly lead too a lifetime of enjoyment, of course that's a bit too ask for or discuss right off the bat.... but at least might lead in that direction and not just a one night stand or weekend fun kind of thing.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/14/16 04:46 PM
And don't know anyone here lol. Would like some company here and there, too talk with and maybe watch a movie or play some card games or something. Maybe show me somewhere here if there is anything lol.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/06/16 07:29 PM
howdy :D

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 05/19/16 12:23 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 05/19/16 12:26 PM

We africans hate gay because it is not a plan of god for a man to marry a man but a plan of god is for a man to marry a woman or I can say a male to marry a female this is only the plan of god for marriage so don't contradict the plan of god for marriage it is wrong to god and those who are doing these are sinners yes they will go to hell.

edit, as I realized I already said the scriptures prior too this and didn't wanna repeat. My apologies.

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