Community > Posts By > dreadhead

dreadhead's photo
Fri 10/22/10 09:49 PM
I'm in the process of writing a book, hopefully to be done in the next year, just in the beginning right now. I need some information on the Navajo skinwalker. I found the common information online, but nothing more than the really common stuff. I want more detail, and something that sounds more. Commiting a culture tabboo, I don't see how this turns one into one into these. Or maybe so. I just want some more research please!

dreadhead's photo
Wed 03/10/10 07:29 PM
Good choice. Check craigslist. They usually have someone offering lessons for multiple different arts and such. The prices are usually really decent too.

dreadhead's photo
Tue 03/09/10 05:36 PM
You should try out boxing man, it's a great sport. If your doing normal MMA cage fighting, your going to want something like kick boxing and BJJ.

dreadhead's photo
Mon 03/08/10 04:28 PM
Wow, thats not good at all man. You should get this checked out. Just a normal check up with your family doctor, to make sure everything is right. I have passed out and started to see black, lose hearing, etc, during workouts often. Not as often anymore though.

When you can see straightor hear straight anymore thats your body telling you that its too much. If this happens often you wont get gains, you will actually start to lose your gains. Whats your weekly workout looklike. What kind of split you doing?

dreadhead's photo
Mon 03/08/10 04:20 PM
Ya man, Krav Maga. The Israel combat system. Trust me. Go to a school that teaches this and check it out. It will floor you. They teach it to people in the military, I know they did teach it to the Marines at one time, and the combat system the Marines use now does take a lot from this. Its extremely brutal, there are no rules. Its meant to be able to get someone into real combat shape in a short period of time, a few weeks, to about a month or two. If you compared this to something like TKD or something, well, there is no comparison.

Most of the martial arts taught in America today are for sports. There are only a few that aren’t. Like BJJ, for example. But then again, BJJ is too week, all of its ground game. You would have to take something that has good foot work, locks, throws, and hand work, something well rounded. This is why Krav Maga and Bujinkan Ninjutsu both do it for me. There well rounded, and there meant to win. Poke in the eyes, kick in the growing, punch in the throat, etc, etc, etc. Its not a sport, there fighting systems meant for combat.

All in all, MMA is a alright workout with the conditioning they do, but for real fights, I don't think so. In a real fight the last place you want to end up is on the ground. If someone has a knife or something, it's easiest to use it when there on top of you. You want to be on your feet and win. To me, MMA doesn't work like this. How is MMA working for you so far?

dreadhead's photo
Sun 03/07/10 09:16 PM
Ya I know its not this sites fault :P
I didn't see a problem with chatting on yahoo though. The Admin took care of it though.

dreadhead's photo
Sun 03/07/10 09:04 PM
The P90-X program is just a bunch of different workouts put into one training, based on the idea of confusing your muscles. It will work, physical work will get you into shape if you do it enough and do it right. I have a friend who used to program but the results really are not that great. Nearly all these "Tv Programs" try to sell it to you saying how good it is, how much better it is then the gym. Honestly, going to the gym, good diet, right amount of protein, right amount of sleep, and water, will do way more for you then this program ever will.

The main reason I say this is that this program focuses on using your own body and dumbbells to get into shape and to build muscle. It focuses on high volume of reps and low weight. This works your red muscle fibers, not the white muscle fibers. If your wanting to tone or gain muscle at all you want to work the white muscle fibers. This is how you grow the muscles. The white muscle fibers (slow twitch) can grow up to 22% in size. The majority of personal trainers agree that heavy weight light rep is what you need to put on solid muscle. It may work for you, but a gym would work better. You have more there and the atmosphere in a gym usually propels people to workout harder.

dreadhead's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:57 PM
Edited by dreadhead on Sun 03/07/10 08:57 PM
Fan of MMA? Not really. I mean, it's ok. I prefer TMA (Traditional Martial Arts), or something more practical then MMA. TO me, fighting can be fun, but its still fighting. You're learning how to hurt people, how to defend yourself, and how to win. MMA lacks realistic fighting. THe majority of MMA is nothing but BJJ, mixed with some boxing and conditioning.

I started with some TMA, Bagua, JKD, Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu. I kept with the Taijutsu, went to some boing and Krav Maga. Now, I compete on the amature level cage fights in the city, and other cities close. I wouldn't really call it MMA though. MMA has rules, real fighting doesn't. Nether should real cage matches or real sparing. My two cents anyway.

dreadhead's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:49 PM
Well, I just emailed you Mark. Its happened to me multiple times on jere. More when the site was JustSayHi, but it still happens everyone now and again. It was through yahoo message. She asked me to varrify myself with a link before we met. The 'varification process" costs about 30 bucks, it also asks for a bunch of other information.

dreadhead's photo
Sun 03/07/10 06:39 PM
Ever start messaging someone and get into a conversation and then a hour or so later, they ask you to "varrify", or if you have a credit card through some other means?

dreadhead's photo
Sat 01/16/10 11:14 AM
Ya crazy tall people run through my family haha. I do ish I was a little shorter though, I bumb into a most things :P

dreadhead's photo
Thu 01/14/10 06:17 PM
Alright will take another picture lol. Ya its dual, but its more then the previous two at least. Anything else? And thanks for the help too.

dreadhead's photo
Thu 01/14/10 04:04 PM
I'm just wanting to know how to make my profile better. Thanks anyone who helps :]

dreadhead's photo
Fri 10/16/09 05:28 PM
Ok, I added some more about what kind of person I am trying to find. Thanks for the reply btw.

dreadhead's photo
Fri 10/16/09 05:03 PM
I updated it, just haven't gotten any new pictures yet, but they will be up soon. Anything that should be changed?

dreadhead's photo
Fri 10/16/09 04:40 PM
Haven't given up yet, college still gets a shot :P

dreadhead's photo
Fri 10/16/09 04:35 PM
Can't really answer the love thing, I don't think it does, I think its more of a thing for people to hold onto and hope for, to make things easier, but as I said, I'm not sure :P.

Usually oppisets do attract from my past relationships. If you have a lot in common with someone it usually doesn't work out for long, things get boring. At least from my expeirence.

dreadhead's photo
Fri 10/16/09 04:32 PM
Not sure why I'm still here, hopefully thinking I guess. Cool people around here though, even if the dating aspect didn't work out.

dreadhead's photo
Thu 01/01/09 12:44 PM
What do you all think of my profile? I use to have it longer, but I got less replies, so I am trying to make it shorter now, so to not cause people to lose interest? Also, another question. What do you girls prefer, short hair or long hair?

dreadhead's photo
Fri 06/13/08 04:58 PM
Thanks everyone, I'll upload some more pics later.

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