Community > Posts By > RamblingRose74

RamblingRose74's photo
Sun 12/11/16 06:27 PM
Well, to be 100% honest the only thing I CAN rate is your physical on that alone I'd give you about a 7 outta 10 due to the fact that you ARE a very attractive man

RamblingRose74's photo
Fri 12/09/16 06:38 AM
If you honestly expect to find a match right away........ ya may wanna rethink your strategy LOL!!! You don't have any interests listed and the area that you live in may be a bit tricky as well....... have ta be patient my dear

RamblingRose74's photo
Fri 12/09/16 06:16 AM

Ok so I'm pretty honest about myself and what I'm looking for and I'm not one for suffering fools lightly........ yet I STLL seem to get them LOL!!!!! So any suggestions on HOW I can change it up ta NOT get so many LOL....... I mean what am I doing wrong here LOL?????

Looks to me you're not doing anything wrong here.
As stated before fools are every where these days.

Wish you the best of luck here.

Lordy are you right on the money about fools being everywhere......... I had SUCH a bellyful of them that by the time last night rolled around, I was ready ta stock up on wine and head to the desert and hide LOL!!!!!! I can handle the critters out there........ THEY make sense!!!

RamblingRose74's photo
Thu 12/08/16 04:32 PM
Bwhahahahaha hell yeah....... here's to everyone on the PERMENANT naughty list!!!!

RamblingRose74's photo
Thu 12/08/16 04:07 PM
I personally have no issues with younger men....... yes I do have a cut off age due to the fact that I do have two sons and they have to at LEAST be older them than by a couple of years!!!! I don't actively seek out younger or older men to be honest....... I'm just open to whoever sparks my interest. I've no issue with being called a cougar LOL....... mainly due to I don't give a flying fork what someone thinks of me.

RamblingRose74's photo
Thu 12/08/16 03:25 PM
Very cool and thank you for your honesty!

RamblingRose74's photo
Thu 12/08/16 09:37 AM
Ok so I'm pretty honest about myself and what I'm looking for and I'm not one for suffering fools lightly........ yet I STLL seem to get them LOL!!!!! So any suggestions on HOW I can change it up ta NOT get so many LOL....... I mean what am I doing wrong here LOL?????