Community > Posts By > fatedtodie

fatedtodie's photo
Mon 01/21/08 01:00 PM
neither machine should care about its insides

they are interchangable

thankfully it isnt a mac.

fatedtodie's photo
Sun 08/26/07 10:40 AM
and once again, proof reading is apperently not my strong point

fatedtodie's photo
Sun 08/26/07 10:39 AM
bump the old joek for new people dont just change 2 names and change it from a blond to a redneck (which I have seen 2 times).

I mean I have seen 2 or 2 jokes not even wait a week before they are recycled. That is just lame =(

fatedtodie's photo
Sun 08/26/07 10:02 AM
apperently for me spelling = bad too

fatedtodie's photo
Sun 08/26/07 10:02 AM
Why does every 10th joke seem to be just a retelling of one a week before? I mean I know there are enough jokes out there that you don't need to just repackage... this site. I can't be the only one that sees this.

Original jokes = awesome
recylced jokes = horrible

fatedtodie's photo
Thu 08/23/07 07:40 PM
Isn't that what the guy that shot what was it John Lennon said? that God told him to kill him?

It is always nice when a God can command someone to kill and it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside (those tha tmiss the sarcasm ... I see that is truely your God).

It isn't new though. The romans used "the Gods" to justify everything. The early Christians used God to start all sorts of wars. Why not modern times? Lucky us the terrorist claim we are Satan (or their equivilent) so their God says we should die.

I like to think of it this way. People are crazy regardless of if they blame God for it or not. The people that blame God are just stupid AND crazy.

fatedtodie's photo
Sun 08/19/07 06:51 PM

and thought the website says it, you can say more than hi here =)

fatedtodie's photo
Sat 08/18/07 04:28 PM
sometimes life is fun when it gives you those little rewards. =)

feel good about it, it is called Karma

fatedtodie's photo
Sat 08/18/07 03:52 PM
I always loved this joke and if you are a lawyer I'm sorry but it is still funny.

A man goes on a cruise, a week into the cruise somehow the ship starts to sink. Not wanting to sink with the ship, the man goes to the nearest lifeboat and gets in. He waits a bit, but nobody else seems to follow, so he lowers it down to the water and paddles away.

A few days later while he was asleep in his little boat, he crashes on a deserted island. He searches everywhere for some sign of life but finds nobody. He does find some food and some drinkable water so he doesn't worry too much.

He decides to search again this time just for anything interesting. This time he finds a chest and it seems to be unlocked. Inside the chest is a small box that has a warning on it. OPEN AT YOUR OWN PERIL FOR INSIDE IS THE INFAMOUS LAWYER GENIE.

Not dissuaded he opens the box, and inside is a typical genie lamp. Knowing what to do, he rubs it and out pops a genie in a business suit.

"Hello! I am the genie of the lamp, here to grant you three wishes."
"Okay I would like a refridgerator that never runs out of power and is stocked with food I like, and whenever it runs out it restocks itself."

"That is quite an order, but sure! here goes, oh and by the way, every single lawyer in the world gets two of these."

"WHAT? I find a genie and they get rewarded? why?"

"I am a lawyer genie, everything you wish for, every single lawyer gets double!"

The man decides to make it a bit funny and wishes for a female for companionship that will do whatever he wants. Again it is granted with every lawyer in the world getting double. Chuckling to himself that all the female lawyers now get one too, he is only mildly satisfied.

For days he thinks of how he can really get every single lawyer back for gaining from his misfortune. After circling the island many times, he spots something in the water and runs to the genie. He brings the genie to where he was and asks for a final wish.

"for my final wish, I would like you to beat me half to death with that piece of drift wood."

fatedtodie's photo
Sat 08/18/07 03:37 PM
Fracture not a good movie
The Lookout is good if you like the style

If you accidentally decide you want to see "The Last Legion" try not too, it was lame for its style too.

Great movie though.. Mr. Brooks (should be out of video in October)

fatedtodie's photo
Sat 08/18/07 12:01 PM
welcome new person!

fatedtodie's photo
Sat 08/18/07 12:00 PM
I will have to try to check a few of those out =)
thanks again.

fatedtodie's photo
Fri 08/17/07 04:40 PM

In those are the vampire the main characters, or are the main characters vampire hunters. Or are vampires just side characters?

fatedtodie's photo
Fri 08/17/07 03:57 PM
Well over the past 2 years I have had a "kick" of reading vampire related fiction.

I figure I would like to talk about the ones I have read here and maybe get some recommendations.

Authors I have read on the subject recently;
Laurel K Hamilton
Kim Harrison
Charlaine Harris
Wm Mark Simmons
Barb & J.C. Hendee
Anne Rice
L.A. Banks

Anyway hopefully people want to talk about this and maybe I can get a recommendation or two.

fatedtodie's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:38 PM
bugs bunny after daffy put him in the dryer?

fatedtodie's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:32 PM
a poodle?

fatedtodie's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:31 PM
A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a free beer. The bartender says "nobody gets a free beer here unless they impress me, and I'll tell ya that doesn't happen often." So the man opens his left pocket and pulls out a frog that starts dancing like fred astaire. The bartender is so amazed he gives the man a free beer.

A week later the same time of night, the guy comes in, same thing, asking for a free beer. The bartender this time says "well a dancing frog isn't going to impress me so you better have a new trick." The man then opens the pocket in his jacket again and pulls out the frog. He then pulls out a tiny piano from his other pocket and the frog starts playing a mozart piece. Again the bartender is amazed, and gives another free beer.

The next week there is a bit of a crowd waiting for the spectacular man with the amazing frog. The bartender doesn't even wait for the man to ask, and just mentions he wants to see what the trick is this week. The man pulls out a mouse, that starts to sing like frank sinatra. the bartender then says "Rather than a free beer, why not sell me that mouse for 1000 dollars cash" The man thinks for a second and says sure. The bartender goes in the back to get it. A man from the crowd asks "why would you sell such a marvel for so cheap." Without pausing to think even one second, the man laughs and says "The frog is also a ventriloquist."

fatedtodie's photo
Thu 08/16/07 05:02 PM
SBMNYC: The idea to bring my own music is one I had never thought of, even though it is so simple.

adj4u: What is rms refering to? and how much would be appropriate for an apartment? Thanks for continuing to give me advice on this.

Thanks again to anyone that reads or replies to this.

fatedtodie's photo
Sun 08/12/07 06:21 AM
Best job, ironically enough (I don't know if it counts but I will list it anyway) was my 4 month Job as a System Administrator in Iraq. Funny enough it was the least stressful job I ever had.

Worst job, Grocery store bag boy. Only reason it was bad was my co-workers were lazy bastards. =)

fatedtodie's photo
Sat 08/11/07 02:38 PM
I was born in Oregon, lived in washington for 12 years, and now I am stationed in Oklahoma

Life is a bit goofy sometimes.

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