Community > Posts By > modelguy

modelguy's photo
Sat 11/03/07 05:04 AM
I love it!!! She should get a discount on her insurance for having a rotweiler in the back!!!

modelguy's photo
Thu 10/11/07 06:16 AM
The Big Sleep
High Sierra
Bringing Up Baby
The Maltese Falcon
Arsenic & Old Lace
Operation Petticoat
Last of The Mohicans
Hunt For Red October

modelguy's photo
Mon 10/08/07 05:01 AM
lets see, there is my mac, printer, cell phone, tv remote, wallet, some music cds (classical) a few cds of photos, watch pocket knife, dvds, and if I crane my neck almost all the way around (ouch that hurts) the model of a B-25 Mitchell I am working on.

modelguy's photo
Fri 09/28/07 05:21 AM
I am for the death penalty but only for the most horrific of crimes. But we need to get over the common delusion that it is a deterrent. It isn't particularly when most sentenced to be executed are not. We should be honest about what it is, vengenance. Someone has done something so despicable that we have reached the conclusion that they should be deleted from existence. I also find it more than a bit ironic that there has been so much effort to find a "humane" method of execution, since killing someone is almost by definition the most inhumane thing you can do to another person.

modelguy's photo
Thu 09/20/07 06:02 AM
blueberry waffles, with blueberry syrup bacon and lots of orange juice

modelguy's photo
Wed 09/19/07 06:04 AM
I think you are more than justified in being angry. But this is your family and nothing is more important. I have a sister who has nothing to do with the rest of the family, didn't even come to my father's memorial service when one of my brothers said he'd pay for the trip. I am not really angry about it but upset that she would not or could not put her feelings aside for that.

modelguy's photo
Fri 09/14/07 04:25 PM
I also have to add those people who don't understand that if you press down on the accelerator you will actually go faster, and might even eventually get up to the speed limit at the very least.

modelguy's photo
Fri 09/14/07 06:14 AM
People who just aren't paying attention, whether they are on the phone, playing with the stereo, talking to their passengers or just with their attnetion off of where it needs to be.
When you are behind the wheel FOCUS PEOPLE!!

modelguy's photo
Sat 09/08/07 03:43 AM
check make sure you don't have any spy ware or too much stuff running in the background. With DSL stuff should load in a matter of seconds.

modelguy's photo
Fri 09/07/07 05:43 AM
Oh my God I am so sorry to hear about your mother, and I hope your son pulls through. my thoughts and prayers are with you

modelguy's photo
Tue 09/04/07 04:55 AM
There actually are guys how prefer women who are a bit on the plump side, I am one. I'd much rather have a nice looking women with curves and a decent personality than some skinny wench like Paris Hilton with all the personality of a steaming shovel full of manure.

modelguy's photo
Tue 08/28/07 03:14 PM
Yes but macs can pass them along sometimes if you fgorward an infected email. And there are also viruses out there that targets macs so you should still keep your anti-virus up to date.

modelguy's photo
Mon 08/27/07 03:19 PM
I actually haven't made it in a while. I end with so much that by the time it runs out I am incredibly tired of it. lol

modelguy's photo
Mon 08/27/07 07:52 AM
I hope every one enjoys it. One time I had to make a double batch and had to cook it one the stove since my crockpot isn't big enough. God that was a pain, standing there and stirring it for all that time. Next time I have to make that much I will either buy, borrow or steal a bigger crock pot. lol

modelguy's photo
Thu 08/23/07 12:09 PM
I usually use mixed veggies but you can use what ever you feel like

modelguy's photo
Thu 08/23/07 06:14 AM
Here is a recipe I came up with a few years ago. Everyone I have made it for has either been exceedingly polite or really enjoyed it. If you make it in a crockpot it is pretty easy, the hardest part is the prep work (and even that isn't that tough). But that is true with most anything.

1 small ham (2 lbs or so)
2 or 3 medium potatoes
1 1lb bag frozen veggies
1 8 oz bag shredded cheadder cheese
1 16 oz jar alfredo sauce
8 oz milk

Peel the potatoes then cut them and the ham into roughly bite sized pieces.
Place in your crock pot
add the alfredo sauce
pour the milk in the alfredo sauce jar and shake it to get as much of the sauce out as possible,
then pour into the crock pot
add the veggies
mix well
set crockpot to low heat and let cook for 6 - 8 hours, on low it won't get overdone so the time past 6 hours isn't super inportant
about one hour before serving add the cheese, this will give it time to melt completely and mix in with the sauce. You can use any cheese you like but I have found cheddear works best because it melts more completely.
add your favorite spices to taste

Now obviously this is not a low fat meal but it is hearty and satisfying.

modelguy's photo
Tue 08/21/07 06:04 AM
As others have said it goes both ways. Some women play just as many (if not more) games then men do. When you find the right man he won't play with your feelings. Not to say he won't on occasion be an insensitive boob. Men are like that sometimes, even the best of us can't help that.

modelguy's photo
Sun 08/19/07 06:20 AM
It is a truly beautiful Sunday morning here in Rochester!!

modelguy's photo
Fri 08/17/07 06:12 AM
I think like most people have said it is ignorance and fear. But eventually you'll find someone, my cousin's daughter is an epileptic and she got married ealier this summer. SO I believe it is just a matter of finding someone who loves you enough to accept you as you are, the good and the not so good. To be honest I think there are some people who are so ignorant of the subject they think it is contagious.

modelguy's photo
Thu 08/16/07 02:53 PM
I prefer trimmed into a nice little patch, but shaved is cool too.

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