GuardianAngelMan's photo
Fri 02/21/14 05:34 AM
Protect your heart! make sure you don't get to personal. Your young and you need to watch what you do. have a nice weekend.

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:47 AM
Don't be shy! if your curious you have to make yourself be known good luck

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:44 AM
at the top of your page you'll see the log out

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:39 AM
To me this is the making of love:

Through the window, away we fly
Take my hand into the sky.
The second star to the right
shining on this beautiful night.
A magical place called Neverland
Take me there,

Faith, trust, and Pixie dust!
We can fly, we can fly!
Tinkerbelle, shining gold.
We're all going to a place
where we'll never grow old.

Neverland, sweet Neverland.
Fairies, pirates, and ticking crockodiles.
I want to stay here for a long while.
The trill of danger, the thrill of flying.
No more sorrows, no more crying.

Endless days of fun and games.
How do I remember the Lost Boys' names?
Neverland is where the fun begins.
Why did it ever have to end?

At last it's time for me to depart.
Peter Pan is forever in my heart.
Though I will continue to age,
my mind will remain in this child-like stage.
Until we meet again

And as I look out my window,
I see the second star to the right.
It reminds me of this night.
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust
are all behind me now.
But here and there, I'll think of how
that night came to be.

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Thu 02/20/14 07:38 AM
If you want to get noticed you need to add a photo good luck.

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Tue 02/18/14 06:10 PM

For me I want to do the things that I didn't get a chance to do in the first life, I want to be a better person and not have any hate, I've had a lot of bad things that happened to me as a kid I was bullied and I never did a thing I want to be stronger and be able to stand up for myself and help those now that are going though the pains of bullies it's so sad but at least now they have laws to protect kids back then when I was young they never had those laws tears
I'm so sorry for what you went through. Bullying just drives me crazy it's so sad. But I bet your a great person. And I'm sure you could do something now. You don't need to come back. Be strong and take those thoughts and go speak at a school and help the kids going through it now. And reach out to the ones who are doing the bullying. It's a sad epidemic I feel so bad for these kids we need people to reach out. The schools don't do enough

Thank you! that was nice of you to say! you know the kids that did that to me are the ones I grew up with. I see them now but I never bring that up! I see the way there life is now and I have to laugh because they got what they deserved even 35 years later.

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Tue 02/18/14 11:14 AM
For me I want to do the things that I didn't get a chance to do in the first life, I want to be a better person and not have any hate, I've had a lot of bad things that happened to me as a kid I was bullied and I never did a thing I want to be stronger and be able to stand up for myself and help those now that are going though the pains of bullies it's so sad but at least now they have laws to protect kids back then when I was young they never had those laws tears

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:53 AM
Do you believe that there is life after death, and if you do what would you do that you didn't do before that would make you a better person? what would you want to come back as?

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Tue 02/18/14 10:37 AM
rofl rofl Yeah right welcome

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 02/17/14 03:32 PM

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 02/17/14 03:27 PM

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 02/17/14 01:42 PM
Kiss on the hand means : FRIENDSHIP.

Kiss on the nose means : YOU'RE CUTE.

Kiss on the cheek means : I NEED YOU.

Kiss on the neck means : I WANT YOU.

Kiss on the lips means : I LOVE YOU.

Kissing with eyes closed means : I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU.

Kissing with eyes opened means : I'M WATCHING WHERE YOUR HANDS ARE GOING.

The military Kiss means ..... "Keep It Simple Stupid"..

Stolen Kisses ARE THE SWEETEST! (Always want to return it)

Morale of the story is ... Its not WHO you are KissING but WHERE you're KissING that matters

Other signs .....

Often thinking of you means : I CARE FOR YOU

Holding hands means : I LIKE YOU

Looking into the eyes means : DO YOU LOVE ME?

Squeezing fingertips means : I WANT A Kiss

Leaning on the shoulder means : COMFORT ME

Getting occasional short hugs means : I MISS YOU

Biting lips means : I AM JEALOUS

Winking at you means : I WANT TO GO WITH YOU

Playing with your hair means: I ADORE YOU

Stepping on toes means: I HATE YOU

Getting hit in "very painful places" means : I REALLY HATE YOU

Dreaming of you at night : YOU'RE SOMEONE SPECIAL

Always being with you means : I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU

Wearing his or her ring means: YOU'RE MINE FOREVER

Often giving you something means : CARE FOR YOU VERY MUCH

Placing hands on shoulder means : GET THE HINT STUPID!!!

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 02/17/14 01:38 PM

It's a blow up doll with a vacuum cleaner for a mouth, for better suction?

You can get more satisfaction from a hoover vacuum then a blow up doll, you would be disappointed a doll doesn't talk with a vacuum at least you know you could always get a "charge" out that. joke hahaha

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 02/17/14 01:33 PM

They live together, have sex but she has never been kissed by him.

No kissing before marriage!


GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 02/17/14 01:31 PM

Thank you for the advice. Well, he has proven that he is mamas boy! I just need settle down and make that decision.

Be strong and stand up for what you believe! I was in a interracial relationship before and I left my family because they did not approve, at the time I was 25 and it was the first time being in a relationship. It took some time but eventually they understood and accepted the fact that it was my life to live. don't give up! just try to listen and be there for him even if it takes more time? if he loves you like you think he does he will always be there.

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 02/17/14 01:26 PM
False teeth....afraid of the Jaws effect rofl

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Sun 02/16/14 08:41 AM
Welcome to mingle2 Teri :smile: come on down your the next contestant on the Price is right oops :smile:

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Sun 02/16/14 08:35 AM

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Sun 02/16/14 06:52 AM
I prefer movies that have meaning (true life and historical) but as far as what gere it doesn't matter as far as my fav actress and actor that would have to be Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Sun 02/16/14 06:43 AM
Welcome! its a pleasure to meet you! welcome to mingle

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