Community > Posts By > jkkabtje

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 10/04/07 05:39 AM
My favorite body part on a man is his eyes and rear

My favorite body part on me is my legs

jkkabtje's photo
Wed 10/03/07 07:48 PM
1. Who has your heart?
My family

2. How did you wake up this morning?
I was the first one up, so it was quiet

3. Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset,

4. Are you wearing any non clothing items?
5. What did you do last night?
stayed home and on the computer as always

8. Did you brush your teeth this morning?
as always

9. Have you ever been on the radio?

10. What did you drink today?
Big K cola

11. Do you like honey?

12. What's the last thing you broke?
picture frame

13. Do you know the date?

14. Where's the last place you went shopping?
St. Vincent De Paul for odds and ends for apartment

15. Did you sing at all today?
always do

16. When's the last time you cried?
the other day at the hospital

17. How many letters are there in your last name?

18. When did you go swimming?
about a month ago

19. Do you love anyone other than family?
all my friends

20. What books are you reading?
Christian books

21. How was your day?

22. Is your shirt dirty?

23. Do you live near your best friend?
I will once I move

24. Are you a Bon Jovi fan?
not really

25. Are you scared of snakes?

26. How do you like your meat cooked?
yeah considering I don't want food poisioning

27. Can you play guitar?
a little bit, still learning

28. How do you walk?

29. What do you think of Fergie?
30. Do you read Rolling Stone?

31. Do you believe in love?
not anymore
32. Have you seen Titanic?
a dozen times

33. Did it make you cry?

34. What's the last TV show you watched?
Law and Order SVU

35. Do you like basketball?

36.What eye color do you like?
blue... but I have sh**y brown eyes

37. Last time you went out of state?
don't remember... it's been a while back

38. What are you doing tomorrow?
nothing that I know of

39. Where were you 5 hours ago?
reading a book

40. Who was your last hug from?
my son

41. Are you wearing SOCKS right now?

42. What are you wearing right now?

43. Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?

44. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

45. What is the last thing you purchased online?
video game

46. Do you miss anyone?
my grandmother who is in heaven

47. Did you have fun today?

48. Do you like the number of this question?
yeah that means I am getting close to the end of this. lol.

49. Were you an honor roll student in school?
not quite

50. What do you know about the future?
that one of these days I will live with the Lord.

51. Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
Jason, but that has been months ago, I normally drive

52. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
already have kids, and can't have no more

53. Did you meet anyone new today?

54. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

jkkabtje's photo
Sat 09/29/07 06:18 AM
OH NO.... you think he is bad now... you just wait until you get him back... he is going to be more spoiled staying with grandma... depending on what grandma lets him get away with.

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/28/07 08:38 PM
antoher update for you...

I received my verification letter today for housing... My bank fill that out for me, since they had to, and now I am waiting on proof of my disabiltiy award letter and when that gets here I have to mail those out and then off I will be, all on my own... I am happy but at the same time really upset... I won't have a computer... the library blocks this site, and many others, and I won't have a way to keep in contact... So I thought that I would leave this account open and if you all would like to eamil me other than this site you can do so at that is my email address... I can check those at the library with no problems... I will keep my JSH account open for anyone who would rather email me here, and when I come to moms I will check messages here on this site...

I hope all of you are doing well... God Bless....

jkkabtje's photo
Wed 09/26/07 06:46 PM
excellent poem - straight from the heart.

jkkabtje's photo
Wed 09/26/07 06:27 PM

(moving into my own place in two weeks)

jkkabtje's photo
Tue 09/25/07 05:44 PM
It's the thought that counts.

jkkabtje's photo
Tue 09/25/07 05:39 PM
bored here too...

jkkabtje's photo
Tue 09/25/07 05:31 PM
sections = couch

jkkabtje's photo
Tue 09/25/07 05:17 PM
Since I haven't been home to be on the computer, I figured I would update you on what is going on...

First of all a few weeks ago I went and looked at an apartment, and didn't think that I could afford it, and decided that I should stay where I was even though I don't like it...

Nothing else was said about the place...

Then two days ago, I was sitting down at the kitchen table with my family, and dad all of a sudden and out of the blue asked me if I was going to apply for the apartment that I looked at... I told him that I got an application but didn't think I could afford to pay the utilities and still have the money for gas to pick up my children, or money for the things that I needed around the house...

He then looked at me funny and said, "How many times have we let you go without... All you have to do is tell us you need the money and we will either bring it to you or mail it to you."

Coming from dad being sober I was suprised, and applied for the apartment... I haven't heard anything yet, but I just mailed it out on Saturday night, so the post office didn't get it until Monday, so hopefully I will get a call soon... If I don't get a call I will call them, because the manager done told me she didn't think it would be a problem....

So I have been very busy boxing everything up in storage because it was in garbage bags, and since they have just been sitting in there for a year, when I picked them up, they busted... So I went and picked up boxes, so I will be busy this week, and won't have much time on here... But will be on at night to talk to you all... Don't think I forgot about any of you because I haven't... I am just trying to do what is best for me. And right now that would be to get the H*** outta my parents house, and with a quickness... they are driving me nuts.

jkkabtje's photo
Sun 09/23/07 10:17 AM
A men.:smile:

jkkabtje's photo
Sat 09/22/07 09:03 PM
flowerforyou hugs for you flowerforyou

Welcome back

jkkabtje's photo
Sat 09/22/07 09:03 PM
flowerforyou hugs for you flowerforyou

Welcome back

jkkabtje's photo
Sat 09/22/07 07:55 AM
Oh don't get me wrong, I do believe in spanking, but not at her sons age... he is too young... later on yes.. and you are right, kids do react to the word no... but not all children react the same way... When I told my son no on different things he would laugh and do it anyways... So its better to be prepared for both...

what I was saying was that if you hit a child when you are mad at them, you tend to use more force than actually meant to use in the first place... Some people don't know self control and that is why so many children get hurt... but spanking is good thing... even though you have these dumb social workers who think that you can't spank your kids... what do they know... they are young and don't have kids... They'll see... but in KY if you spank your child and you are caught or reported, your kids get taken away... I seen it happen to a girl in walmart not to long ago... I watched the whole thing...

My mom and I were in the checkout line and this lady and her child was behind us.. She was about 2 years old maybe 3, and she was wanted one of those push pops candys... well her mom told her no, and she called her mom a "B" and her mom pulled her out of the cart and whipped her but... She was arrested before she walked out of the door at Walmart... Anymore, you can't punish your kids, or you are in trouble, and I agree... that is why kids turn out the way they do... I am not ashamed to say that if my child called me a "B" it wouldn't be their behind that I smacked... thier mouth would get smacked because that is where it came out of...

jkkabtje's photo
Sat 09/22/07 06:00 AM
Please don't just go by what I tell you... get advice from others... like I said, I am no expert, and I am not a doctor... Get advice from others here on the site.. They may have some other ideas. I don't think a tap on the hand at 10 months is going to hurt him.. Just don't get mad and smack his hands...

I have learned that when you are upset at a child for doing something wrong, and you go to spank them or whatever, you use more force because you are angry... In parenting classes, I learned to NEVER SPANK A CHILD OUT OF ANGER...

but then if you really sit and think about that statement... if that was the case you wouldn't be spanking them at all...ever...

Here is why:

First of all if you are mad and walk away until you are calmed down in order to spank your child for what him/her did... and you go back to your child and punish them, they forget what they did... My 4 year old is like to this day... He will do something wrong and if I don't punish him, he will forget what he did minutes later because something else grabbed his attention.

You can't spank a child out of anger, and you certainly can't spank a child after the fact because they don't remember what they did... So in that in that case you would never spank... more like talk to them and ask them if they know what they did wrong, and talk to them about why it was wrong...

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 11:22 PM
Every child is different... there is no way of telling.. Let him puke a few times and see if he don't stop. If not I would ask his doctor... I am no specialist in children by no means, I just go by what I learn in books and through parenting classes that I took years ago when my oldest was little..

I know it is scary, but I am thinking that if you let him puke maybe he will not like that feeling and won't do it again..
Maybe even taking him away from the table until he is finished might do it... He is aweful young for that though... Tapping him on his hand is a reaction but if nothing else works, I would do it... Like I said, I never had this issue, so I am just giving you some ideas.

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 11:02 PM
My 2 year old does the same thing... Amazing that your 10 month old is already climbing out of carts.. My daughter did this one time and since then I have let her hold something to play with to keep her attention, such as a box of cheezits or whatever is in the cart that won't hurt her, and when the last of the groceries are on the belt, I am in front of my daughter watching her, and let her put the cheezits on the belt herself.. Sometimes it isn't that easy though, because she wants to keep whatever is in her

As far as gagging at the table,I have always been told to ignore bad behavior and it goes away... I found that it is not always true, but what kids are after is your reaction... they feed off of that... if you immediate react to when he does something negative, he is going to keep at it, but if you don't react to it, he will eventually stop... just clean him up like you would if he didn't gag himself.

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 08:44 PM

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 08:37 PM
so that when you walk out of the room, you can still hear the commercials.

Schools get 800.00 per child that attends class each day, why is it that our school taxes go up 500.00 a year, and then the schools turn around and wants us to go by paper towels, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, etc.... ?????

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 08:22 PM
From This Moment - in my pants