Community > Posts By > jkkabtje

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 07:48 PM
I was at a friend of mines house a few years ago, and I was sitting on her couch.. We were planning on going to the store, and I asked my friend where her daughter was, and she told me in her room down the hall... Well when she pointed to the hall, I seen this little girl with long blonde hair and a beautiful white dress walking down the hall way... I didn't think noting of it and then asked who the girl was she was babysitting... she said that she wasn't babysitting... I said then who is the blond headed girl in the white dress that was just walking down the hall, and that is when she told me that the girl had been in the house for three weeks and I wasn't the only one to see her.. So now they have a new member of the family... It doesn't scare them, but it sure scared me, and I left.

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 07:32 PM
Thanks Karen..

I actually don't raise my children at all.. My mom has custody of one of them and that is my oldest son... She has had him since he was 18 months old, but I signed him over to her.. She always told me that he belonged to her because they share a birthday... Well that isn't why I did it but the reason why she has him is because when I was at the hospital, having my him... and before I had him, the nurses always ask what meds you are taking when they do intake... well at the time, I didn't know not to say anything, so I told them that I was bi - polar and I was supposed to be taking meds but couldn't while I was prego.. Well... they asked me what doc was giving them to me, and I told them I didn't have one that mom worked in a docs office at that time (before she went blind) and that I was getting samples... Well they called that self medicating and that is how the whole thing of social workers got involved... And from that day on, I have had trouble...

Then later on I had my little girl that I am all upset about... but my family and I have talked, and things are going well right now... mom and dad have agreed to help me get my own place, and help pay for it since I can't do it on my own... I have a friend Sarah who is going to give me a bedroom set which will include a queen size bed, vanity and chester drawers, and I am getting a leather sectional that reclines on both ends... I am also getting a kitchen table and chairs... Mom and dad are getting me a cell phone with a contract to use incase I need to call home, and they are going to pay my electric bills until I catch up on some other bills that must be paid... luckily I was able to drop my car insurance down to liability and since I haven't had any accidents I am able to get more of a discount on my insurance which left me with a little of 100.00 to work with on catching up other bills... That was a blessing in itself... Now my job is going to require getting a lawyer and finding out what can be done about my daughter... I keep getting emails stating that my daughter hasn't been to school because they don't send her if she wakes up in a bad mood... OH WELL SEND HER TO SCHOOL... DUH the girl needs it... they need to seriously wake up... but maybe now I can either prove a case in a court with a trial or grand jury if I have to, and I will do what I can to either see her a lot, or to get my daughter back with me... I don't care if I have to eat dirt the rest of my life, I am going to fight this until the end... I can't let this go knowing that she is living in filth... she needs surgery and they won't let her have it... and the fact that she don't even know who I am... I can't live like this... She deserves to know that I am her mom... and I will fight this...

I also have two other kids, but I don't have them either but that doesn't have anything to do with all this... I was abused by an ex husband, and at that time I didn't have a social worker... they were out of my life, and when my younger son was 2 they came to the house because I had went to school with a bruise on my cheek... no one said anything to me, and I didn't think it looked that bad... barely noticeable, and my teacher wound up calling the police because she knew how my ex was, and she knew what he had done... but they got involved and after they left he beat me badly thinking that I called on him, and I left and went to a crisis center... He went up there and swore he would never hit me again, and for me to come home... So the worker called the crisis center and told me to go home... I was scared, but they threatened me and said that if I didn't go home that he was going to file kidnapping charges on me... So I went home... only to find out that he was going to beat on me again... I couldn't get away from him and the police wouldn't do anything... as a matter of fact he hit me upside the head and punched me in front of the cops who were standing a little further back talking to each other, and they tried to say that they didn't see it... They are so crooked her where I live, but anyways... my ex wound up with custody for a week until it was proven that he didn't know how to take care of two kids, since by then I had a baby, and the state gave them to his parents... they are well taken care of and I see them every other weekend... But my family wants to see my daughter too... so does my oldest son... so do I... I just want what is best for her....

I haven't made the best decisions in life, but I have always found a way to get by... and here we go again... Yesterday was a bad day for me... hearing all of this really upset me... I was told that if my daughter didn't have the heart surgery that she needed it could kill her in 2 years... SO I am reporting them to the workers somewhere and to court... I can't deal with it... When she was born, I wouldn't let no one touch her, not even the workers, not my parents, no one was allowed... She had so many tubes and machines that she couldn't be in a car... it was that bad, and now they want to let her live in filth... GROSS... She could develop an infection causing her to die... it could shut down her kidneys and liver... So I need to save her from all this... I am not letting them hurt her anymore...
I am going to do what I gotta do if it takes me eating dirt the rest of my life... and that is a promise I will make to my little girl.

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 02:35 PM
Who's your daddy - in my pants.

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:07 PM
Welcome to JSH

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 11:56 AM

jkkabtje's photo
Fri 09/21/07 11:53 AM
Marie.. I know, and I am not going to do nothing stupid, but I have more than just one son... I have four children... two boys and two girls... One of my children was born handicapped, and when she was five months old she was dying right in front of me, and yesterday was her birthday... My daughter did make it through her stroke when she was five months old, and she outgrew all her seizures, and her heart problems, but it caused her to be mentally retarded in the meantime... So one day the doctors came into her room to check her out and a foreign doctor picked her up to examine her which I didn't quite understand at the time, and she had another seizure while she was in her arms, and the doctor dropped her on the bed... I went off the deepend... So they put me in NUT WARD for three days and over dosed me on meds, and made me call a friend to take care of her because while in the hospital they accidently overdosed me on medication.. they gave me someone else's meds. While this so called friend had her at her house, I knew that in order to pick her up from her next appointment after being released from the hospital, I needed to have a note stating that it was ok to pick her up and that the meds I was overdosed on were out of my system and that I was able to care for her again... I got that note and went to pick her up only to find out that the people who took her went around to the otherside of the desk at the doctors office and called the social workers and they told them I didn't want her, and then came to me and told me that the social workers said that she had custody... So I left and when I got home I called the workers, and the woman on the phone told me that this girl told them that I said I didn't want her... I never said that... and now they still believe them over me... Too bad lie dectors don't hold up in court... but later on the woman couldn't care for my little girl anymore and she was put in the custody of her mom and sister who lives 3 hours from me... The judge told them that I was to see her once a month, I was to get progress reports on how my daughter was developing, and only gave them temp. custody until I found a home that had another bedroom for her... At the time I only had a one bedroom... So I moved into in a house, and it took a year for me to get that house... I called the workers and they called down to the people who took my daughter and told them that I was going to take all this stuff back to court... The people called me and begged me not to until my little girl finished her therapy and that she was almost finished... So I did what was best for her and I waited... Later on, I wanted to take it back to court, and she said that my little girl was in preschool and she had just started... Well the workers said to wait until she was out of school.. so I waited... about then the next year, I wanted to go to her preschool graduation... I wasn't allowed to go... They didn't want me there.. Said they would call the police if I interferred... So I didn't get to go... So then a while later she had her 4th birthday party.. I was invited... I drove 3 hours to see my baby girl... Stayed for the party, and didn't want to leave, but I had to... Since then, they won't answer the phone, they won't let me talk to her, they won't send me pictures, they won't let me have anything to do with her, and yesterday was her 6th birthday, and they wouldn't let me talk to her... But the people who have her are a mom and a sister of the other person... and the sister told the judge that she couldn't have kids and that is why it would mean so much to have her... and now come to find out... that sister just had a baby girl of her own... My daughter don't even know that I am her mommy... I had a friend call down there last year and talk to the mom, and she begged her to let me talk to my little girl, and finally she agreed... and my little girl whispered... "I am scared of you because you want me back" Maybe she does know that I am her mommy, but they won't let her call me mom or mother, or nothing... I am Christi to her, and that hurts... SO now I am doing my best to get a lawyer after two years.... There is so much more to this story that I couldn't put it all on here... It would take so long... but it is killing me... Her dad called me the other day and left a message and told me that he hadn't seen her in 5 years.... They were supposed to let him see her an hour after my visitation was over when I was seeing her, and they would leave right after I left so that he didn't get to see her... It is wrong... he has rights just like I do.... and now, through the grapevine.. I have been told that she is living in filth... that she has had head lice for the last 2 years and they can't get rid of it, and that she so tall, but weighs so much that the doctors are concerned about her heart again, and that they let her eat junk all the time... I have managed to get pics of her though. Not by the people who have her, but just other people in general, and I think it is time I take it to court...
I talked to my mom last night and she has agreed to help me get my own place so that I can fight this in court... We are all so upset, and I have friends backing me up in court... but hearing all this for the first time yesterday really put me in a bad mood... I wasn't mad, I was hurt... because no matter what I do in life to take a step foward, I get set back... hopefully that will change... I am a little better today, but my heart is just in my stomach right now... How could anyone treat my baby like crap.... I really wish lie dectors were allowed in court... I would really have their butts in so much trouble with all the lies that were told... I supposedly put my child who was sitting her car seat in the middle of the road and walked off... First off... DUH my child couldn't be in a car seat... she couldn't go anywhere in a car... she was hooked up to so many machines.... She had a stroller that she had to lay in... wherever she went, it was by transcare... not a car... but they knew that was a lie from the get go and dropped that accusation right then and there, and the people who said that were in major trouble and was fined for that... but that still isn't the point... Sarah, my best friend in the world, has been on the ball today... She is helping me sort out court records and finding good attorneys so that we can fight this... I hope it works... I have to do something, even if it means taking her out of a home that she has always known and putting her with better people... I hate to do that to my baby girl, but she deserves better.

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 09:21 PM

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 09:10 PM
Simply depressed again. The ongoing rollercoaster of emotions. Sucks to be me. My life will never change, never get any better, and it's my fault... No matter what I do it is wrong, and when I finally get to the point of success of making that one step foward in life, I get screwed, and I am back to square one. I give up... so I will sit in my room, all day and rot... I have no life. I am not even aloud to have a life. I wish the Good Lord would just take me HOME... I would be better off in the pearly gates of heaven not suffering any more... not mentally, not physically, and most of not financially. I am sure you all can relate in some way, but you my friends seem to have picked up your life and moved on... ME? that will never happen until I get HOME with God... I so can't wait for that day. I sit back and think about my future. How could I make it better. I write down priorities in life, and what I need to accomplish, and then as soon as I know what I need to do, there is always something that stops me, and then when I know what stops me and I try to fix that problem, another problem just stands in my way... There is just no use anymore.. I give up. sad sad sad sad :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 08:55 PM
Welcome to the JSH family

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 08:49 PM
:smile: flowerforyou bigsmile

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 08:34 PM
that was simply beautiful.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 08:26 PM
Welcome to JSH Family

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:19 PM
was fine until I went to therapy, now I am depressed... isn't that the other way around... sad sad

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:17 PM
laugh laugh

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:13 PM
very well stated. take care and God Bless.

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 12:25 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 09:35 AM
Congrats on finding true love...

jkkabtje's photo
Thu 09/20/07 09:30 AM
Aww that is so sad :cry: Sorry for your loss Mikey. I will keep you in my prayers.

jkkabtje's photo
Wed 09/19/07 10:15 PM
Welcome to JSH.

jkkabtje's photo
Wed 09/19/07 05:43 PM