Community > Posts By > Zack375

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Fri 06/06/08 05:10 PM
Tell them this story when the ask what's happening...

Well, for your sake I hope it'll all be peaches &
cream. But I'm afraid the end time is near. The cataclysmic apocalypse refered to in the scriptures of every holy book known to mankind. It will be an era fraught with boundless greed & corruption, where global monetary systems disintegrate, leaving brother to kill brother for a grain of overcooked rice. The nations of the civilized world will collapse under the
impressive weight of parasitic political conspiracies which remove all hope & optimism from their once faithful citizens. \

Around the globe, generations of polluters will be punished for their sins. Unsheilded by the O-zone they have successfully depleted, left to bake in the seering naked rays of light. Wholesale assassinations served to destabilize every remaining government, leaving the starving & wicked to fend
for themselves.

Bloodthirsty renegade cyborgs created by tax dodging corporations reek havok. Pissed off androids tired of being slaves to a godless & gutless system, where the rich get richer & the poor get f**ked over and out, unleash total world wide destruction by means of nuclear holocaust, annihilating the terrified masses, leaving in its torturous wake nothing but vicious, cannibalistic, mutating, radiating, and horribly dis-figured hordes of satanic killers, begged on
revenge, but against whom? There are so few left alive. Starvation reins supreme, forcing unlucky survivors to eat anything & anyone in their path.

Massive earthquakes crack the planets crust like a hollow egg shell, causing unending volcanic eruptions. Creatures of the seven seas, unable to escape the certain death upon land, boil in their liquid prison. Disease then circles the earth, plagues & viruses with no known cause or cure laying waste to whatever draws breath, and human-kind having proven itself to be nothing more than a race of ruthless scavengers, fall victim to merciless attacks at the hands of interplanetary alien tribes who seek to conquer our charred remains. This is the Extinction Level Event, The Final World Front. And it's all starting tonight.

If that doesn't calm them down I don't know what will.

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Fri 06/06/08 03:54 PM

iam not talk about them board like i dont have anything to do

Ohhh... I get it now! Message board!

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Fri 06/06/08 03:46 PM

Why is this such a big topic?

Because it polarizes people and keeps them from focusing on REAL issues in this country.

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Fri 06/06/08 03:42 PM

What closes a mind? How can it be opened again?

School, TV, newspapers. They tell you what to think, not how to think.

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Fri 06/06/08 03:40 PM

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Fri 06/06/08 03:35 PM
Skate board?

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Fri 06/06/08 03:32 PM
Edited by Zack375 on Fri 06/06/08 03:32 PM

What type of board? Ouija board, checkerboard, cardboard??? laugh :wink: laugh

its not that funny

It's surfboard, isn't it?

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Thu 06/05/08 05:29 PM
No, it didn't work then for a reason and if you went back and tried to change whatever you feel you did wrong the relationship would just end for another reason sooner or later.

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Wed 06/04/08 06:58 PM
Each relationship teaches you a little more about what you want and what you don't want. You take that with you, leave the past where it belongs, and find something better.

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Wed 06/04/08 06:27 PM

Now, now, children.

President George W. Bush approval rating:

28% Gallup (5/8 to 5/11/08)
28% Quinnipiac (5/8/ to 5/11/08)

Congress approval rating:

18% Gallup (5/8/ to 5/11/08)
18% Quinnipiac (5/8/ to 5/11/08)

My theme in Presidential campaign 2000


MY theme in Presidential campaign 2004

BUSH, BUSH, HE'S OUR MAN, HE'LL DUMP KERRY IN THE GARBAGE CAN! BUSH, BUSH, 4 MORE! (AND AGAIN HE DID!)(What on earth Was Republican Senator from PA here in PGH, John Heinz) thinking when he married that Theresa what is her name now - Kerry?)

OK guys, who are you going to pick on this time?


I supported the issues Bush ran on in 2000, no nation building, humble foreign policy, fiscally conservative policy, etc. What he did during his first term really turned me off to republicans in general but Bush's COUSIN John Kerry wasn't much of an opposition candidate to vote for either. What Bush and the Republican Party have become doesn't even remotely resemble what true conservatives once stood for. Bush ran up the debt faster than any other president in history. He EXPANDED the government more than any other President in our history. (Conservatives used to stand for small government.) He helped push through the Orwellian named Patriot Act as well as other legislation that took HUGE chunks away from our Constitutional rights. (Conservatives used to fight FOR the Constitution, NOT against it.) And ignoring the UN to remove Saddam from power because he ignored the UN makes about as much sense as microwaving your silverware.

Of course Congress' approval rating is low. People voted in Democrats to get us out of Iraq and repeal Bush's bad policies. Nothing changed.

The sad fact of the matter is it doesn't really matter who you vote into office. Republicans and Democrats have become two sides of the same coin. They basically support the same things but use their minor differences to divide the people. Day after day Americans suck up the BS Bill Oreilly and all the other TV punduits spew out to further along this false left/right paradigm but in reality no matter who you vote for in any major election the outcome will remain the same. You'll get a candidate who expands government, takes away more of our Rights, pushes us further into debt and pursues a foreign policy that leaves us more vulnerable and creates more enemies around the world. Until the majority of this country can understand this you can expect more war, continued building of a police state, higher gas prices and continued devaluation of our currency.

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Wed 06/04/08 01:07 PM

You know at any other job at 69% disapproval rating means being fired.

So why isn't he fired yet? noway

No one wants to give him a blow job.

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Mon 06/02/08 09:52 PM
"Most people love you for who you pretend to be... to keep their love, you keep pretending--performing. You get to love your pretense... it's true, we're locked in an image, an act.
And, the sad thing is, people get so used to their image--they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And, if you try to remind them, they hate you for it. They feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession."

- Jim Morrison

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Mon 06/02/08 09:25 PM

i would take away our free will......without it people could just be told they are happy and noone would think twice about it

Aldous Huxley eluded to this kind of society in a 1961 lecture at The California Medical School. "There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

It's kind of scary that people actually support this and the fact that drug companies direct to consumer advertising has people taking pills they don't need for anything and everything.

The one thing I would change is the insatiable greed humans have.

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Mon 06/02/08 09:14 PM
Edited by Zack375 on Mon 06/02/08 09:15 PM

I have a single friend up near you who is hot. Her name is Kate. 212-660-2245

You did not....did you???

Of course I didn't. That's just a number for the Rejection Hotline. Call it, it's pretty funny. There's a bunch of numbers all over the country. They come in handy.

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 09:08 PM
I have a single friend up near you who is hot. Her name is Kate. 212-660-2245

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 09:04 PM

Of course we're being manipulated. I learned very young never believe the news. 90% of it is bs and the other 10% is sports.

But don't worry about the gas prices. Congress is holding another dog and pony show to investigate the oil companies manipulation of prices just to appease us. There findings will conclude that there is no manipulation and that the market is driving the prices.

$600.00 rebate

giveth on one penny , taketh twice on the farthing

Old English saying
1penny =2 farthings

Oh yeah, the "Economic Stimulus Package" was a great idea. Borrow another $150 billion from China so Americans can spend it on Chinese products. Adding more debt to a bankrupt nation only devalues the currency further which is the main reason gas prices are so high and why inflation is speeding out of control.

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 08:54 PM
Of course we're being manipulated. I learned very young never believe the news. 90% of it is bs and the other 10% is sports.

But don't worry about the gas prices. Congress is holding another dog and pony show to investigate the oil companies manipulation of prices just to appease us. There findings will conclude that there is no manipulation and that the market is driving the prices.

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Mon 06/02/08 08:47 PM

Alrighty...(assuming anyone's left looking here hehe) Try this one on for size:

what appendage on the human body do scientists say that human beings are losing as the generations go by,and will be gone within the next few thousand or so generations or sooner?

well...for anyone curious and still lurking about (as I'm heading off to other threads now) the answer was: your pinky toe :P

You had me on that one.

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Mon 06/02/08 08:36 PM

There's a few variations of that riddle. Depends on how you word it.

really? That's the only way I've ever heard it...kept this blonde busy far longer than that blasted piece of paper that said "for the answer to the riddle...flip over" actually...I never did find the answer on that piece of paper...odd though, it sure had a lot of sides to be flat. lmao

"Angry" and "hungry" are two words in the English language that end in "-gry". What is the third word. The word is something that everyone uses everyday. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

The answer is what.

There are three words in English that end in "gree." The first two are "angry" and "hungry," and if you've listened closely you'll agree that I've told you the third one.

The answer is agree.

Those are 2 other versions. The way you worded your question the answer should technically be three because that is the third word but the most common answer to this riddle is what I answered. To make language the correct answer word it like this,
Think of words ending in "-gry". "Angry" and "hungry" are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

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Mon 06/02/08 08:27 PM
Edited by Zack375 on Mon 06/02/08 08:28 PM

You guys seriously didn't know they pay for your first date with someone you meet here? All you gotta do is send in your receipts and proof of meeting on JSH to the address they have on the DMCA Policy which is linked at the bottom of all their pages. It takes ya about 2 months to get the reimbursement check.

No one here EVER read about this before?!
now that's a bunch of bulllaugh

Maybe... but I bet a bunch of people just read the DMCA POlicy for the first time.