Community > Posts By > _daz_

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 06:20 PM
oops scrap this, just seen the games section! \o/

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 06:13 PM
not done it for a while but that last time it seemed to go on for ever! & was an amusing read! :D

idea is i will start with a single word. then the next poster has to type a word that matches it in some way. eg:

if i type Cold, the next person could type snow, or sneeze etc... & so on!

You can post another word but not until at least 10 others have posted after your last word!

a little tip...put the word in brackets, cuz as this goes on people will type the word & maybe summit else so it might get confusing!!

only problem with this is it depends on how buzy the forums sometimes if the forums are buzy someone might reply to the previous word at the same time, if this happens just continue from the last word! :-)

ok here goes i will start with......

(people) :-)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:59 PM
A good date will always start if your good friends to begin with! :-)

Im using here for friends, but if summit else comes of it then so be!... time will tell i guess :-)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:57 PM
2. BROWNIES -- You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

i lol'd at the "slayer of Dragons" cuz i play World of Warcraft \o/

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:55 PM
Just a quicky! :)

Are we allowed to post a link to our my space site? cuz i had a look @ the T&C's & didnt see anything about not doing it?

I ask cuz i just posted summit few mins ago because im looking for friends for it, but i think my post got deleted! :(

If we aint then my apologies to the mod(s) ..didnt realise!

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:52 PM
hiya feralcatlady :-)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:51 PM
Hiya Tereasa :)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:50 PM
Hiya :-)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:40 PM
In no particular order! ...

Dumb & Dumber (cracks me up everytime!)
Neverending Story (loved it when i was a kid!)
Last of the Mohicans(sp?)
Nightmare On Elm Street

probably more but there just off the top of my head! :-)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:30 PM
any job vacancies going at your place?! \o/

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:25 PM
wow, quick replys :-)


_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:21 PM
hey googoomuck01 ..anychance of fixin us up with one of the tracks on ya site :) ?

babys got a londoner 1 im after ^^

would be much appreciated mate, cheers \o/

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:07 PM
as already said be sure that it IS a virus & not symantec falsly recognising it as a virus (which wont suprise me!)

If you are sure, then your best would be to google it 1st, chances are its a worm & even if u delete the .dll will prob already have cloned its self so upon the next reboot it will be sitting in the same place. Usually you would need to go in safe-mode at the least to try remove it. But a simple delete wont do it. You *might* have to edit the registry (if your not familiar with the registry DONT do it manually, you will screw windows up) use a prog which will scan/clean it for you.

g/luck :-)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 05:01 PM
an mmorpg with the graphics of EQ2 but the PvP of DAoC ..Pre ToA DAoC!

Atm theres no mmorpg which has both good pve & pvp..only 1 or the other ...Dark and light looked promising.. but failed bigtime :( one day i hope! ....

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 04:57 PM
Norton & McAfee are (insert random insult here!) ..they use ALOT of your systems resources. when they were 1st released (many moons ago) they were simple & ran in the background no probs... nowadays theyve chucked everything on there they possibly can (more of a selling point than useful). I've lost count the amount of PC's ive had to sort due to one of these programs conflicting/screwing up other programs etc.

My advice: dont use them... use as already mentioned AVG or Zone Alarm (pro)/Sygate pro.

I use sygate Pro & Zone Alarm Pro... never had any probs & they run smoothly with each other in the background ;)


_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 04:52 PM
i would mate but im on mysapce live :( dont think ya can share friends between the 2?

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 04:50 PM
hiya! :-)

_daz_'s photo
Thu 10/11/07 04:49 PM
hiya :-)

jus thoguht i'd pop in & say hello! ...been a member on here for a few weeks, met some nice people/friends already (/wave!) which is good :-)

im a friendly/honest guy (guess they all say that!) so the only way u gunna know is when/if we talk! :-)

Anywayz if anyone fancy a friendly chat anytime drop me a mail or PM! :)

speak soon!

Daz :-)

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