Community > Posts By > netuserlla

netuserlla's photo
Sun 03/18/07 06:05 AM
Nicely said. It is the open mind that offers growth and
expandability. It is our thoughts and ideas that make us who we are. It
is our thoughts that leads our life in the direction that it is headed.
Yesterdays thoughts create todays reality, so good thoughts today create
a better tomorrow.

netuserlla's photo
Sun 03/18/07 05:51 AM
I don't know about eating our brains, but according to the Drake
equation, it is mathematically impossible for aliens not to exist.
Thanks for the info ShadowEagle.
We know that just our galaxy alone has about a billion stars, and it is
our galaxy alone that this equation drives from. According to the
equation 1% of our galaxy has some form of life on it. That's 10,000
planets just in our galaxy. It gives a person something to think about.
THE DRAKE EQUATION........ N=R*_Fs_Fp_Ne_Fl_Fi_Fc_L

netuserlla's photo
Sun 03/18/07 05:13 AM
I am really loving this whole 'Regligious thing'. There was a short
time in my life where I studied various regligions so much, That I think
that it about drove me crazy. I do want to say that I don't believe in
regligion any more. Regligion is just a seperation of people, and why
would God want us seperated from each other. Regligion is just a way
that people can explain what they do understand. I believe that there is
only one God, the same one for everyone, and that every one can be here
for something special, it is there for them, or they can chose
differently another path that they might not be quite so good at
walking. I believe in science and fact. Now that same science and fact
is proving that there really is a God, and he really does exist, he is
just different than people may picture him. Some people view God as some
kind of being confined into a 'body' sitting on a throne somewhere, When
I say God is alot more that that. Scientifically, what is the only thing
that can never be created or distroyed and is omnipreasent (everywhere
at once), as in the description of God?? ENERGY. I say we have free
will. Because in quantum physics reality does not even exist unless
thought has been entered into the equation. ok to be fair i'll look at
the christen view. If we do not have free will, than why would God
condem certain people to hell if they have no free will to change that?
That sounds like an evil god. I'm sorry if I get carried away sometimes.
I'll be glad to answer any questions on anything that I state. I just
want to help people understand things, and in the process learn
something new myself.

netuserlla's photo
Sun 03/18/07 04:33 AM
Money is not really the issue, because I have a windows vista pc whitch
is expensive, and I even had to change the time on it. However on my
Linux Madriva box, it has that same kind of update feature that Mr Echou
mac has. It changed for me. You do know that Macs are based on the Linux

netuserlla's photo
Sat 03/17/07 09:03 AM
Yea this is pretty cool, but I knew about this tech a while ago. This
tech has brought me to a solution for a theroitic burning process that
would enable you to 'burn' a disk in a matter of seconds, by using the
'light lazer' to 'burn' an iso/img file all at once. Kind of like taking
a picture. Click; Burnt.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/16/07 06:08 PM
*************Another Jab At Microsoft***************

Ron Schenone said,
Wrote on March 12, 2007

“Microsoft is the best marketing company in the world. They could sell
you the worst toilet paper in the world and convince you to upgrade your
toilets each time they change the color of the flowers of the paper.”


netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/16/07 05:56 PM
LOL. Thanks Verb for the info. I haven't checked out the newest
versions of Linux Red Hat lately, and haven't had the time or pleasure
to take it for a spin, but Red Hat has always been a great OS.
I do know that I love my Gnu/Linux Mandriva. It is a great OS for power
users and newbies to the OS alike. It is pretty 'user friendly'
considering that you can also load a variety of different GUIs from the
start screen. Even one that has a windows like enviroment, but once you
learn your way around, you will probly be happy with either the KDE or
Gnome interface. This isn't even including the free download update that
turns your whole desktop into a real 3D environment.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/16/07 05:32 PM
I don't do anything wrong to want to hide it, but there are things
that should be private because, for example, I don't want retailers to
know what kind of items that I buy, then send me emails, or pop ups or
something tring to sell thier product when I'm perfectly happy with my
purchase. Also, has anyone ever done any searches where you may have
clicked links in some web sites that took you somewhere that you didn't
want to go? If that's not private then, these retailers/whoever might
think you wanted to go there and start pushing you for things that you
don't want.
I guess that our privacy kind of enables us to have more freedom of
the things that we do want, instead of things that we don't want.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:49 PM
The thing about Linux is, though, is once you get it configured it just
works from now on.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:43 PM
Good advice Kevin. Since you are good at the limited command prompt
made by windows, Have you not tried a Linux distro yet? I have high
speed cable, and when my connection slows down, or have other problems,
I just reset my modem, and my router. That useally fixes most problems.
Especially if it was already configured once. I try that first.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:30 PM
I have people asking to be my friend, and thier is no button to click
to accept. Nothing but a cancel button, and a button to view thier
profile. Plez help.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:23 PM
I have tried many distros, and even still I think that I have a few
live cd/dvd around. I like SUSE Linux and even have a live disk for it
that I made myself. (Downloaded and extracted the ISO onto disk). I
think that I would have to say that the best live linux cd that I have
found for newbies would be KNOPPIX. I has most of the extras that you
can get, after an install version, already included on the disk. It uses
KDE GUI, and it even has Wine. (Witch is pretty good at running windows
only programs). It even has an earlier version of Open Office, witch is
comparable to and better in most ways than microsoft office. All of this
for free. Also if you really like Knoppix, you can even do a hard drive
install from the live disk.
I guess that my favorite distro, witch I use at present, is Gnu/Linux
Mandriva. This is an install disk only, but it comes with so many
drivers that works with even windows hardware. Not just that, but from
the welcome screen, you can chose witch GUI (graphical user
interface)that you want to boot.I like KDE or Gnome. Well I can ramble
on, but I guess that is a good start, so I will go for now.

Oh, and happy Linux digging.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:27 AM
Thanks for your comments Verb. Dell has been the leader-of-the-pack
OEM for some time now. Since the joining of AMD and ATI, Dell is
starting to look at that side of the fence. They are thinking to change
thier whole architecture to AMD. I think that that is really something
considering that they flooded the advertising market with Intel. Intel
is a great processor, but AMD has a better architecture(having the
memory controler on the processor), but intel really does most of thier
ruling with mobo chipsets. I'm sorry for straying off, this is another
subject all together.
WalMart tried Lindows and failed, but I think that if dell started
pushing for Linux, it will at least start waking some people up. There
is a learning curve to learning Linux, but it is worth it,and if you
have dissected windows as I have over the years, the learning curve is

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 08:11 PM
I'm going to guess and say that your are using a windows OS. Being the
case, I guess that you downed that's OS's version??
By the way, Firefox rules.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 08:07 PM
The best analogy that I have seen yet.

Ron Schenone said,
Wrote on March 12, 2007

“Microsoft is the best marketing company in the world. They could sell
you the worst toilet paper in the world and convince you to upgrade your
toilets each time they change the color of the flowers of the paper.”

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:56 PM
I have been a die hard windows fan for years while exploreing the
gnu/linux distros. Now, Microsoft windows seems to be losing thier mind
with thier new OS, Vista. It is awsome as far as the visual aspect, but
it took microsoft untill Vista to add additions to thier OS, that most
Linux distros have had for years. This isn't including all of the
digital rights that Microsoft is taking away from us. People didn't
realize it as much with Win XP, but now with Win Vista, Microsoft is
starting to show thier true colors. Me being a local OEM, in the town
that I live, even small things matter. Really they always do. I can say
this also, most of my customer support that I have to deal with are on
the Windows boxes that people have. With Linux things just work. When
will people really realize they should get what they pay for, and
realize that they should at least try something that is FREE that works
BETTER without restrictions??????

reserch link no 1

reserch link no 2

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:53 PM
"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

By the way, I have read a few of your post and am somewhat impressed by
some. (meant as a compliment)

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:45 PM
I think that is a new great step in a new direction. Hardware
encrycption seems to be the new next step in protecting personal data.
You have to be an expert, but it is still crackable though.

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:37 PM
There's really, not much, feeble minded about most people, It's just
useally called ignorance, and everyone on the planet is ignorant about
something. Even with my high IQ, I am still so ignorant of some things
that it makes me appear stupid. (EX. I am an extreamly bad speller, but
I am an ace at computer science, phisics, and Quantum mechanics.)

netuserlla's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:17 PM
I thought that Hillary was already preasdent once. LOL
But on the paper side, I think that she might make a good president, BUT
not yet. My opinion.