Community > Posts By > netuserlla

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 07:59 PM
sounds like a great idea Mass.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 07:52 PM
I will try to answer your question Torric. According to other sorces
and my religon, We have already made a connection to Heaven. It is above
the atmosphere that we call space. My religon states that God is energy,
witch is the essance of everything. Meaning even the wind can be felt,
and heard when it passes the ear.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:45 PM
I havn't read all of the posts, but at the beginning there was
something said about our 'feeling' or emotions. They are very important.
They tell us where we are at in our emotional scale, so that we know
where we are in relation to where we want to go. They are our built in
guidence systems.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:37 PM
The BOOK says that when two or more are gathered in my name, there I am
also. That is church.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:34 PM
I'm sorry, but I didn't have time to read all of the posts here. BUT I
do know that the toungues that people refer to today is not real
toungues. It is fake. Just another misinterputation of the bible. REAL
toungues are when one speaks thier words to say, and no matter what the
message is, they are automatically interputed into the listeners own
language. Everyone hears the message in thier own language. Besides
that, It also states in the bible that spirtial gifts could ONLY be
given to people that were in direct contact with Jesus or maybe his 12
apostiles. Need I say that they have been dead for many years?

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:17 PM
For the ones that believe in the bible, The first recorded event about
angles is in Genesis 3. This tells the story of how angels came down to
earth and mated with mortal women and created giants. This explains how
giants existed so that David could even slay Golith.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:07 PM
I think that it is all number 5. I have done alot of deep study on this
subject. Rev also, besides Danial, ties in with Ezikiel, and Isaiah.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 05:44 PM
Yes Torric. I am interested in ALL and EVERY reglion. Mr Dane, I have
heard of Asatru, But don't know much about it. Broken homez, I think
that you are right that alot of people do believe what they are taught
growing up. I think that you always have to be a skeptic, and question
everything. That is how we will find real truth. Mr DarkA, I know a
little about morman, but is a bapitized morman? I know the whole
christen view point on bapitizem. Miss Tasty, what does the LDS stand
for? It must be a branch from the morman. And Jean, toward the end of my
'christanity beliefs' I was also non denominational. I believe that I
have been inspired even beyond that. And Darren, I believe that relgion
is man made also. My main reason for that is that it seperates us all
from God, by seperating us from each other.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 05:22 PM
The bible does state that a day is like a thousand years to God. But,
That, I believe is like many other sayings in the bible. I believe that
that statement was just basicly a number to mean a very long time.(A
baptist preacher told me that years ago.) It was just to help our
understanding, because as I have said before, God does not exist in our
own space time reality. That is also how he knows our future. Also If I
was still a christen, then I believe that I would be very interested in
science, because science is based on fact, and what a better way to
prove that God does exit to the unbelievers.(The logic that I found in
meshing reglion with science in my initial quest). I have alot of
different logical interputations of the bible myself that makes alot of
more sense than interpretations that people were taught growing up. And
mine can be backed up with science. I'm sorry, but I'm not trying to
step on toes or anything, but when a person has studied so long and so
hard for so many years, one will eventually find truth.
The earth is alot older. And it is the same earth. The bible makes
references to the earth being destroyed, but not literally. Ex.
destroyed by water. Noah.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:25 AM
Thanks for this Alan. I enjoyed it.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 04:13 AM

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 06:00 PM
Everyone seems to be courious about this topc, but know one wants to
respond. Plez some one respond even if you belive that we were born from
catfish and evloved into an elephant that later, because of the event
remembering, later evolved into humans............ LOL..........

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 05:55 PM
Nicely said Daniel. The bible was written by man. The bible itself even
says that. Inspired by God, mabye. It's hard to tell what's what after
the editing has taken place.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 05:46 PM
I havn't read all of the posts on this topic, but I believe that the
government wants illegals to come to this country. That way more people
will have to live off of the government.(Witch are the people really, or
suppose to be. They are suppose to be civil servants.) It gererates more
poor people. When the government helps out people, then they have
control over the people, or they don't get the help. What this really
trickels down to, that they don't want you to know, is that we the
people are paying to get less freedom. What people don't realize is that
people that don't work and pay taxes are hurting our country. They are
taking our freedom. I know that this sounds harsh, but it is true. The
government stands on the backs of the hard working poor to make
themselves rich. And the hard working poor Pay them to do just that.If
this is my last post, Then you know that the government took me out.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 05:30 PM
I don't even know if I could sum it up in one law. But tooooo many laws
have been passed to 'up' the anty and totally contradic previous laws so
that we don't have original laws for our constition. ( The removal of
freedom). This has been going on for years to take away our rights, and
make 'Them' richer.(It must be nice to vote in a new raise, and we the
people have no choice but to pay it.)

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 05:19 PM

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 05:17 PM
Also is your reglion based on blind faith that you learned from others,
or something that you perceive as fact from what you have studied or

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:38 PM
As do I. If not then we just strum along on auto pilot day by day

By the way, thanks for the thread MikeM.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:34 PM
I have heard of musicmatch. I have heard alot of great reviews about

netuserlla's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:30 PM
For the record,(sorry John) but Satin and Lucifer are the same person.
If I remember correctly, I think that he had took the different name
after the 'cast down'. I just want to say that I have been enjoying all
of the point of views so much that JSH has almost become an addiction to
me. But, I guess that the quest for knowledge can sometimes be a good