cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Wed 10/12/11 07:44 AM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Wed 10/12/11 07:42 AM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Wed 10/12/11 07:36 AM
OMG...I love that...thats the kind of real answer I was hoping for.laugh laugh laugh love

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Wed 10/12/11 07:14 AM
My oldest children who are 16 and 12 have IQ's over 140. And yes I have been in gifted programs my entire life. But, most of the things I have learned about common sense were learned because I spend a lot of my down time when I am not working, with the eldery...retired teachers,soilders,doctors,nurses. You really can't judge a book by it's cover. I'd choose to watch a documentary before I would be caught dead in a club. I've always valued knowledge over fruitless ventures. In other words yes I'm a Nerd.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Wed 10/12/11 06:10 AM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Wed 10/12/11 05:57 AM
But that was my point exactly, The fact is that we know terrible things happen everyday, and that these things are not hallucinations.
And the thought that we actually live in a shared hallucination is absurd. Put it like this I am 5'2" and 190 give or take a lb. I can beleive I am a supermodel til the cows come home but that don't make it so.... There is a gift we all have called imagination; the ability to believe in things that are made up in our minds. Belief is a thing that can not be taken away from someone but it has to be measured with common sense or it becomes dangerous. Why do you think some of the early Philosophers were seen as heritics. Because the Ideas they had were in fact dangerous to themselves and others...Now days we call mis guided philosophers CULT LEADERS.

Because we are lost as a society and mankind does have major abandonment issues about just being here and having no Idea of where we really came from we are alot like Lambs to the slaughter...we follow Ideas that we feel give us a place to belong and those of us with IQ's over 150 should take better care when we speak of things so we do not lose our humanity to a over grown God Complex.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Wed 10/12/11 05:31 AM
432pitchfork :banana: devil

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 01:27 PM

yea ladiessmokin

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 12:39 PM
WOW really!huh

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 12:22 PM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 11:48 AM
Ty. nice to be here.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 11:25 AM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 11:11 AM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 11:01 AM

What if they did not have to hide what if it was their choice and they are just a private person? Or What if they feel that anybody can take a pic of anybody and post it on a profile it doesn't mean that's what they look like? I'm just asking what if its just a silent statement of get to know me for me.

There are people that post fake or old pictures of themselves. I think I've seen Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise on sites laugh

Or, like me, I have an avatar. I have real pictures that are on private, but I'm not looking to date or anything. I'm just here for the forums and to make friends.

Exactly my point, and I bet you feel that I don't need to see you to be your I right because thats how I feel... I would feel worse invading you privacy to pry about a pic then not seeing one on your profile.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 10:55 AM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 10:49 AM
What if they did not have to hide what if it was their choice and they are just a private person? Or What if they feel that anybody can take a pic of anybody and post it on a profile it doesn't mean that's what they look like? I'm just asking what if its just a silent statement of get to know me for me.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 10:37 AM
I agree yet some teacher decided that he should teach a classroom full of teens philosophy without filling in the blanks for them. The truth of the matter is that we are here we don't know how because Centuries or history has been lost and re-written and changed to fit others view points we will never know the entire story so we all need to get over it and move on to create a new future instead of re-writting the past or ridiculing the present.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 09:56 AM
Two alternate realities can not exist within the same timeline, this is why mentally ill people who have real hallucinations loose their grip on reality. I just had this very same debate with my 16 year old. He stated that if he were to take his life that he felt it would end the financial suffering of our family because in his mind non- of this is real life is only a belief and a perception...That is not true, if it were we would be able to have a shared "hallucination" that would change the would without war or conflict. We are here because we are human, the trees exsist because they just do; there is no reason other than evalution nature building upon it's self making and remaking it's self over and over again. When I asked my son would he like for me to slap him, he said NO. I asked why? he said it would hurt. I asked how if we are not real. He couldn't answer.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 09:40 AM

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 09:33 AM