cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 06:42 AM
That is the best thing I've read in a long time, it's what I have been trying to teach my 12 yr. old but the message often falls on death ears. Great post.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 06:31 AM
I can understand where you are comming from, I just look at it like this at the end of the day no pic = no future, but if they just need someone to talk too and I don't have to have their face carved into my memory I've lost nothing and maybe helped someone along the way.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 06:26 AM
No it's not a recommendation for teen pregnancy, I was just saying even though, I thought I wanted to be alone and away from a household of eight people I could not change something that I had been raised with from birth which as a need to have some family around me even it I had to make it myself. And yes I am a rare case I was a single mother who bought her own house at 24 but my mom and dad were strict and if you did'nt work mom and dad wont helping wit jack.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 06:17 AM
LOL...pure laziness and lust... sorry that was wrong :)some ppl need a stronger connection than a keyboard and if they put the pic out there then a person my speak to them from the attractivness of their pic and never really get to know them. Some ppl are to shy to join topic discussions and meet ppl.Some pretty ppl don't like to be told that they are men and women they don't care about looks therefore they don't see the need to post a pic and they get aggrovated at the share fact that someone needed to see them to communicate... they feel communication and knowledge trumps all and knowing you is not seeing you or you seeing them for that matter. Does anyone find it funny that we look at famous paintings like the "Mona Lisa" and we don't see a image we see each brush stroke and we admire the effort that was put into acheiving the message that it sends, but when given a open door to really get to know someone we almost always worry about the packaging?

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 06:02 AM
I also think it has alot to do with up bringing, for instance I'm the youngest of six, I could not wait to get out of my mom and dads house but I made sure I got preg. first...better to have the company of my child and for the longest time my oldest was my constant company which kept me out of trouble and made me make responsible choices...realy the only reason I'm even looking for a best friend now is because my kids are slowly moving out and they don't do things with me anymore.....On the other had I have a God sis that was an only child and she prefers to be alone only with a plus one but, her excuse is that she wasn't socailized correctly so she doesn't like ppl in general. (Weird Right?) And if you really think about it and your parts are 65 and older like mine most ppl are pre-conditioned to go out in groups, or to let someone know where we are going. The strange part about that is when I was growing up the only way I could go out was in a group and now when my kids ask me can they go somewhere I'm saying "how many ppl?, oh naw thats too many you can't go." I think we as generations growing up in the 60's, 70's, and 80's, were more mature because we had more struggles, so learning to travel in groups were more for protection and peace of mind. I think younger people feel fearless and go out on there own more often and some older people do it because they feel they earned that right not to need the protection of a group. The weird part is everytime I see someone missing or murdered because they were a victim of oppertunity I always think "Why in the Heck did they go out alone?"

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Tue 10/11/11 05:35 AM
Edited by cinnamoncookiemeat on Tue 10/11/11 05:36 AM
Some don't have pic because they are married, some are ashamed, some don't have pics so that they can have deniability, and some actually don't have the means to post a pic or are not computer literate enough. I know it sounds strange but I know plenty of people who dispite their best efforts think that it is very hard to sign up for something like this and get frustrated easy...and there are still that portion of people who have nothing wrong with them they just don't like pictures....( I use to be one of those people) and no it's not just guys it's women too.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Mon 10/10/11 08:11 AM
I do stay home often..., and although I do on occasion decided to venture out on my lonesome...I am shy by myself and get bored easily. Yea sure sometimes I may decide to chat up a stranger while out paying bills or grocery shopping but, I always find it ackward. So yea I'm one of those people who like to go out and enjoy my friends and the connections I have with them and if no one is available I stay in and I'm safe until someone is available to have a good time.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Mon 10/10/11 07:56 AM
Ok, ladies have a man who understands me inside and out....Now I need a bestie, must be loveable, kind, and fun. Hopefully I'll find her in Durham if not it doesn't matter really need a cool *** partner in crime. Check my profile ttyl...p.s., Gamers are welcome.

cinnamoncookiemeat's photo
Thu 08/18/11 07:48 AM
Okay I'm 32 and female but lucky 4 you I'm the youngest of six and have 4 brothers....They are idiots who are going thru mid-life male issues women see aging as a fact of life, Men think they can defy age as long as the "stay young at heart" which translates into act like jerks....which happens between 38 and 46 then they have their "Mental brake" and most calm down around 56 after they have exceptedtheir mortality .....or they do an idiotic thing and hurt themselves in someway and a quickly brought back to reality. Women have menopause -- Some* men just pause at about 19.

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