Community > Posts By > Engr

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Fri 12/07/07 11:11 AM

I like your attitude on this subject. I kind of enjoy younger women. But, they have to be women not little girls. I do need some inteligent conversation and not babble.
I agree with the person that states older women like to be controlling. Personally, I like women who speak there minds, tell the truth and are just plain pleasant.

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Fri 11/02/07 06:32 AM
Hey all. Just a quick update. I finally got some return e-mails from several ladies. I feel like I need to go out and buy a loto ticket. Conversations were actually sain. Guess I should consider myself lucky at this point. Who know what may happen. Hang in there all. They are out there.

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Wed 10/31/07 10:39 AM
Hey all. How's the return e-mails cominig? Still nothing? Well just thought after a few additional weeks of trying, still nothing for me either. Guess these people really are not interested in dating, meeting each other or even letting others know they are out there. Oh well, there loss. Nobody wants to make the first move,and when you do....... nothing.
Oh well, chin up, smile and go on. If there not going to acknolage you, guess there not worth going after.
Good luck once again all.

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Fri 10/19/07 09:39 AM
speaking of corrosponding, I've sent probably 12 e-mails this week. Have not heard a word from any of them. I've spread my area out quite a ways to see what is going to happen. Guess what? NOTHING......
I've spread soooo farrrrrrr that I could not even think of driving there even if a perfect match came along.
Well, like I said before, just keep your head up and smile a lot.
People will wonder what your up to. Keeps then guessing anyway.

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Fri 10/19/07 07:58 AM
Ocean Seeker: I have the same problem with mutual matches. Your probably right. It's just a ploy to get you to check into the sight.
Don't give up.

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Thu 10/18/07 01:06 PM
LLH5: I like your attitude. That keeps the dumpy feelings out of your life.

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Thu 10/18/07 12:57 PM
Well TSW123, I believe it's only common curtousy to respond even if your not interested. Sorry for my spelling, I'm an engineer. We cannot spell.
As I said before, head up and keep smiling. It only get better.

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Thu 10/18/07 08:23 AM
I just try these internet dating services to see who's out there. I've made a bunch of mailings just to see nobody even reads them. If there not going to read them, why bother sending them? I've run into the same issues everyone else has. Mutual match, viewings but no return mailings. I've always had better luck just doing the being single thing and seeing how it goes. I find I meet more people through friends than any other way of meeting people.
Oh well, I guess being single ain't all it's cracked up to be.
Good luck to all of you. Keep smiling, it will get better.


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Wed 10/10/07 12:57 PM
She's not crazy, just desperate.