Community > Posts By > dubbers

dubbers's photo
Wed 06/24/09 10:11 AM
*hugs yellowrose* Big mouths have to be loved to. lol

dubbers's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:50 AM
I've always wondered. Most people say appearance doesn't matter, but I'm beginning to think that subconsciously it does. Do height and appearance play a role of picking a mate for most of you? I'm just wondering if most of my problem is due to that? I try to look as best I can, but I'm short and that has me wondering.

dubbers's photo
Tue 06/16/09 11:34 AM
I changed some stuff around on my profile. Too little, too much, how is it gals and gents?

dubbers's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:38 AM
Cliques are bound to happen any where. I'm on a gaming site where there are a handful of people that talk while the ne people are trying to communicate. It's just not right to me, but then again I'm more out-going then some.

dubbers's photo
Fri 08/08/08 04:35 PM
ladidadadadai sorry, just gibberish. So what to post about.....hmmm

dubbers's photo
Mon 08/04/08 08:35 PM
There's nothing we can do about it now I guess, I still like the movies because they are fantasy. In the extended editions, the special features explain why he didn't go into all that background, plus if you were stabbed with a blade like the Nazgul's you wouldn't have that much in you to challenge the Witch King...that's just me though. They were done in his vision. A lot had to be changed. If you went line for line, it'd be a boring movie and it wouldn't make any money at all, ya know?

Plus in a movie, how can you have all that time to go into background? How is one able to pull that off? Some stuff had to be left out. They were focusing on Frodo going to Mordor to destroy the ring, not the rest of that stuff. Also, Frodo is strong willed. He made it all the way to Mount Doom before the One Ring claimed, before he had nothing left.

As for Gandalf being energetic? He was to a point. There was also much he had to do. If you were that old, and knew your time was coming....would you be as energetic as he was? Everyone has their own interpretations of things and sees the characters in different light. I realize that in the book Aragorn had Narsil in his sheath, but to the crowd's eye aat least...for those who had never read the books it wouldn't have made sense to them. Peter Jackson had to deliver it to a large audience. I was one of those people who have never read the books before I saw the movie. After I saw Fellowship I knew I had to read the books to fully understand. I came to understand where his vision was going to. Tolkien and Jackson's visions of the story were slightly different but not far off. That is all I'm going to say for now. I'm out.

dubbers's photo
Mon 08/04/08 01:33 PM
It's what I expected it to be. Relax. Frodo was done right. They went to the appendices to give Arwen more of a character then ten seconds of that screen time. He used a lot of Tolkien's notes and put them into the movie. Gandalf was done right. Read the description of how he's supposed to be again. Aragorn was an exile. He didn't want to become a king. Pippin was also portrayed quite well as a matter of fact. If it wasn't for him then there wouldn't have been a battle in Balin's Tomb. I'm a true LotR fan and that movie made a lot of sense just as in the book. Everyone did great for their characters. Just like in the book, Sam was the hero. Everyone thinks that it was Frodo, but if it wasn't for Sam then Frodo would have been dead before they reach the Mountain of Doom. Read the books again. Read the Hobbit again. They Ian McKellen portrays Gandalf is superb!

BTW....There are three books, that's why Peter Jackson did it in three instead of six movies. Plus get the extended edition of the Lord of the Rings. They are longer with more character development and more character background. It explains things even more clear then what they did in the theatrical versions. Those movies were well done.

dubbers's photo
Mon 07/21/08 11:17 PM
I have been here for a while and haven't recieved any e-mails. I have had one or two mutual matches, and I can't seem to get noticed. Am I doing something wrong? I mean, I'm not that ugly am I?

dubbers's photo
Thu 10/11/07 04:35 PM
I know the feeling. Have to have fun at work otherwise time will go as slow as me trying to get a date. lol