Community > Posts By > drgnflychaser

drgnflychaser's photo
Tue 03/29/11 08:01 PM
yes it does, and like a good country song lol

drgnflychaser's photo
Tue 03/29/11 07:56 PM
how about these. Velpo and Leathel. Seriously, and uncle and aunt of mine.

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 03/16/11 06:57 PM
I do. why waste time in the bathroom. make the most of it. If your gonna be there for a while, then at least make it interesting.

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 03/16/11 06:54 PM
Create an account together. She may like meeting new people too and then you can share the experience. That way she can see that its all very innocent.

drgnflychaser's photo
Tue 03/15/11 05:46 AM
good friends and good times. And crawling in bed with fresh line dried sheets on the bed. love that smell.

drgnflychaser's photo
Sat 03/12/11 05:01 AM
Agreed. I don't see that you did anything wrong. If she gets that worked up over something so trivial, then the relationship may not be worth it. I'd talk to her about it though before you bail out. Ask her why little things bother her so much. If she has no reason or no good reason, then move on. Chances are its gonna get worse. Good luck. Sounds like youa re a good catch. If shes not the right one then some other girl is gonna get lucky.

drgnflychaser's photo
Tue 03/08/11 08:04 PM
wow, what a retard. HE broke in to take a shower?!?! Thats crazy.

drgnflychaser's photo
Sun 03/06/11 04:12 PM
will there be fishing in the dark?

Count me in. sans nylons.

drgnflychaser's photo
Sun 03/06/11 04:08 PM
Is it alright/ok, no. Is it what is accepted/done, yes. I have had this happen to me and will admit I have done the same thing. Its simply a way of letting someone know your not interested without actually saying anything. Who really wants to hear rejection? I don't. I can take a hint. If i get no response I just move on.

I have actually gone the other way and told someone I was not interested and the guy proceeded to rip me a new one for being honest.

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 03/02/11 05:57 PM
HSV is herpes. Its a tough decision to have to make especially if you have been involved with someone and made an emotional connection.

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 03/02/11 04:53 PM
I have seen alot in the new lately about HPV and other std's and was wondering how accepting people really are towards std's. Would you date someone that has HPV or HSV?

drgnflychaser's photo
Mon 02/28/11 05:10 AM
this street runs both ways. I have sent many a message to men that have gone unanswered. Simply put, if you look over the profile and just don't find anything there that sparks your interest, then by not responding you are giving your answer of no.

drgnflychaser's photo
Sun 02/27/11 02:57 PM
Sex before marriage is a personal choice. It is deemed good or bad, morally speaking, depending on who you are talking with. Some people choose not to have sex before marriage based on religious beliefs. While others feel that you must test the sexual chemistry before marriage just in case its bad sex. For some bad sex is a deal breaker.
As far as pregnancy goes, it takes 2 to make a baby so both parties are responsible. I personally believe that if a girl gets pregnant before marriage, that marriage is not required. I feel its better to have parents that are not married and happy and civil towards each other than to get married when you are not ready and hate each other because if it.

drgnflychaser's photo
Sun 02/27/11 08:16 AM
Cause men just can't handle a fat girl.

drgnflychaser's photo
Fri 02/25/11 08:13 PM

That's a dilemma. It has some wonderful potential, but doen't anybody value their privacy and anonymity
any more?

Privacy and anonymity? your on dating website with photo posted. your privacy and anonymity kinda went out the window when you did that. As far as your question goes, you have to do what ever is right for you. If you don't want to chat on im you can either be honest and say no i don't want to chat or continue evading the issue. Either way if the other party is interested your still rejecting them and it feels just as bad either way.

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 02/23/11 03:55 PM
Its probably not your looks. Maybe its distance. I know i want to find someone that lives near me so that its at least a good possibility of meeting. just keep in mind the old saying Different strokes for different folks.

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 02/23/11 03:52 PM
Reading at work is why i want one of them. The place i work has told me that we (employees) are not allowed to read books at work anymore unless it is of the educational variety. So i was think of a fake out with the kindle. Read what i want but also have some educational books on there so i can swap out if i get caught. sneeky me. I don't know how i feel about giving up actual books myself, but i was doing the majority of my reading at work. So its a toss up for me. I think by the way, that i am going to get the nook color.

drgnflychaser's photo
Tue 02/22/11 07:37 PM
Why do women worry about their weight? Are you crazy? Every TV show you watch, every magazine you read all have pics of thin people. Its want sells. So women are lead to believe that in order to be accepted you must be thin.

While i applaud you for appreciating the person more than the appearance, not all men are like that. How many men can HONESTLY say that if shown a line up of women of varying sizes with no faces shown would actually pick the fat girl as the one he wants to get to know. I speak this from experience. I am a big girl and i know this. I have met men online and had great conversations on the phone and really clicked, but after meeting in person i never hear from them again. Now i know i don't have rotten table manners so you tell me what made them not want to talk again. Im betting it was my physical appearance.

Sorry i went off on a little tear there.

To answer the original question, women worry about their weight because we are taught from a young age that you must be thin in order to fit in and be accepted. Sad fact is that it should not be that way.

drgnflychaser's photo
Wed 02/16/11 06:52 PM
A lovely cupcake.

drgnflychaser's photo
Mon 02/07/11 07:09 PM
perfection is perception. Everyone has a different idea of perfect. What is perfect for me may not be perfect for you. I think there is entirely to much emphasis put on the need for perfection in this world. Sure we all want things to be perfect, but everything being perfect would be boring. Sometimes its the wrong turn that leads you to something even better.

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