Community > Posts By > bbbutterscotch

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:28 PM
In response to the last few posts:

I wasn't really looking for an answer as to what to do, I see seven steps ahead at all times and already know the rest of the plot/dialog. I was hoping for some counter-arguments, maybe someone trying to see it from the other side.

I am nuts, and in love, but I also control the universe, so there's that to consider. I've willed her to keep coming back.

You hit the nail on the head with that last part.

The best argument I've heard so far, but there are other stories too. Of people not on a dating website because they are still happily married.

I was raised by Hollywood, what do you expect?

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:13 PM

Yeah....shinning brightly from someone elses bed!! That is not a jewel I would quest for!! You can't spend your life trying to "save" somebody from who they are no matter how much of a hero you want to be......

<---Is a hero. Be objective. bigsmile (Yes, I realize the irony in saying 'be objective'. My head's not on straight right now, and I know this.)

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:08 PM
So consensus across the board seems to be...cut off production, fire the cast, and get out while I'm still in the black.

Makes sense, and it's what I expected to hear, but as of yet no one has given me REASON to think that with my talent I can't make this film work.

After all, the show must go on.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:03 PM

Why should she get a fourth chance when there are so many women who never got a first???

Let's just say that this hero quests for rare jewels, and no other shines so bright.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:01 PM

aren't you tired by nownoway

Exhausted. But that's never stopped me before. The back-breaking will power of the Irish, I guess.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:58 PM

It didn't work the first 3 times...what makes you think it's gonna work this time?

Because I believe that love is a many splendored thing, love gives us wings, all you need is love and all that jazz.

*breaks into song*

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:56 PM

are we talking about butters on southpark? laugh laugh laugh

No. I make Butters look like the luckiest bast*$% alive, by comparison.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:54 PM

You mean after the 4th break up your debating on going back with her? Why did you break up?

I'll save you the drab details, but the first movie ended with me throwing two wedding rings into a lake after finding out she cheated on me.

The second movie started when I dove in to retrieve them...

bbbutterscotch's photo
Sun 11/25/07 06:42 PM
Sound like a cheesy horror movie? It might as well be. It's old, played out, and only has one or two people left watching in the audience.

Here's the question: In this, the fourth installment of our ongoing saga, should Butters our misunderstood hero give the antagonist another shot at a life of love and happiness? Or should he chop her up and bury her under the tool shed?

bbbutterscotch's photo
Tue 11/20/07 09:03 PM
Well I would need a topic first, and $100,000 wired into an offshore account in my name. After all, everyone seems to think I'll be famous for something eventually, and these are Butter's originals.

JK, any time Tx.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Tue 11/20/07 07:30 PM
Check my photos.

Better or worse?
Keep in mind that's a thirty second sketch.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Tue 11/20/07 07:25 PM
Hmm...I think you're right about the broken heart thing.

Hold on, I'll need two minutes, a pencil, paper, my camara and a cigarette.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Mon 11/19/07 09:47 PM
Artistic soul.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Mon 11/19/07 09:36 PM
Aww, can't I just climb rafters all day at work and keep up with my swordplay and call it good?

bbbutterscotch's photo
Mon 11/19/07 09:31 PM
It's simple math really Txgal.

Nice guys are just one in a thousand now a days, just like nice girls. They're out there, they're just hard to come by. And yes, unfortunately, they have a tendency to be involved in relationships when you do find them, but it's all just a matter of patience until the right one knocks you off your feet.

And sorry to disagree, mbcasey, but just becuase someone uses modern slang or dialect in a casual chat room does not by any means make them less of a gentleman or lady. In public, maybe, but being nice and being all 'golly gee whiz' are two entirely different things.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Mon 11/19/07 09:00 PM

I'm not stuttering, BB is my initials and Butterscotch is an old nickname I picked up that has made for some great one liners. Eventually it inevitably became Butters.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Mon 11/19/07 08:01 PM
<-----Super Bored

A new movie, starring me, coming this holiday season from the people who brought you "40 Year Old Virgin". Trailers viewable now on IMDB.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Mon 11/19/07 07:46 PM
I think it's all about a person's experience that shapes them. I mean, being myself and being a nice guy had gotten me nowhere, while the assholes of the world are the ones moving up in it. Eventually, some guys just give up on being the nice guy.

However, I will disagree with the generalization that guys are ALL just out for the hottest tail they can find. MOST are, but some of us are blessed with the Shallow Hal gene that let's us see through some of the pretty faces and see girls for who they are on the inside.

Still, in general, your both right. Girls want a bad boy and guys want a ditzy blonde bombshell.

bbbutterscotch's photo
Wed 11/07/07 08:44 PM
Anyone with a sense of humor!


bbbutterscotch's photo
Wed 11/07/07 08:36 PM
*grabs his fiddle*
Well then I'll be needing this.