Community > Posts By > magickmanyakima

magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 12/01/07 11:58 PM

magickmanyakima's photo
Tue 11/27/07 03:02 AM
Edited by magickmanyakima on Tue 11/27/07 03:05 AM
I am not sure the best way to respond to a topic such as this. Besides, in the next few days this topic will have so many responses that I will have stopped checking it.

I believe that evolution and creation can coexist. I believe that there was an incomprehensible force that started it all, but I don't believe that evolution cannot be proven. Everything that lives is evolving every single day. It's how we adapt to our environment.

Heck! The human species has evolved quite a bit since the great human migrations. Our skin colors have changed, our jaws have become smaller, our teeth have become weaker, our bones have become more brittle, and cellphones are now permanently attached to our ears. Okay, the cellphone statement was just plain silly. However, the evidence of evolution is way too prominent to just simply deny it.

I mean, come on! What ever happened to reason? Creating a female from the rib of her male counterpart, and then talking to a snake is not exactly what I would call rational thinking. It is meant to be metaphorical. Plus, the creation story written in the Judeo-Christian scriptures is not even of Judaic origin. The Semitic tribes adapted and changed the darn story after they borrowed it from the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and other Mesopotamian civilizations. Just read the darn cuneiform, for crying out loud! The Sumerian scriptures date thousands of years before the ones that we find in today's Christian churches and Synagogues. Now, how's that for some mind bending evidence?

Of course, I believe in creation as well. I believe that in the beginning there was an androgynous deity who gave birth to the old god. The one the god was born from became the feminine aspect of that first incomprehensible deity. This gave way to the existence of God and Goddess. After the world and it's people were created, the Gods became further divided by the needs of men and women for each aspect of their lives. This was how we best understood the incomprehensible divine source. But, I also believe that the incomprehensible creator did all of this through natural means. God didn't say, "Presto! Now you exist!" Instead God created everything through scientific evolutionary forces. God created everything slowly, not instantly! The gods of our world do not own a giant microwave.

Anyway, I've ranted long enough. I'm tired, and I'm going to bed. Goodnight, and Blessed Be!


magickmanyakima's photo
Tue 11/27/07 02:36 AM

oh ffs s dont takethings so personal i' actualy very familir withyourreligionmy sisterin law isa pagan w itch i ts just not my thing but bestwishes inyour practic eofit andthanks i think i wil have a nice lifedrinker

Try cleaning your keyboard. Or you could stop drinking while typing. You really should think about getting a designated typist. Friends don't let friends type when drunk.
Thank goodness I don't drink. I have enough gaps in my brain to create typos in just about everything I write. I really don't need to make it worse. Blessed Be!


magickmanyakima's photo
Mon 11/26/07 07:00 PM
"What about the issue concerning same sex marriage? Those of us who are already married know that it's always the same sex anyway!"

- Robin Williams (from the film, "Man of the Year")

magickmanyakima's photo
Mon 11/26/07 06:38 PM

ver y well said on that note goodnight lovesyawn

magickmanyakima's photo
Mon 11/26/07 06:33 PM
Christo-Pagans don't necessarily need to follow the Judeo-Christian scriptures completely. They simply pick and choose what is compatible with their Pagan beliefs. Besides, there are quite a lot of different subjects in the Judeo-Christian scriptures that are very Pagan. But, this is due to the fact that many of the first books of the Bible originated from Pagan societies, and were later adopted and integrated into Semitic beliefs. So, I don't see why a person could not profess some Christian beliefs with Pagan beliefs.

I am eclectic in my practices, so it isn't unusual for me to use various deities from different pantheons. It matters little were the source of that deity is found, so long as that specific entity's aspects match with the goal that I am attempting to accomplish.


magickmanyakima's photo
Mon 11/26/07 06:25 PM
Alrighty, then.:tongue:

magickmanyakima's photo
Sun 11/25/07 01:00 PM
I have been hoping to meet a nice Pagan woman on this site. I am sure that there are other Pagans who are hoping to find someone with these similar interests as well. Let's find out how many of us lean toward Pagan beliefs, and are seeking others of like-mindedness. Blessed Be!


magickmanyakima's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:56 PM
Perhaps there should be individual forums for each religion. Then, there should be some for Athiests, Agnostics, and others who profess no faith whatsoever. That might help.

magickmanyakima's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:52 PM

I have 3 photos on here and have tried and tried and tried to upload a 4th. However, the system just doesn't take it. All my photos were taken at the same time, same camera, were uploaded off the same disc, and the first 3 took, so why won't this 4th one get onto the site? My image is no farther away than any of the others.

I had the same problem when I first logged into the site. However, it appears that they have fixed the problem, because I now have a whole grip of photos posted in my profile.

magickmanyakima's photo
Sun 11/25/07 12:51 PM


Open it in a paint program and flip the photo vertically. Then upload it to

magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:08 PM
That's a good idea! I didn't even think of that! PEEK-A-BOO! Lol.

magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:30 PM
Merry Meet!

We really opened up a can of worms here! I must disagree with one statement made about Dr. Gerald B. Gardner creating Gardnerian Wicca. Gardner never called his religion "Wicca". He simply called it "Witchcraft". The only reference he ever makes to the old word for "witch" is when he spells it "Wica".

In fact, the word "witch" comes from the Middle English word "wicche" which comes from the Old English word "wicca" which comes from the Indo-European root word "*weik2" (not be confused with "*weik4"). The original use of the word "wicca" was pronounced "wi'chuh". The main reason we pronounce it "wi'ckuh" today is because of Gerald Gardner's spelling and our frequent modern use of Latin pronunciations and suffixes.

The word "wicca" was also used earlier than Gardner in J.R.R. Tolkien's original manuscript for "The Two Towers". In that manuscript we find the word "wicca" being used in conjunction with the names "Saruman" and "Gandalf".

The first appearance of the spelling Wicca is in June John's 1969 book "King of the Witches: The World of Alex Sanders".

The earliest evidence of the common adjectival form "Wiccan", also used as a noun, comes from Stewart Farrar's book, "What Witches Do: The Modern Coven Revealed", in 1971.

The word's first appearance within the title of a book was in "Wicca: The Ancient Way published in 1981".

As for what I label myself, it really matters little. I just try to be true to my own understanding. I also educate others when fear and misunderstanding cross my path, and strive to live in peace with those who differ.

I am a Pagan, because that is the umbrella word most commonly used to describe most ancient, new age, mystical, and tribal belief systems. I also use Witch and Wiccan synonymously. If someone who is not friendly to our beliefs asks me what my religion is, I would not blurt out, "I'm a Witch." That would most likely send the other person running away screaming. Instead, I prefer to introduce myself to such people as Wiccan. The most common responses I've gotten from using the word Wiccan are:

"What the heck is that?"

"Isn't Wicca that nature religion?"

"Oh! I have a friend who's Wiccan!"


"Oh my dear Lord and Savior! You're one of those crazy Witches! I'm going to pray for you child!"

Okay. So, the last response isn't much different than if I were introduce myself as a Witch, but at least I am more likely to get the previous responses.

As for the Wiccan Rede, I find it to be a wonderful thing to follow in such a hateful and ignorant world. In The Old Laws by Gerald Gardner (1953) where he compared the moral code of Witches with the legendary ethic of the fabled King Pausole which was "Do what you like so long as you harm no one". A book was published by Pierre Louÿs called "Les Aventures du roi Pausole (The Adventures of King Pausole)" in 1901. This makes the Wiccan Rede relatively new, but that doesn't mean it's any less important than any other code of ethics. I take the Wiccan Rede very seriously, as it has gotten me out of a lot of trouble in the past. This, combined with Karmic Law, allows us to be responsible for our own actions, and stop making excuses (i.e. "The devil made me do it; God made me do it; Everything is preordained; It's all part of God's little plan; I can do anything I want and be forgiven by Jesus, etc, etc, etc.")

In conclusion, belief what you will, because nobody has the right to deny you that freedom. Blessed Be!

Brightest Blessings,
The Rev. Jasper Sparrowhawk (aka, Mel)


magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:28 PM
You're welcome. Lol.


magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:25 PM
I have the same problem. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how attractive or unattractive you might be. A lot of women have been burnt by former love interests, and being extra cautious. There are lots of women that are your age who would probably love to meet you. You just need to have patience and understanding. I know that the right person will eventually come into my life. Heck! I may have already found her. But, I am being cautious for the same reasons as the ladies. My heart is still healing, and I am in no hurry to get hurt again. Besides, my babies mean more to me than any woman. They always come first. Just hang in there fella. Your match will come to you, soon. It's in the cards.



magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 06:09 AM
You lucky bastard! I ain't jealous, though. This site has been freakin' awesome!

magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 06:06 AM
OMG!!! I forgot about "Black Friday" again!!! Darn it! I hate it when I miss the best sales of the year! GRRRRR!!!!!


magickmanyakima's photo
Sat 11/24/07 06:04 AM
The most recent viewers are at the top of the list, so I haven't worried much about it. However, it would really be nice to clean up the list quickly when it gets way too full. If you find the answer, let us know. We may just have to contact the site owner, and request that option. At least this site has been the best for me, so far. Good luck, and happy hunting ladies!


magickmanyakima's photo
Fri 11/23/07 05:53 PM
Wow. I am not sure who's post I should be replying to. I consider myself Wiccan, Pagan, Witch, etc. I also follow the Wiccan Rede, and believe very strongly in karmic law. However, it is also good for each of us to learn more about why we follow any particular faith. What is the history surrounding our beliefs? Why to we believe what we do? Are there any doubts, and why? Let's build our understanding. Tomorrow, I may change my mind, because something I learned may make a impact on my life. Nothing is set in stone. Blessed Be!


magickmanyakima's photo
Fri 11/23/07 05:47 PM
Ummm... you all lost me a long time ago! Was this suppose to be about the boogey man? Look out! He's under your bed! Lol. Anyway, I really don't care what someone's religion is. We are all free to believe as we choose. Just live and let live. Freedom is beautiful thing. Let's not ruin it.

The Rev. Melvin T. Neifert

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