Community > Posts By > ddn122

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Thu 10/15/09 11:04 AM
I can not control the reaction of others

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Thu 10/15/09 10:57 AM
A new housing program has stabilized the market, preventing more foreclosures and helping millions more re-finance at historically low mortgage rates. The Administration is also moving forward with its plans to get credit flowing again to businesses and families, and to reform our regulatory system so we have a set of 21st century rules to match 21st century financial markets.

Good plan Potus

Keep up the good work!

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Thu 10/15/09 09:37 AM
real experience is more valuable than this cert.

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Thu 10/15/09 08:03 AM
If you are unhappy, you might say that your life sucks. But who but you are responsible for your happiness or unhappiness?

"I am the cause of my own life"

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Thu 09/24/09 01:22 PM
I don't think women want romance. I think they want passion.

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Thu 09/24/09 01:12 PM
Sunflower butter

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Thu 09/24/09 01:06 PM
Lucinda Williams

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Thu 09/24/09 12:00 PM
Gypsy 41 is coming

Oh, never mind...I thought this topic was about something else.

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Thu 09/24/09 11:13 AM
Watermelon is nature viagra

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Thu 09/24/09 11:08 AM
vaccines dont eradicate things,, it reduces the risk of you getting sick. or didnt you know that

No I don't "know" that. and no one else does either...

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Thu 09/24/09 11:05 AM
I hope you feel better.

I did not bully you.

That statement was a quote from Professor L Vincent.

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Thu 09/24/09 11:00 AM
well, I have seen people play football and not injure their knees....what is your point?

"Why is it a problem??? " that is the point! If vaccines work, why is there disease in populations that are 100% vaccinated????

First off its not a personal attack,, but you seem to think it is. maybe its cause your talking about things that people have been studying for years that you seem to think you can cure with good vibes or something. Tell ya what,, come heal my torn knee with no meds and no surgery and make it to where i can play football again with your vibes. Then ill believe what you have to say. I have seen people go about cancer treatment the natural way and be dead in monthes,, when if they would have listened to the doctors who study these things for the entire span of their professional lives had to say. And if you cured swine flu,,, then why is it still a problem?

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Thu 09/24/09 10:44 AM
is this personal attack warranted?

I am sorry that you have this horrible disease. What did "they" determine was the cause of it?

I did not induce their illness. 98% of all flus in my area are swine flu..2 days it was gone....

You know, I have to take great offense to that comment about vaccinations and leukemia. I HAVE leukemia and I've spent years studying it and years speaking to the best doctors, nurses, researchers, alternative practitioners etc and no where, anywhere has vaccines been brought up. You are so full of it, I cannot even begin to speak and I am so angry right now I could spit nails. You are the kind of person who will kill someone some day with your "knowledge" of how to cure diseases. People like you make me sick. Desperate people listen to people like you and are so deseperate they do what you say and you know what? They end up dead, far faster than they need to be and far more painfully.

You didn't cure your kids of swine flu, they probably never had it. There is no cure for the flu, except time. You sound like you have a case Munchausen's by proxy.

Ugh, you make me ill.

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Thu 09/24/09 10:23 AM
"There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age." --Paul Frame, M.D., Journal of Family Practice

drinker Vaccines are gooddrinker

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Thu 09/24/09 10:23 AM
and how did these children get Leukemia?

"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia...Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukemia." --Professor L.Vincent

sort of like those people whose kids have leukemia and think they can treat it with golden seal and echinacia

right up until they die

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Thu 09/24/09 10:11 AM
Thank you!

you seem to know a lot more than the medical doctors trained in disease prevention

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Thu 09/24/09 10:08 AM
What does that have to do with the fact that they and it and I cured it????

both my kids had it...I cured it in 2 big deal...

You seem to support the poisoning of American's...with no proven positive outcomes.....

meh whatever

put on your foil hats and hope for the best

I just hope that those who refuse the vaccine and catch H1N1 are put in FEMA camps for quarantine to protect the rest of us

and you got your MD where?

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Thu 09/24/09 10:06 AM
both my kids had it...I cured it in 2 big deal...

You seem to support the poisoning of American's...with no proven positive outcomes.....

meh whatever

put on your foil hats and hope for the best

I just hope that those who refuse the vaccine and catch H1N1 are put in FEMA camps for quarantine to protect the rest of us

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Thu 09/24/09 09:52 AM
the nasal, H1N1 is a live virus much for that thought..try again....

umm Polio was in decline, already......and look at what the good doctor testified before congress....

Jonas Salk, inventor of the IPV, testified before a Senate subcommittee that nearly all polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine.

There is no proof that any vaccines are effective...

If the vaccine helps why not take it?huh

What about Polio, etc?

that was back when they used live viruses in the vaccine. They haven't done that in thirty years

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Thu 09/24/09 09:52 AM
"These data show that DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognised major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunisation may outweigh its potential benefits. A need for re-evaluation and possible modification of current vaccination procedures is indicated by this study." --William C. Torch, M.D., Director of Child Neurology, Department of Paediatrics, University of Nevada School of Medicine

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