Community > Posts By > IndredCold

IndredCold's photo
Sat 10/07/06 03:37 PM
I think it depends on the advice u give them. When u give advece to
someone dont check up on them to c how they're doin. Giving advice can
be thankless in a chat fourm. But if they are thankful then they will
express it. Other wise just go by the give and let live policy.

IndredCold's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:53 PM
To say the least I'm through w/dating sites. except 4 this one. Its not
really a dateing site more like a chat fourm for dateing lol

IndredCold's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:50 PM
Hey I've dated chicks of all races and there was always shitty looks
from every one. Just tell yer friend not to worry bout them and just
move along. As far as the bad mouthing goes tell 'em to mind their own
goddamn business. Cuz its not anya theys anyway. And good luck to yer
friend :-)

IndredCold's photo
Sat 10/07/06 02:36 PM
Haha very funny! I shoulda asked 4 an auto-trader magazine too, lol!

IndredCold's photo
Sat 10/07/06 03:39 AM
Yeah thats no shit! I will be careful in the future. Thanx sporty I
appreciate the thought :-)

IndredCold's photo
Sat 10/07/06 03:23 AM
This is no joke. I posted an ad on and someone
responded to my ad named "Rogel Florentino" we went back and forth
talking through e-mails for about an hour giving discriptions and
sending pics. Well I sent the pics anyway. And "Rogel" asked for my
telephone # and I reluctantly gave it. I knew it was a mistake when I
did it. Then about five min. after sending the e-mail someone called me
on the other end was a creepy sounding male voice the voice said it was
named "Mike". I didn't hear all of what was said on his end cuz my mind
was raceing I think I heard something like "I love u" then laughter then
and I hung up. If all else fails I can just change my cellphone #. I
know I should never have given out my telephone # and regret it
immensely. I would like to hear anybodys thoughts on this.

IndredCold's photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:51 AM
And besides yer a beautiful woman it'll happen.

IndredCold's photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:49 AM
What did that guy just say? U got it pegged public. Angel just focus on
raising your daughter for now makein ends meet n all that ya know. then
when ya least expect it blam theres yer prince charming coming to sweep
ya off yer feet. BTW I've asked myself the very Q yer asking yerself
'when will I meet my special person' and I'm still waiting but she'll
come along soon enough. even if its in a couple a years she'll come.

IndredCold's photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:39 AM
Culture changes ideas change. Just look at one hundred years ago when a
woman would wear long dresses and it was wrong for her to even show an
ankle and now girls who arn't even legal to have intercorse are dressin'
in ways that would make a hooker blush.

IndredCold's photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:33 AM
If christ forgives him then thats all fine and dandy but I think that
all of those sick fucks should be taken to the back of the shed n put
two in their heads! kill 'em all n let god sort 'em out I say!

IndredCold's photo
Sat 09/30/06 03:11 AM
so cal word. im in esco. where yall at?