Community > Posts By > rpfotenh

rpfotenh's photo
Mon 01/20/20 01:37 AM
I would say the same. Stick with what you want, not what you don't want.

Also I say use fewer words. People don't read a lot these days so keep the message short and sweet.

I am a firm believer in "say what you want to say, then shut up and sit down".

rpfotenh's photo
Fri 01/03/20 06:51 PM
The word Occult simply means "hidden". It is not synonymous with evil or odd. The word "religion" comes from the word "religo" which means to bind together (as in congregation). The reason occult is hidden is that it was persecuted by the RCC in the 15th century. It remains to this day a pseudoscience.

The occult and religion are out of step and are opposite ends of the spectrum. So to ask whether anything such as Wicca, Satanism, Astrology, Tarot can be a religion is missing the point. The main differences is that religion is always based on a set of beliefs. Everything else is a way at looking at the world and trying to make sense of things in it. Occult cannot have beliefs because nothing was written down and different people believe different things about it. They believe these things because of what they claim it DOES for them in their life.

rpfotenh's photo
Fri 01/03/20 06:28 PM
Well put. There are so many guys that are exactly as you describe, and I have no argument against what you say, except that the women also need to have the same qualities of wanting a partner who they are seeking:

* Emotionally mature,
* Able to handle conflicting priorities in her life
* Not hung up with her ex by saying endlessly "I was hurt" or giving the guy a serve for every mistake that her ex made.
* Being a team player in the relationship before the kids come along and after the kids are born place all the attention on the kids, so that the husband is shut out of her life. Is this love?
* Be willing to delegate the work and not make a strict divide between "what is man's work and what is "woman's work".

I believe that men have lost their way on who they are. But more importantly, women are completely confused about who they are and what they want. As time goes on and women get to do more of what men have traditionally done, they get more and more confused about their role in life.

rpfotenh's photo
Thu 08/29/19 02:54 AM
A literalist takes your words literally. Meaning does not try to intrepret anything, and does not add anything.

A kleptomaniac steals things that do not belong to him/her. In essence there is NO connection.