Community > Posts By > onewickedcarnie

onewickedcarnie's photo
Wed 06/30/10 06:01 AM
Got any good ones?

onewickedcarnie's photo
Wed 06/30/10 04:24 AM
Its like this. One guy has another guy sitting in a chair, and the guy standing has a taser. He says to the man that is sitting, "you have the free will to stand up but if you do then im gonna shock the s**t outta you." The man can sit and stay comfortably or can get up and get the s**t tased outta him. Its the same concept with free will according to god. You can sit down and obey or you can get up and get the s**t burned outta you in hell.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Wed 06/30/10 03:22 AM
Edited by onewickedcarnie on Wed 06/30/10 04:00 AM
Clear your internet cache

Go to start
Click Run
Enter cmd in the text field, then enter
Itll open DOS command area, this is easiest way to clear your cache.
You type format c:\ c standing for cache. It will clear your cache, and after its done youre good to view again.

Next time seek a computer/tech answer for a problem like this in the technology forum.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 10:46 PM
I'll let you step ahead me for the WannabeMeatMcRib! laugh flowerforyou

But didnt you know? Its the same thing as tofu, the mcrib is also made out of 90 percent cardboard and newspaper shreddings.

Okay, I had to add this, this is a vegetarian/health conscious persons worst nightmare. It is dubbed the Heart Molestor, for obvious reasons...

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 10:26 PM
Why not attack them? Most of the conservative speakers are caught soliciting sex in bathroom stalls or soliciting gay call-boys or going out of the country to bang chicks while they are "hiking in the woods". Most conservative speakers that are political are jokes. If someone nails a call-boy and is a man, then what is there to be shocked about? He voiced that sodomy laws should be banned? Oh no, he lived by what he said...yup, sure does make sense. Look, theres always gonna be bias in reporting, so look at the facts yourself and go based on that, not their "explanations". If you dont want a bias, then dont watch the news, dont read the newspaper, dont look to any form of media, plain and simple.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 07:49 PM
What you decide to do will tell us

What kind of "Moral Atheist" you really are

But thats the thing Sparrows, Im an atheist, according to a post done by you, atheists have no morals, always creating evil and doing general shenanigans like that. God didnt want man knowledgeable, he wanted man dumb and ignorant and only to know what he wanted man to know, thats why after eating of the tree of knowledge to quench the "hunger" for knowledge that man was banished from eden. Do I really need to retract what I said? Of course not, your opinion is a joke, and as far as I am concerned, so is your book of fables. Id be violating my principles by treating you as more than a joke. Self-righteousness is very unbecoming, thats why I'd rather be an atheist than a christian. What kind of an idiot convinces himself and his fellow man they are criminals since the moment they are born?

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 07:37 PM
Oh daaaaaaaaaamn ... Look out, KFC 'Double Down' ...

Or the Douuble Triple that some Wendys restaurants serve out on special order...a cube of meat between two buns. Can feel the arteries cringe at the thought of it.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 05:34 AM
You know funches, its actually kinda funny, wow, it is like a revelation. When you look at god as like the great evil in the bible, then god seems more believable. I know it sounds like sarcasm, but think about it. If god doesnt give it to a person then its wrong. God can only love us if we fear him. Theres plenty of more things to say, but itd be going on and on too much kinda.

But yeah, I see what you mean, satan being an angel was doing his duty by being a positive in the actions of fueling their desire to grow, to gain knowledge. It is all about whose hands it is in, but that is positive and negative though, not good and evil. Sparrows was referring to knowledge as evil, so since its supposed to be evil then never is there a good use, unless to "love god", but that doesnt take knowledge, it takes subjugation. Id refer to it more as positive/negative which means even though can be used for bad, is not absolutely bad, as opposed to the term evil, and same goes for positive/good. I guess its difference of interpretation maybe on good/evil and all that jive.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 05:22 AM
Well, at least with atheism it leaves a person with finding the answers to stuff, not having it be claimed to be "gods work" and never challenged. The reason, in my opinion, on why more and more people are becoming atheists is simply because they cant be killed anymore for challenging the churchs views, theres no political scare going on in most places about how atheism is unpatriotic thus causing scorn from countrymen.

I very much dislike to argue with a christian because most of them display the same backwards logic.

Q. How do you know the bible is real?
A. Because god said it is.
Q. How do you know god is real?
A. Because of the bible.

....and it goes on and on and on, maybe a little different wording, but my point got across im sure.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 05:16 AM
Wait, what? Making slavery a good thing? No chance in hell a person should ever think they can own another, doesnt matter who you are or what you believe in, not one damn persons life matters more than anyone elses, all life is equal and precious.

Never a reason for murdering children. Dont really think have to get into this one, shouldnt have had to about slavery being bad, they both are obvious.

And about your quote listed, only the idiot blindly follows, the person of knowledge will challenge god and ask why

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 05:07 AM
Only the idiotic will call knowledge evil. Its the same thing with people that are illiterate and actually stubborn on not learning to read. They dont have to because its useless and bad. So, to cover stupidity, people will say knowledge comes from satan, just like in the old days. Somebody asked how something worked, person didnt know, so it was god...and dont question it or youll burn forever. Stupidity runs in different ways, trying to sanctify it as holy is a waste of good time.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Tue 06/29/10 01:34 AM
Freeonthree, I would ask that you do not attack the views of the ones that post their affiliation and reason for it. This is welcome to those who are religious and those that are not. I would kindly ask that if you are to post, then please simply state your affiliation and your personal reason for it.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 09:56 PM
I think this a silly, fun topic, right? This is more of an allegory - metaphorical musing - than a true story?

Nope, is actually true. They actually serve that junk in certain areas on special order. In some areas is called a McDizzle, or a McChuble. It is taken from an article about some of the most disturbing foods served, and I happened to use that example as description since its at least more entertaining than the wikipedia version, or most other versions for that matter. Why not get a little chuckle out of it?

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 09:39 PM
Edited by onewickedcarnie on Mon 06/28/10 09:41 PM
Your profile leads me to believe you are insincere in your questioning and so I choose not to answer.

You dont have to answer, but no need to insult. My profile is for the sake of humor. Sorry for the interruption all, please continue.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 09:32 PM
By the way, this is not a topic open for debating others views. This is simply to share your own personal reasons, not to belittle others views or experiences. So please respect the other users and no bad mouthing.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 09:25 PM
Exactly as the header reads. Are you religious/not religious? You dont have to state your specific religion if not wanted to, a simple yes or no can suffice. What is your personal reason for coming to your decision? Because whatever book says so can be used but obviously there would be a personal reason for believing whatever book was true due to personal account, same for non-religious also, simply stating that a book is a lie can be used, but obviously theres personal level as to why it was determined.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 08:17 PM
Just wondering if anyone as ever had a McGangbang before. Any thoughts? For those who think that a McGangbang is a joke or something, it is a real sandwich. Here is a brief description presented by Cracked(better coverage in my opinion than the wikipedia due to the awesome funny of it).

Where You’d Get It:

Why You’d Get It:
The work of Benjamin Libet in the field of Neuroscience supports the idea that free will is just an illusion, and that we have no real agency over our actions. You do not run your own life. Everything is predetermined, and we are bumbling, stumbling meat puppets that eventually die.

What is it?
The story behind the McGangBang is actually pretty cool. It’s gotten virtually no attention in the press and has gained popularity over the last few years strictly by word-of-mouth and Internet forums, and it’s still relatively underground. Sure, people have whispered about it and its history has been covered in exhaustive detail, but it hasn’t quite reached the mainstream yet. It’s only a matter of time before someone in a movie or TV show or popular and influential comedy megasite mentions it and then it’ll just blow up. Here’s how it works: You take an ordinary McDouble off the dollar menu…

…then you take an ordinary McChicken off the dollar menu…

…and you shove the McChicken inside the McDouble. Right in between the patties, just wedge that McChicken in there, so you have one tall super sandwich for just a few bucks. Get an order of fries because we all die in the end anyway.

There are actually a few different schools of thought regarding how many buns of the McChicken should make the transfer. Some say both, some say just one (and within that group, there are two separate camps, those who vote bottom bun and those who vote top). I’ve had the McGangBang several times using every variation of bun placement (because the futility of human existence weighs on me constantly), and I prefer the single bun (top), though they’re all perfectly acceptable. What is not acceptable, however, is a total lack of McChicken buns. You need at least one in there, or you’re just an ******* eating a stupid sandwich for jerks.

This is tricky, because a McGangBang isn’t officially on any McDonald’s menu. Maybe someday it will be, but I think the day we add an item called a “McGangBang” to a list of things we’re pretending are food is the day the Earth will physically expel all human life from the planet.
While it’s not on the menu, you can obviously just get a McChicken and McDouble separately and put them together yourself (like a freakin’ servant, but whatever).

Now here’s the cool part. Some McDonald’s establishments are aware of the McGangBang trend so, if you ask for one, they will serve it to you, fully assembled. Not always, but there are a few cases. There’s a problem, of course, because you’ll never know for sure if your McDonald’s is aware of the trend until you ask. And if they aren’t aware, then you’re the fat idiot who just said “McGangBang” while anticipatory drool oozed from your mouth.
Get ready for a lot of embarrassment if you want to order it by name, is my point. I found one here in Southern California that will serve up McGangBangs on demand, but I’m not going to tell you which one because, hell, no one told me. I drove around to six different McDonald’s asking for McGangBangs and got stunned silences and panicked looks before I found one that knew what I was talking about.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 09:01 AM
But a person doesnt have to be afraid of losing something to feel bad about doing something they know is wrong. It doesnt take fear of losing something/someone to admit "hey i was wrong and you deserve an apology", to do so out of fear of losing is selfish, but to do so based on wanting to do what is just is truly selfless.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 08:40 AM
It's not gaining the knowledge itself that is sinful. It's what you do with that knowledge.

And fear = love because if you love someone you "fear" loosing them and or upsetting them. If you love your parents, you fear doing something to get them upset and or really mad with you.

But this can be said about any knowledge, even the knowledge of god. God has historically been used as a type of weapon in the hearts and minds of those that would portray god as one...well, most knowledge, you cant really say the ability to learn the knowledge to survive is a bad thing, it is necessary in our lives if we are to have lives to live. And doctrine teaches that god is all-loving, so does someone really need to fear losing god? god states he is with everyone, even those that would deny him, and all it really takes is a heartfelt apology. So in a sense, to say "i am always with you, so fear me to love me" is either unnecessary or egomaniacal.

onewickedcarnie's photo
Mon 06/28/10 08:16 AM
Sure, advances in knowledge have brought about things that can be perceived as negative, like the internet(unproductive as heck for businesses), but at the same time the interweb helps people all over the globe connect and learn. Just think, because of knowledge we can do what hasnt been able to be done in the history of man, like explain how it is that volcanos work and arent gods getting angry, and how thunder and lightning work, and is not the sign of a god trying to smite someone dead, and even how to identify genetic markers for killers such as cancer! Knowledge help people live happy productive lives, so who can honestly say that knowledge is bad or a horrific gift from some evil? Without knowledge, people couldnt even read their bibles they are so quick to quote, itd just look like a bunch of scribbles and squggles any way you look at it. Knowledge is good, people shouldnt knock it till they tried it.

On a side note, couldnt help but notice how fear=love somehow...sounds kinda like a bdsm type thing, love me by fearing me. Fear doesnt lead to love, fear leads to anger and hatred and dissent.

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