Community > Posts By > Slim gym

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 05:47 PM
Edited by Slim gym on Tue 02/25/25 05:48 PM
Mikey is back ... but with a whimper !!!!
Need him to be more active

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 05:44 PM
Flip this thread....

Foo Fighters

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 05:44 PM
Wonder if he is ever going to select at least one female , from this site , to go on a vacation with in the near future ???

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 05:40 PM
Wots ... Mikey is searching for that 360 year old person, who is actively collecting Social Service benefits !!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 04:55 PM
Not only are dead people voting , there are some even collecting Social Security benefits.. Hell there is a person aged 360 years old collecting SS !!!!
Please tell me this is fake news !!!!!
Somebody anybody
Mikey ??????

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 04:51 PM
Canada is the wokeiest country in the world , thats why it's hard to believe USA want to add it as the 51st state ...but who am I to judge !!!
Hopefully all that will change in the up coming election and Canada goes back to where it prospered the most .... under the Conservative Party!!!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 04:44 PM
Xian China :flag_cn:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 02:03 PM
I have always been here to find a great woman . Start out with a little flirting and some awesome banter , just to see if there is chemistry.. But lately I find just guys on the forums.... the kinda guys who are just here to play games and are serious about it ... the fun is limited !!!

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 01:10 PM
Even we poor Canadians have Voter ID ...
Places that don't , are wide open to rigging an election .... but that must be the actual plan . And here I thought we were First World countries!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 12:55 PM
Thats great... first day back and you flirt with the only available woman on here ... nice ... keep it up ... she expects things to get interesting... how much, is up to you I guess !!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 12:49 PM
Vatican City, Vatican

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 02:37 AM
And so the slow boil begins... snow melting , warmer temperatures coming and out of hibernation comes Papa bear Mike .... oh so predictable .....

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 02:31 AM
Poor delusional whippersnappers , dreaming about annexing a sovereign nation , when they cannot even define what a woman is ?
Meanwhile , the influx continues ....

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 02:22 AM
In the Bayou on your own???
Nah ... I pass !!! But hey! You go for it !!!! Not like it's your first time !!!!

Going down south for winter ?

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 02:16 AM

There are people who know how to buy green cards and some legal s are there using fraudulent papers .... that is the word on the political street .... But I could be wrong !!!!!

How many times have you illegally crossed the border?

I only go where I am invited.
So no illegal crossing for me , besides why would I have to do that !!!! ??? We are all friends here huh !!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 02/25/25 02:03 AM
Rugby , :flag_gb:

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/24/25 05:23 PM
There are people who know how to buy green cards and some legal s are there using fraudulent papers .... that is the word on the political street .... But I could be wrong !!!!!

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/24/25 05:15 PM
Paris :flag_fr:

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/24/25 04:06 PM
Always ready to oblige!!!

Catherine ... again , with good morning????

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/24/25 10:53 AM
I can tell scammers from miles away ... so just unwanted fans for now !!!

Catherine ... with good night ????

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