Community > Posts By > Optomistic69

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 03:34 PM
Where one can buy performance enhancersbigsmile

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 03:19 PM

I have been following the banking scandals and the Libor fraud for a while now and I was amazed when I found the connection between these two events.

I'm sure this rabbit hole is a lot deeper than we will every see.

Its all happening in 2012

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 03:08 PM
How about this Invi

Communism pales into insignificance

The United States Has Killed At Least 8 Million People
In The Last 50 Years For The Greedy Capitalistic
Corporate Profits Controlled By The 1% Oligarchy

In the last 50 years, the United States has promoted, financed and participated in over 200 incursions and 20 separate wars, killing over 8,000,000 people.

1952 - 79, 70,000 Iranians killed. ( Ayatollah Khomeini, US public enemy for the 1980s, was on the CIA payroll while in exile in Paris in 1970s, as were Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden at different times and in different places. )

1954 - 120,000 Guatemalans killed

1954 - 1975, 4,000,000 Vietnamese and Cambodians killed.

1965 - 3,000 Dominican Republicans killed

1965 - 800,000 Indonesians killed

1973 - 30,000 Chileans killed

1975 - 250,000 East Timorese killed

1970s - 1,000,000 Angolans killed

1984 - 30,000 Nicaraguans killed

1980s - 80,000 El Salvadoreans killed

1989 - 8,000 Panamanians killed in an attempt to capture George H. Bush's CIA partner now turned enemy, Manuel Noriega,

1980s - over 700,000 Libyans, Grenadians, Somalians, Haitians, Afghanistanis, Sudanese, Brazilians, Argentineans and Yugoslavians killed,

1991 - over 1,000,000 Iraqis killed, including over 500,000 children -- about which Madeline Albright ( then, Secretary of State ) said "their deaths are worth the cost". While George W. Bush owns over 80% of the oil wells in Kuwait, trouble will continue there.

( Source: Philip Bradbury, Insight Magazine, November 2001 )

View the 200+ Incursions by the United States since WWII


Over the years, the US government has supported coups that brought a number of repressive and brutal regimes to power, as well as the dirty wars which followed. Chile, Djakarta, El Salvador, Iran - the list goes on. In many cases military regimes replaced democratically elected leaders, and the killing sprees which followed were justified by the US government as necessary to wipe out communism--while being quietly covered up. The following links are meant to provide an introduction to the many notorious incidents that occurred from the 60's to the 80's. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it should begin to shed some light on the long history of questionable US foreign policies.

A CIA-backed coup and massacre in Indonesia in the 1960's may have taken the lives of up to a million people.

Thousands of declassified CIA documents reveal that the CIA aided in the overthrow of democratically elected Chilean President Salvador Allende in the 70's, thus putting Augusto Pinochet into power. You may have heard Pinochet's name before: his infamously brutal regime saw thousands killed, tortured, and "disappeared."

Henry Kissinger played a key role in the overthrow of Allende. This article explains his involvement (which he denies in his memoirs), and details the many instances of direct US and CIA involvement in the situation, such as setting up a fascist organization run by a former PR person for the Ford Motor Company.

Back to

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 03:03 PM

You need to be a US citizen to vote, but not to have an opinion. What the US does often affects the globe.

Obummer will accept votes from all over the world.

2 years blaming Bush, one year golfing and vacationing and another year campaigning.slaphead

BTW, opto, you mailing in you vote?huh

Americans including Obama can claim to be Irish but Ireland was Ireland long before America became America so I happen to be a pure bred Irishman and therefore do not qualify to cast a vote in the land of the drones and the home of the pepper sprayed drinker

It will be interesting to see Obama completing a second Term.

I doubt if Ron Paul could bring about The Changes that are needed.

The Plan is already made I believe.

And The shite we are in right now was caused by?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:55 PM
Strange that he hasn't defected to the other side though?

Khaled al-Ayoubi that is

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:52 PM

A world point system.
No more exchange differences.
DNA scan for transactions.
DNA ID could replace ssn's and many other types of manipulatable data.
Implantable, scanable, GPA with movement history ready and non-allergenic.
Scanners can be in stores, police stations, near high crime areas and would greatly reduce fraud.

Anyone caught without one or tampering with, be automatically sentenced to life working fields and factories.

That list would make Stalin blush... haha

LLoyd Blankfein and Ben Bernanke working in the fieldslaugh

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:45 PM
Excessive hard work is counterproductive.

In his essay “In Praise of Idleness”, Ber­trand Russell suggested that the working day should be reduced from eight hours to just four. Russell’s intention was not to boost productivity during those four hours (he distrusted efficiency). No, he wanted half as much work to be done and more leisure to be enjoyed. “There will be happiness and joy,” he suggested, “instead of frayed nerves, weariness and dyspepsia.”

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:33 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Yes, it would seem that our distance helps us maintain our perspective.

We are equidistant from each otherbigsmile

Yes, but you missed my point. Most of the topics discussed here occur within the Northern Hemisphere.

Lots of people seem to be missing your point.laugh laugh laugh

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:31 PM

Are you aware of the sectarian tensions within Syria?

The West "inflaming sectarian tensions" in Syria

Of course, many would automatically make that baseless accusation founded upon popular prejudice, while completely ignoring Russian and Iranian influence in this civil war.

Yes many countries have an interest in Syria...only this time Russia and China have decided to flex their muscles. They let Iraq and Libya go but enough is enough.

None of the countries have The Syrians best interest at heart

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:24 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Yes, it would seem that our distance helps us maintain our perspective.

We are equidistant from each otherbigsmile

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:22 PM

Are you aware of the sectarian tensions within Syria?

The West "inflaming sectarian tensions" in Syria

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:14 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:12 PM
This One Specially For Jeannie:heart:

She was morning, and I was night time
I one day woke up
To find her lying beside my bed
I softly said "Come take me"
For I've been lonely in need of someone
As though I'd done someone wrong somewhere
But I don't know where, I don't know where
Come lately

You are the sun, I am the moon
You are the words, I am the tune
Play me

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:00 PM

So where can I buy my tinfoil hat??

From any Central Bank..... they coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" to use in their media on anyone who chooses NOT to sleep, and doesn't believe the lies

Youth is wasted on the Young

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 01:57 PM
One World Currency would be a pretty good idea.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 01:52 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Mon 07/30/12 01:54 PM

You need to be a US citizen to vote, but not to have an opinion. What the US does often affects the globe.

Obummer will accept votes from all over the world.

2 years blaming Bush, one year golfing and vacationing and another year campaigning.slaphead

BTW, opto, you mailing in you vote?huh

Americans including Obama can claim to be Irish but Ireland was Ireland long before America became America so I happen to be a pure bred Irishman and therefore do not qualify to cast a vote in the land of the drones and the home of the pepper sprayed drinker

It will be interesting to see Obama completing a second Term.

I doubt if Ron Paul could bring about The Changes that are needed.

The Plan is already made I believe.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 12:05 PM


Will you be voting in November Andy?

:banana: RON PAUL!:banana:


Let the issues be your guide! bear in mind Ron Paul does not mirror my ideas in a lot of ways but he makes more sense than the other two main streamers!

Had a quick squint at that and I line-up with Obama

Surprised at some of Pauls Stats

But if I was an American I would not vote for any of them in the coming Elections and would advise as many people as possible to do the same.

They all have to do what their masters instruct them to do.

Put The Elite Bankers in Jail and then we might see some justice.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 11:39 AM
Another skeptic was former Italian President, Prime Minister, and Interior Minister
Francesco Cossiga, who had been in charge of Italy’s internal security during the 1978
kidnap-murder of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro. Cossiga indicated his suspicion that
the attacks presupposed some form of complicity within the US security system. The
mastermind of the attack, Cossiga observed must have been a “sophisticated mind,
provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly
specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations
in the radar and flight security personnel.” As for Bin Laden, Cossiga added that “it is not thinkable that he did everything by himself.” (La Stampa, September 14, 2001; EIR
September 15, 2001)

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 11:06 AM

Will you be voting in November Andy?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 10:32 AM

No diferent than Obama and his drone attacks.

We can Judge Obama when he completes his second Term. There is nothing better on the cards unless the American people stay away in their millions from the voting booths in November

Why wait? The drones are in the air as we speak.

Will you be voting in November?