Community > Posts By > Optomistic69

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:15 AM
Why does Tweedledum and Tweedledee come to mind?

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:13 AM
Just your honest opinion will be adequate.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:10 AM

Any source that does not suit your argument is dismissed out of hand and ridiculed.

Incorrect, sources that are tabloid or specious are dismissed out of hand after assessment. It's not my fault people use questionable sources, tabloids and blogs, so, please refrain from further examples of ad hominem.

That is Your opinion

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:09 AM

I understand the 'numbers' have been debated quite a lot, including the number of Jews who died at Hitler's hands.

I believe there has never been a full and open inquiry into these figures.

The numbers of the dead cannot be determined accurately, but after the war, figures were compiled from lists of missing persons, SS records and witness testimony.

Statistics of The Holocaust

Country Initial Jewish Population Estimated % Killed Estimated Killed Number of Survivors
POLAND 3,300,000 91% 3,000,000 300,000
USSR 3,020,000 36% 1,100,000 1,920,000
HUNGARY 800,000 74% 596,000 204,000
GERMANY 566,000 36% 200,000 366,000
FRANCE 350,000 22% 77,320 272,680
ROMANIA 342,000 84% 287,000 55,000
AUSTRIA 185,000 35% 65,000 120,000
LITHUANIA 168,000 85% 143,000 25,000
NETHERLANDS 140,000 71% 100,000 40,000
MORAVIA 118,310 60% 71,150 47,160
LATVIA 95,000 84% 80,000 15,000
SLOVAKIA 88,950 80% 71,000 17,950
YUGOSLAVIA 78,000 81% 63,300 14,700
GREECE 77,380 87% 67,000 10,380
BELGIUM 65,700 45% 28,900 36,800
ITALY 44,500 17% 7,680 36,820
BULGARIA 50,000 0% 50,000
DENMARK 7,800 .8% 60 7,740
ESTONIA 4,500 44% 2,000 2,500
LUXEMBOURG 3,500 55% 1,950 1,550
FINLAND 2,000 .03% 7 1,993
NORWAY 1,700 45% 762 938
TOTAL 9,508,340 63% 5,962,129 3,546,211

Please use the link for a more 'readable' table.

I would be more interested in your own words and opinions on the subject.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:07 AM

Your link is useless. It doesn't work.

It's a funny old place Mingle2. History isn't real, so you can write your own and blogs become original sources.

How do you know if it's a blog if as you say the link doesn't work?

The Link works fine for me.drinker

I didn't know it was a blog, but thanks for the confirmation. I assumed you were quoting from it and it read like a blog. Furthermore, the link doesn't work for me. It takes me to Google search and comes up with this thread.

The link is stil working for me.

Google..... help with links and see where you go from there.

There is always someone who has knowledge of these things.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 11:57 PM

I understand the 'numbers' have been debated quite a lot, including the number of Jews who died at Hitler's hands.

I believe there has never been a full and open inquiry into these figures.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 11:54 PM

Once upon a time in America, the land of opportunity, a group of
Foreign guys at a Florida strip club said: "Let's get Korans and
boxcutters and hijack airplanes and crash them into skyscrapers."

And so they did.

They bought flight manuals and lap dances, Korans and double
martinis. They took flight lessons and bad photos. But most of all they flew
badly and partied and flunked flight school.

"But how will we deceive NORAD," said one flunky? "And how will
we get past airport security," asked another? "And how many millions should
we invest in Put Options," said a third?

They discovered that NORAD and the Pentagon would be having some
Military exercises on the exact same day they chose for their mission.
Although several top US officials knew in advance not to fly that day,
nobody warned any average citizen.

Next the G-string jihadists outwitted the FBI. They outfoxed the
Bureau's top officials by brilliantly exposing their plans to FBI field
agents months in advance. The plotters seemed to know that the FBI head
honchos would never believe their most patriotic field agents. Instead they
would harass these agents long after the plot unfolded.

Next the 19 outlined their plan. "We'll get past Israeli security at
Logan airport in Boston by posing as Arab terrorists. We won't even
check in or show proper credentials. We'll just go right on through, like

And so they did.

But one BIG problem vexed them greatly. How exactly would steel
skyscrapers, seven of them, fall down once two aluminum airplanes hit them?
So they went bowling and decided that the two airplanes would be like the
bowling ball and the WTC buildings would be like the pins.

Still they wondered: How to make these massive towers, built
with an enormous inner core to withstand 180 mph hurricanes, engineered
to survive the impact of a jumbo jet, actually fall down?

So the 19 flight school dropouts put their minds together and
thought and thought. The Newtonian laws of gravity and physics, and the long
history of burning steel skyscrapers (None had ever fallen down before--or
since) seemed to be against them.

"What if we make the Twin Towers pancake down," said one flunky,
with a face full of buttermilk hotcake? The plotters were all eating a
pre-dawn breakfast special with their bleary-eyed lap dancers. A group of
Iraqi undercover agents, Saddam's finest, had joined them, savoring a
short stack of blueberry pancakes. And so the laws of physics and logic
waffled that day.

"We can also knock down the CIA headquarters in New York City,
demolish the mayor's command post, and wreck the SEC records building while
we're at it, crushing the entire building while smacking the structure with a
few objects the size of an I-beam" said one bright plotter, remembering his
Put Options.

And so they did.

The mighty Pentagon was next to fall. A fortress guarded by
many layers of security, the trillion dollar war toy shopping mall seemed
impregnable. But not to the 19 G-string jihadists.

They had discovered, by trial and error, that it was mush easier
to fly a hijacked jumbo jet with screaming passengers than to control a
small Cessna with a calm instructor beside them. The flew those jumbo jets
like Blue Angels--except better--pulling ten G's before leveling off and
smacking the Pentagon exactly where it had been recently remodeled.

But unfortunately for the G-string jihadists, the Pentagon bigwigs knew
months in advance. The Pentagonals even published a report with
a hijacked plane exactly in the center. They knew no hijacker could ever
score a bull's eye---and they were right.

The flight school dropouts only hit the edge.

But by outflanking, outfighting, and outthinking the combined
resources of the Pentagon, CIA, NSA and FBI,, the flight school dropouts had
succeeded. Sure, they never received their certification in small planes
but they had outfoxed NORAD, Israeli security and the combined resources of
the US Air Force in the airspace over America.

And even more amazing: the 19 strip club afficiandos had engineered their own
deaths to look like deaths. Nearly half of them were still alive
the next day.

Call it a modern mission impossible. 19 flight school dropouts
who couldn't control a Cessna had destroyed seven heavily-insured steel
skyscrapers and the recently remodeled wing of the Pentagon, while outwitting
airport security, smashing CIA and SEC headquarteras in a 47-story New
York skyscraper they hadn't even hit, while devising a brand new
Scientific "pancake" theory. All while remaining alive and forcing the
entire US population to live in terror, utterly taxed for the
unforeseeable future, to pay for the trillions in new war toys and security
measures, in a fruitless manhunt to find the alleged mastermind.

In conclusion, the 19 boxcutter boyz were either the Ultimate
Fighting Champions, or the the above account remains a modern fairy tale,
Fabricated by the very same people who placed those Put Options and
demolition charges and continue to profit today.

USAF veteran and amateur historian, Douglas Herman is the
Controversial author of The Guns of Dallas. He receives mail at

A VERY 'amateur' historian. Hands up if you can spot the mistakes. laugh

He has put his name to the fact that he is an amateur.

He can be contacted...there is a challenge for you.

You can keep us other amateurs informed of the debate between you and hjm.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 11:51 PM

What The Media Wants You To Forget

he corporate media have been given their orders to throw the focus back on to Iran.

Here is a recap of what they are trying to make you forget.

1. Last Spring, Rose Gottemoeller, an assistant secretary of state and Washington's chief nuclear arms negotiator, asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel refused.

2. The United Nations passed a resolution calling on Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. Israel refused.

3. The IAEA asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. Israel refused.

4. Iran's formal notification to the IAEA of the planned construction of the backup fuel-rod facility underscores that Iran is playing by the rules of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran has signed.

5. Iran allows IAEA inspections of all its facilities.

6. Contrary to face-saving claims, it appears that the US and Israel were both caught off guard by Iran's announcement of a planned underground (to avoid being bombed) enrichment facility. The reasoning is simple. Had the US or Israel announced the existence of he new facility before Iran's notified the IAEA, it would have put Iran on the defensive. As it is now, the US and Israel seem to be playing catch up, casting doubt on the veracity of Israel's claims to "know" that Iran is a nuclear threat.

7. The IAEA and all 16 United States Intelligence Agencies are unanimous in agreement that Iran is not building and does not possess nuclear weapons.

8. In 1986, Mordachai Vanunu blew the whistle and provided photographs showing Israel's clandestine nuclear weapons factory underneath the reactor at Dimona.

9. Israel made the same accusations against Iraq that it is making against Iran, leading up to Israel's bombing of the power station at Osirik. Following the invasion of 2003, international experts examined the ruins of the power station at Osirik and found no evidence of a clandestine weapons factory in the rubble.

10. The United Nations has just released the Goldstone Report, a scathing report which accuses Israel of 37 specific war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza earlier this year. Israel has denounced the report as "Anti-Semitic (even though Judge Goldstone is himself Jewish), and the United States will block the report from being referred to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, thereby making the US Government an accessory after-the-fact.

11. Recently revealed documents prove not only that Israel has nuclear weapos, but actually tried to sell some to Apartheid South Africa. Who else Israel approached to sell nuclear weapons remains an unasked question.

12. In 1965, Israel stole over 200-600 pounds of weapons-grade uranium from the United States.

13. Declassified documents from the former South African regime prove not only that
Israel has had nuclear weapons for decades, but has tried to sell them to other countries!

We all need to be Joe Wilson right now. We need to stand up and scream, "LIAR!" at every politician and every talking media moron that is pushing this war in Iran. And we need to keep dong it until they get the message that we will not be deceived any more.

Israel wants to send your kids off to die in Iran, and YOU are the only one that can stop them.

Please forward this comment to your social networks.

Why are you people so reluctant to supply your sources? I supply the text and the link when I post a source, it's just common courtesy. This omission diminishes a contention's credibility.

Any source that does not suit your argument is dismissed out of hand and ridiculed.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 11:48 PM

Investigating the Reform Party of Syria I discover that Farid N. Ghadry (Frank Ghadry in the U.S.) is an Israel loving neocon and Zionist. (And probably even has a Jewish Mother, but this has not been confirmed.)

I should have known that Zionist Israel had to have their fingers in this regime change fiasco! But no, not just their fingers, they are up to their necks in this conflict and push for a regime change.

Why am I not surprised. frustrated frustrated

(I would have suggested it earlier at the risk of being called an “Israel bashing anti-semitic.” )

But, as it stands, this is where the information leads. Right back to Israel.

Leading this revolution's regime changing team are Zionists US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffery Feltman and US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, former Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri, influential, US-based Zionist Syrian exiles Farid al-Ghadry and Ammar Abdulhamid, the well-connected ex-Syrian VP, Abdel-Halim Khaddam and of course, the powerful Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Even though Syria is not listed among the three members of the axis of evil named by U.S. President George W. Bush in his January 29, 2002, State of the Union address, ... there is no doubt that the neoconservative faction which currently controls U.S. foreign policy aspires to replace the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad with one more amenable to the U.S. and Israel.

Farid N. Ghadry (also Farid al-Ghadry and "Frank" Ghadry; the latter commonly used in the US) is co-founder and current president of the Reform Party of Syria (RPS), a "'US-based opposition party' of pro-democracy Syrians" and the president of the Syrian Democratic Coalition.

Ghadry is heavily involved with US-based neoconservatives, and is close to Liz Cheney and Wurmser.

Ghadry heads organizations, that despite their lofty sounding names, exist mostly in the United States and were created with an helping hand of several pro-Israeli organizations.

Ghadry is openly “pro-Israel” and positions his organizations with a similar allegiance; Ghadry is even a member of AIPAC.

(And yet he writes articles and opinion pieces as if he is a Syrian citizen and you would think he is living there if you read his words.)

He was born in Syria and, in 1964, at the age of 8, emigrated to Lebanon with his family. Ghadry came to the United States in 1975.

“Frank” Ghadry "graduated from the American University in Washington DC in 1979 with a degree in Finance and Marketing. He worked at EG&G, Intertech, Inc., the subsidiary of a Fortune 500 U.S. defense contractor, for two years before starting his own business in 1983 called International TechGroup, Inc.

Ghadry, because of his father's work, was granted Saudi citizenship. In September 2007 Ghadry's Syrian citizenship was revoked by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad after Ghadry appeared before Israel's Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

In other words, he was recognized as an Israeli plant and he is not a citizen of Syria anymore. They kicked him out and revoked his citizenship.

So now the pieces are really coming together. Zionism is on the move in Syria.

Again, that doesn't make much sense. Why would Israel want al Assad deposed when he made efforts to keep Hezbollah in check? Israel is watching this civil war with trepidation, as the weapons of the former Assad government may be turned toward the Golan Heights if the outcome results in an unfavourable regime change, as it did in Egypt. I don't think the above scenario has much merit.

What is happening in Syria is not a civil war.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 03:35 PM
LIBOR: The Largest Insider Trading Scandal Ever

And we want to go to more war.....

The fact that the big banks have committed insider trading on their core function – setting rates based upon market demand for loans – is particularly damning given that traditional deposits and loans have become such a small part of their business. As we noted last week:

The big banks no longer do very much traditional banking. Most of their business is from financial speculation. For example, less than 10% of Bank of America’s assets come from traditional banking deposits. Instead, they are mainly engaged in financial speculation and derivatives. (and see this)
The big banks have slashed lending since they were bailed out by taxpayers … while smaller banks have increased lending. See this, this and this
A huge portion of the banks’ profits comes from taxpayer bailouts. For example, 77% of JP Morgan’s net income comes from taxpayer subsidies

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 03:31 PM


"God , I hate the Germans," Eisenhower wrote to his wife, Mamie, in September, 1944. Earlier, in front of the British ambassador to Washington, he had said that all the 3,500 or so officers of the German General Staff should be "exterminated."

Mass starvation of Germans

Ron Paul mentions America's "secret prisons" and torture in front Congress and speaks out about America's obsession with Iran.

So who do you think these secret prisons are for??? Some of them already have people in them. They are "classified."

Nice Balance:thumbsup:

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 03:25 PM

I vaguely remember a thread I created about Syria a few weeks back that got completely deleted for reasons completely unknown to me. I thought this thread about Syria stood a better chance, and now I'm being asked to "stop trolling."

Very interesting.spock

I posted this thread for some intelligent discussion of the future of Syria and all I've seen are posts that are opinionated, bigoted, unfounded, and off topic. The thread has been hijacked by a minority to serve their own purposes based on their own myopic prejudices.

For the record, I had no idea why the previous thread disappeared either, and I too hoped this thread wouldn't be hijacked by the usual culprits, but alas, it was not to be. I ask the mods to lock or delete this thread, as it is futile to pursue this and stay on topic.

I have had a Thread locked down as well two days ago and you were the last one to post on it...very interesting.

Jeannie offered you a deal to stay out of each others threads.

I make you the same offer...You stay out of my threads and I will gladly stay out of yours.. Deal?

Ipso facto it is my fault? As for the rest, it hardly warrants a response.

A simple Yes or No will Suffice

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 03:22 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Thu 08/02/12 03:38 PM
What’s the most basic service banks provide? Borrow money and lend it out. You put your savings in a bank to hold in trust, and the bank agrees to pay you interest on it. Or you borrow money from the bank and you agree to pay the bank interest.

How is this interest rate determined? We trust that the banking system is setting today’s rate based on its best guess about the future worth of the money. And we assume that guess is based, in turn, on the cumulative market predictions of countless lenders and borrowers all over the world about the future supply and demand for the dough.

But suppose our assumption is wrong. Suppose the bankers are manipulating the interest rate so they can place bets with the money you lend or repay them – bets that will pay off big for them because they have inside information on what the market is really predicting, which they’re not sharing with you.

That would be a mammoth violation of public trust. And it would amount to a rip-off of almost cosmic proportion – trillions of dollars that you and I and other average people would otherwise have received or saved on our lending and borrowing that have been going instead to the bankers. It would make the other abuses of trust we’ve witnessed look like child’s play by comparison.

Sad to say, there’s reason to believe this has been going on, or something very much like it. This is what the emerging scandal over “Libor” (short for “London interbank offered rate”) is all about.


This is insider trading on a gigantic scale. It makes the bankers winners and the rest of us – whose money they’ve used for to make their bets – losers and chumps.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 03:18 PM

I vaguely remember a thread I created about Syria a few weeks back that got completely deleted for reasons completely unknown to me. I thought this thread about Syria stood a better chance, and now I'm being asked to "stop trolling."

Very interesting.spock

I posted this thread for some intelligent discussion of the future of Syria and all I've seen are posts that are opinionated, bigoted, unfounded, and off topic. The thread has been hijacked by a minority to serve their own purposes based on their own myopic prejudices.

For the record, I had no idea why the previous thread disappeared either, and I too hoped this thread wouldn't be hijacked by the usual culprits, but alas, it was not to be. I ask the mods to lock or delete this thread, as it is futile to pursue this and stay on topic.

I have had a Thread locked down as well two days ago and you were the last one to post on it...very interesting.

Jeannie offered you a deal to stay out of each others threads.

I make you the same offer...You stay out of my threads and I will gladly stay out of yours.. Deal?

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:43 PM

Taken from a previous post:

"With the rebels now possessing tanks – United Nations observers did not have information on how many, or where they might be deployed – the conflict seems to be moving ever further away from the six-point plan for peace outlined by Kofi Annan, the special Syria envoy, whose plan seems increasingly irrelevant. Instead of steps toward a cease-fire, both sides appear to be rushing into the breach of civil war."

Now if you watch this news/propaganda video, and listen to it, it will claim that tanks and shelling "by Assad's forces" are blowing up civilians etc. who really has the heavy artillery or tanks? Who really is blowing up who? How easy would it be to completely lie about what is going on over there? Why should we believe either side? Why would Assad blow up innocent civilians? That makes NO SENSE AT ALL. It would only serve to invite more support for the rebels. The only thing that actually makes sense is that a third outside force is attempting a coup in Syria. Who is killing who and why? It is really hard to tell.

Its the battle for the control of the Middle East.

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:36 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Thu 08/02/12 02:37 PM
I should Be In Jail But I am Too Big To Fail

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:34 PM
Thats Phucking Brilliantlaugh :banana: drinker

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:23 PM
You and I look like
We come together every time
Do wrongs, no rights
We lose ourselves tonight

From the outside, from the outside
Everyone must be wondering why we try
Why do we try

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:19 PM

be specific Mr Conrad. All the above is true prove it isn't.

Heading to the beach be back in three hours for your details on what is true and what is not from above.

:banana: :banana: :banana:
better watch for those Banana-Peels!

ad-hominendrinker :banana: drinker

Optomistic69's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:11 PM

be specific Mr Conrad. All the above is true prove it isn't.

Heading to the beach be back in three hours for your details on what is true and what is not from above.

:banana: :banana: :banana: