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Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/05/12 12:14 PM
Political Zionism in the U.S.

In the 1880s groups advocating the setting up of a Jewish state began popping up around the United States.[8] Emma Lazarus, the poet whose words would adorn the Statue of Liberty, promoted Zionism throughout this decade. A precursor to the Israeli flag was created in Boston in 1891.

In 1887 President Grover Cleveland appointed a Jewish ambassador to Turkey, which at that time controlled Palestine. Jewish historian David G. Dalin reports that presidents recognized the importance of the Turkish embassy for Jewish Americans, “…especially for the growing number of Zionists within the American Jewish electorate, since the Jewish homeland of Palestine remained under the direct control of the Turkish government.”

Every president, both Republican and Democrat, followed this precedent for the next 30 years. “During this era, the ambassadorship to Turkey came to be considered a quasi-Jewish domain,” writes Dalin.

By the early 1890s organizations promoting Zionism existed in New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland.[12] Reports from the Zionist World Congress in Basle, which four Americans had attended, gave this movement a major stimulus, galvanizing Zionist activities in American cities that had large Jewish populations.

In 1897-98 numerous additional Zionist societies were founded in the East and the Midwest. In 1898 the first annual conference of American Zionists convened in New York on the 4th of July, where they formed the Federation of American Zionists (FAZ).

By 1910 the number of Zionists in the U.S. approached 20,000 and included lawyers, professors, and businessmen. Even in its infancy, when it was still considered relatively weak, Zionism was becoming a movement to which Congressmen listened, particularly in the eastern cities.

The movement continued to expand, and by 1914 several additional Zionist groups had cropped up. The religious Mizrachi faction was formed in 1903, the Labor party in 1905 and Hadassah, the women’s Zionist organization, in 1912.

By 1922 there were 200,000 Zionists in the U.S. and by 1948 this had grown to almost a million.

From early on Zionists actively pushed their agenda in the media, one Zionist organizer proudly proclaimed in 1912 “the zealous and incessant propaganda which is carried on by countless societies.” The Yiddish press from a very early period espoused the Zionist cause. By 1923 only one New York Yiddish newspaper failed to qualify as Zionist. Yiddish dailies reached 535,000 families in 1927.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/05/12 10:48 AM
The beginnings

The Israel Lobby is just the tip of an older and far larger iceberg known as “political Zionism,” an international movement that began in the late 1800s with the goal of creating a Jewish state somewhere in the world. In 1897 this movement, led by a European journalist named Theodore Herzl[3], coalesced in the First Zionist World Congress, held in Basle, Switzerland, which established the World Zionist Organization, representing approximately 120 groups the first year; 900 the next.

While Zionists considered such places as Argentina, Uganda, and Texas,[5] they eventually settled on Palestine for the location of their proposed Jewish State, even though Palestine was already inhabited by a population that was 95 percent Muslims and Christians, who owned 99 percent of the land.[6] As numerous Zionist diary entries, letters, and other documents show, Zionists planned to push out these non-Jews – financially, if possible; violently if necessary.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/05/12 10:16 AM
There is so much on this site I shall be concentrating on this thread alone for some time to come.

The History of US-Israel Relations
Part One
How the “special relationship” was created

While many people are led to believe that US support for Israel is driven by the American establishment and U.S. national interests, the facts don’t support this theory. The reality is that for decades U.S. experts opposed Israel and its founding movement. They were simply outmaneuvered and eventually replaced.­

Like many American policies, U.S. Middle East policies are driven by a special interest lobby. However, the Israel Lobby, as it is called today in the U.S.[1], consists of vastly more than what most people envision in the word “lobby.”

As this article will demonstrate, the Israel Lobby is considerably more powerful and pervasive than other lobbies. Components of it, both individuals and groups, have worked underground, secretly and even illegally throughout its history, as documented by scholars and participants.

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/05/12 06:59 AM

Among the recipients of U.S. military and economic aid and diplomatic support, Israel occupies a unique place. Israel is generally portrayed by the U.S. mass media as the victim of terrorism, a characterization that is in part correct. Its own role as a major perpetrator of state terrorism is consistently downplayed or ignored, in accordance with the general principle, discussed earlier, that violence employed by ourselves or by our friends is excluded from the category of terrorism, by definition. The record of Israeli terrorism, however, is substantial, far too extensive even to attempt to sample here.
The "war on terror" is just a propaganda tool.
Many are waking up to this.

Yes,I agree with you that many are waking up and about time.

I recently re-engaged an Israeli Female Soldier on Twitter and she gave up the ghost after a few to and fro tweets.drinker

They are slowly realizing that the game is up.

How good a site is this ..If Americans Newdrinker

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 08/05/12 05:00 AM
Among the recipients of U.S. military and economic aid and diplomatic support, Israel occupies a unique place. Israel is generally portrayed by the U.S. mass media as the victim of terrorism, a characterization that is in part correct. Its own role as a major perpetrator of state terrorism is consistently downplayed or ignored, in accordance with the general principle, discussed earlier, that violence employed by ourselves or by our friends is excluded from the category of terrorism, by definition. The record of Israeli terrorism, however, is substantial, far too extensive even to attempt to sample here.

Optomistic69's photo
Sat 08/04/12 09:19 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Sat 08/04/12 09:20 AM

Optomistic69's photo
Sat 08/04/12 09:13 AM
I wanna be a man of the world
With blood in my veins and a hurt in my heart
Out in the street with the noise and the dirt
And the ones still lookin' for a brand new start

Oh, I've been sleeping far too long
Hiding out in a palace of gold
Show me one thing before I'm gone
That can't be bought and can't be sold

Show me how to come alive
Show me how to make you mine
'Cause if you'd only be my girl
I could be a man of the world

Optomistic69's photo
Sat 08/04/12 09:05 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Sat 08/04/12 09:12 AM

I thought for a split second there was a rude word being used several times over in that songbigsmile

And then I thought Phuck itdrinker

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin?for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Look all around, there’s nothin?but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin?but blue skies

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Optomistic69's photo
Sat 08/04/12 08:43 AM

Another reason these groups like the Muslim Brotherhood have to co-operate with the Banking Cabal is because the Banking Cabal has control of most of the world's currency.

Plus, the Brotherhood needs the help, and the Cabal needs an inside Muslim track. The Cabal (The Brotherhood or "club") infiltrate everyone -including the Catholic Church. That is part of their method of operation and written in the instructions for world domination and control.

That kind of ties the three cities within cities together.

City of London________Money

Washington ___________Muscle

Vatican City__________Religion

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 03:56 PM
wanna be a man of the world
With blood in my veins and a hurt in my heart
Out in the street with the noise and the dirt
And the ones still lookin' for a brand new start

Oh, I've been sleeping far too long
Hiding out in a palace of gold
Show me one thing before I'm gone
That can't be bought and can't be sold

Show me how to come alive
Show me how to make you mine

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:54 PM
The Criminal Should be in Jail not Suppressing Information

Iraq: Britain's War against Truth

By Felicity Arbuthnot - London

'I think most people who have dealt with me think I am a pretty straight sort of guy, and I am.' -- Tony Blair, November 2007.

In the last several days, the shreds of Britain’s threadbare claim to democracy have been ripped away.

The refusal by the current Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government to disclose documents integral to the decision to join the US in invading, occupying, destroying and dismantling the entire civil authority, and infrastructure of the very State of Iraq, follows their Labour predecessors, the invasion’s co-architects.

The Iraq Inquiry findings under Sir John Chilcot’s Chairmanship will now be delayed for over another year.

Sir John and his distinguished team will at least have learned one thing that lesser mortals ascertained long ago: When it comes to dodging, diving, weaving and circumventing the truth, no one does it better than top British politicians of all political hues.

On Friday (27th July 2012) the Guardian noted: “The Foreign Office (FCO) is appealing against a Judge’s ruling that extracts of a conversation between Tony Blair and George W. Bush days before the invasion of Iraq must be disclosed”, adding: “The FCO has now sought leave to appeal against the decision with an “Upper Tribunal” made up of more senior Judges …”

This related to the vital papers of the Cabinet discussions under Tony Blair’s Premiership, between March 13th-17th 2003. The Iraq invasion began on 19th-20th March (depending on geographic region.)

The documents had been ordered released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) due to the dogged persistence, through legal channels, of Stephen Plowdon of The Nonviolent Radical Party, an NGO with Consultative Status at the UN Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) since 1995.

Ironically, the Freedom of Information Act was introduced by the Blair government, in Blair’s headlong embrace of all things American, from open shirts, to “open government”, to open war.

Blair is now a vociferous FOI critic, recently harshly criticized by a Parliamentary Committee for failing to appear before their investigation in to the impact of the FOI Act. The Justice Select Committee deplored his decision not to be questioned by them.

Their Report in fact, states that FOI laws have been a: "significant enhancement of democracy" and are not harming government, notes the Guardian.

However, it transpires that the crucial notes pertaining to the decisions on the destruction of Mesapotamia are, in a legal sleight of hand, not to be released for thirty years.

According again to the Guardian: “The Information Commissioner is disappointed that the Ministerial veto has been used to override his recent decision notice concerning the minutes of two Cabinet meetings held immediately prior to the commencement of military action in Iraq in 2003.

“His view is that the significant public interest in this matter justified an exception to the general rule that such information should not be disclosed before the usual due date for the release of Cabinet material.” This refers to the “thirty year” rule freed up by the FOI Act.

Sir John Chilcot expressed in a letter to David Cameron his fellow panel Members deep frustration by Whitehall's refusal to release papers, including those that reveal which Ministers legal advisers and officials were excluded from discussions on military action. The inquiry panel has seen the classified documents in dispute but is being prevented from publishing them.

In a letter to David Cameron released on Monday (30th July 2012) Sir John Chilcot cites unresolved disputes over: "a number of particularly important categories of evidence" relating to: "the discussions between (Prime Minister Blair) and heads of state or government of other nations" and "the treatment of discussions in the Cabinet and Cabinet Committees".

Chilcot cites communications with previous Cabinet Secretary Lord O'Donnell over his blocking of details of correspondence and conversations between Blair and Bush in the lead up to the invasion. Disclosure would: "illuminate Mr Blair's position at critical points", Chilcot explained to O'Donnell last year.

O'Donnell, in telling Sir John that releasing Blair's notes would damage Britain's relations with the US, clearly confirms for many that little Britain is now a fully fledged US satellite and the extra Star on the US flag is only a matter of time. That the now Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood shares O’Donnell’s views regarding release of the documents cements these views.

The all, in spite of the fact that the former Attorney General during the Blair government, Lord Peter Goldsmith told the Chilcot Inquiry that Blair's suggestion in January 2003 that Britain could attack Iraq without further UN backing had not been compatible with his legal advice.

Further, despite his refusal to release the Blair-Bush papers, O'Donnell said in evidence to the Inquiry that the Cabinet should have been told of Goldsmith's doubts about the legality of invading Iraq before Blair went to war.

"The Ministerial code is very clear about the need, when the Attorney General gives written advice, the full text of that advice should be attached (to Cabinet papers)", O'Donnell confirmed.

“We went to war on a sheet of A4”, eminent international law expert Philippe Sands, concluded memorably.

In the post-Blair government of the dour, neurotic, nail biting Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the then Attorney General Jack Straw also denied, in 2009, access to the run up to war “discussion” papers and Blair-Bush decisions and conversations. Now, his successor, Conservative Attorney General Dominic Grieve again over-ruled (31st July) release of the papers which would throw light on one of modern history’s supreme illegalities.

The shameful silence of the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party, Nick Clegg, now Deputy Prime Minister, who ran on an anti-invasion ticket, is not alone deafening, it would bring down houses.

One man has accidentally spoken the truth on modern day UK politics.

Another smarmy, dodger and diver to make Charles Dicken’s “Artful Dodger”, in his classic “Oliver Twist”, memorably depicted in the musical “Oliver”, look like a beginner: Prime Minister David Cameron. “We’re all in it together” he declared of another crisis. Indeed they are.

- Felicity Arbuthnot is a journalist with special knowledge of Iraq. Author, with Nikki van der Gaag, of Baghdad in the Great City series for World Almanac books, she has also been Senior Researcher for two Award winning documentaries on Iraq, John Pilger's Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq and Denis Halliday Returns for RTE (Ireland.) She contributed this article to

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:27 PM
Israel, US Bent on Brewing Iran Crisis

Washington has threatened Iran with a military strike. (SepahNews)
By Ismail Salami – Tehran

A report published on Sunday in Ha'aretz reveals that US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon has presented Washington's contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once the nuclear negotiations reach an impasse.

However, the report was immediately denied by a top Israeli official who spoke on condition of anonymity. He said, “Nothing in the article is correct. Donilon did not meet the prime minister for dinner, he did not meet him one-on-one, nor did he present operational plans to attack Iran.”

A quick justification for this denial could be that such a contingency plan was not supposed to be publicized and should have remained confidential for as long as necessary.

Still, there is no denial that Washington and Israel are the two sides of a coin and it is manifest that they have in their political wheeling and dealing formed a united front against Iran.

US GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has recently paid a visit to Israel to marshal up support of the Israelis on the one hand and express his unswervingly servile commitment to Israel (including his anti-Iran stance) on the other. Dan Senor, a top foreign policy adviser for the GOP presidential candidate, says that Romney would support “Israel’s decision to launch a military strike against Iran to keep that country from achieving nuclear capabilities, but hopes diplomatic and military measures will dissuade Tehran from pursuing its path toward nuclear acquisition.”

Furthermore, he told reporters ahead of the speech, planned for late Sunday near Jerusalem's Old City, "If Israel has to take action on its own, in order to stop Iran from developing the capability, the governor would respect that decision."

With a more somber tone, however, Romney himself has repeatedly said that he has a "zero tolerance" policy toward Iran obtaining the capability to build a nuclear weapon.

In recent past, Washington has frequently threatened Iran with a military strike. The threats, which evidently run counter to all international laws, are generally uttered by a massive number of officials influenced by the powerful Zionist lobby in Washington. A brazen instance of these threats is that Washington may use the 14-ton bunker buster (20ft long, 1ft wide weapon) known as Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), the world's largest conventional bomb against Iran nuclear sites. Michael Donley, the US Air Force Secretary, said the bomb would be available if necessary.

"We continue to do testing on the bomb to refine its capabilities, and that is ongoing," he said "We also have the capability to go with existing configuration today."

In order to justify their illegal threats and sanctions, the US has apparently embarked on a systematic program of fomenting Iranophobia in the US and the rest of the world. In this pernicious Iranophobic campaign, a number of groups and parties including Tea Party, neocons and AIPAC are actively involved.

By this program, the US is hell bent on distorting the realities of the Islamic Republic as well as brainwashing public opinion in the world into believing that Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons, and that Iran poses a grave danger to the security of the world. In this smear campaign, Washington also makes use of its allies including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel in the region.

A politically bankrupt politician who does have but little respect in his own country, Romney follows the selfsame Iranophobic campaign, takes an aggressive stand on Iran in Israel where he is falsely emboldened and says Tehran's leaders are giving the world "no reason to trust them with nuclear material." He even voiced support for an Israeli decision for military action “to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear capability”.

"Make no mistake: The ayatollahs in Tehran are testing our moral defenses. They want to know who will object, and who will look the other way. My message to the people of Israel and the leaders of Iran is one and the same: I will not look away; and neither will my country."

These facts aside, the duo have recently started a string of false flag terrorist attacks taking place in different parts of the world. With Washington pointing the finger of blame at Iran, Israel feels more fallaciously entitled to tone up its war rhetoric against the Islamic Republic and make the best of the fabricated ops. In the same line, former UN Ambassador John Bolton has called on the Zionist entity to attack Iran in retaliation for the alleged killing of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria, saying “the time has come for the Jewish state to quit threatening and take action”.

“This is obviously a very dangerous period for Israel with the civil war in Syria, refugees reported going across the border into Lebanon, and Hezbollah well armed with rockets on Israel’s northern border,” Bolton told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Thursday night. “So I think if there were ever a time to retaliate, and directly against Iran this time, this is it.”

In the final analysis, one can see that the real threat in the world is being posed and imposed by those warmongers in Washington who will turn the situation to the best of their own interests in the region as well as by Israel who will in the wake of a war against Iran reap the benefits of such aggression if of course they ever outlive such an act of belligerence.

- Dr. Ismail Salami is an Iranian writer, Middle East expert, Iranologist and lexicographer. He writes extensively on the US and Middle East issues and his articles have been translated into a number of languages. He contributed this article to

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 12:23 PM
Neoconservative War Criminals in Our Midst

By Paul Craig Roberts

The State Department has an office that hunts German war criminals. Bureaucracies being what they are, the office will exist into the next century when any surviving German prison guards will be 200 years old. From time to time the State Department claims to have found a lowly German soldier who was assigned as a prison camp guard. The ancient personage, who had lived in the US for the past 50 or 60 years without doing harm to anyone, is then merciless persecuted, usually on the basis of hearsay.

I have never understood what the State Department thinks the alleged prison guard was supposed to have done--freed the prisoners, resign his position?--when Prussian aristocrats, high-ranking German Army generals and Field Marshall and national hero Erwin Rommel were murdered for trying to overthrow Hitler.

What the State Department needs is an office that rounds up American war criminals.
They are in abundance and not hard to find. Indeed, recently 56 of them made themselves public by signing a letter to President Obama demanding that he send in the US Army to complete the destruction of Syria and its people that Washington has begun.

At the Nuremberg Trials of the defeated Germans after World War II, the US government established the principle that naked aggression--the American way in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen--is a war crime. Therefore, there is a very strong precedent for the State Department to round up those neoconservatives who are fomenting more war crimes.

But don't expect it to happen. Today, war criminals run the State Department and the entire US Government. They are elected to the presidency, the House, and the Senate, and appointed to the federal courts as judges. American soldiers, such as Bradley Manning, who behave as the State Department expects German soldiers to have behaved, are not honored, but are thrown into dungeons and tortured while a court marshall case is concocted against them.

Hypocrisy is Washington's hallmark, and all but the most delusional are now accustomed to their rulers speaking one way and behaving in the opposite. It is now part of the American character to regard ourselves as members of the "virtuous nation," "the indispensable people," while our rulers commit war crimes around the globe.

Whereas we have all been made complicit in war crimes by "our" government, it still behooves us to know who are the active war criminals in our midst who have burdened us with our war criminal reputation.

You can learn the identity of many of those who are driving the world into World War Three, while their policies result in the murder of large numbers of Arabs and Muslims in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon, by perusing the signatures to the contrived letter to Obama from the neoconsevatives calling on Obama to invade Syria in order to "rescue" the Syrian people from their government.

According to the letter signed by 56 neoconservatives, only the Syrian government is responsible for deaths in Syria. The Washington sponsored and armed "rebels" are merely protecting the Syrian people from the Assad government. According to the letter signers, the only way the Syrian people can be saved is if Washington overthrows the Syrian government and installs a puppet state attentive to the needs of Israel and Washington.

Among the 56 signatures are a few names from the Syrian National Congress, believed to be a CIA front, and a few names from dupes among the goyim. The rest of the signatures are those of Jewish neoconservatives tightly allied with Israel, some of whom are apparently dual-Israeli citizens who participate in the formation of US foreign policy. The names on this list comprise a concentration of evil, the goal of which is not only to bring Armageddon to the Syrian people but also to the world.

The letter to Obama is part of the propaganda operation to demonize the Syrian government with lies in order to get rid of a government that supports Hezbollah, the Muslims in southern Lebanon who have twice driven the vaunted, but cowardly, Israeli army out of Lebanon, thus preventing the Israeli government from achieving its aim of stealing the water resources of southern Lebanon.

Not a single sentence in the letter is correct. Listen to this one for example: "The Assad regime poses a grave threat to national security interests of the United States." What utter total absurdity, and the morons who signed the letter pretend to be "security experts."

How do we evaluate the fact that 56 people have no shame whatsoever and will lie to the President of the United States, telling him to his face the most absurd and obvious false things in order to advance their personal agenda at the expense of not merely the lives of Syrians but, by leading to wider war, of life on earth?

This same neocon architects of Armageddon are also working against Iran, Russia, the former Soviet central Asian countries, Ukraine, Belarus, and China. It seems that they can't wait to start a nuclear war.

- Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His Internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Read more articles by Paul Craig Roberts:

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 11:19 AM

What, no pictures?winking

I got a laugh from thatlaugh

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 11:17 AM

Well since everyone else has a conspiracy i suppose i should add my thoughts..Osama's main objective was to destroy the economy and yet we know that flying two planes couldn't achieve this ..even if the other planes had hit their mark the possibilty still did not seem feasible,but... it not odd that afterwards the economy s basically being threatened by the banks,wall street and the actions of our govt to enter into a war over WMDs that didn't exist but chased after them with the word of just one man..and change the reason for our mission being there once the blunder was discovered ..

..just how deep does the rabbit hole go,seems to me there is more than just Osama's quest that is attempting to accomplish the destruction of our economy...spock

It is true that Osama was not a big fan of America. But it is also true that the FBI had no evidence connecting him to the attack on the World Trade center.

I'm sure Osama was happy to see it happen, and not so happy to have been made the fall guy for it.

But if you are looking for someone who wants to destroy our economy, look no further than Obama, your current corporate President. He has put us into such a debt that we will NEVER EVER get it paid off before the fall of the empire.

And the empire (American economy) will fall. This is part of the plan for a one world government where the dollar will be replaced by another currancy called the Amero.

From Wiki:

The North American Currency Union is a proposed economic and monetary union of three North American countries: Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Map of a theoretical NAU, with Canada, Mexico, and the United States
Implementation would involve the three countries giving up their current currency units (U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, and Mexican peso) and adopting a new one, created specifically for this purpose. (Some versions of the theory, particularly those circulating in Canada, assume only the United States and Canada would be included.) The hypothetical currency for the union is most often referred to as the amero.[1][2] The concept is modeled on the common European Union currency (the euro), and it is argued to be a natural extension of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).

Conspiracy theorists contend that the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico are already taking steps to implement such a currency, as part of a "New World Order (NWO)

I read about this quite some time ago.

Well it seems that America has to up its game so to speak.

The EU has a population of 400 million...The US 300Million

And of course China..

The Dollar has to move over regardless....Empire Days are over.



the days of us being the world police are over..

so the next time you euro lot start offing each other call china..


Looks like The US is even attempting to OFF China

The unveiling of new US military bases and partnerships in Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam are the demonstration of Washington’s increasing militarist agenda towards China. The calculated confrontation with China is what lies behind Washington’s recent and much-heralded “pivot to the Pacific”.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 10:55 AM

Well since everyone else has a conspiracy i suppose i should add my thoughts..Osama's main objective was to destroy the economy and yet we know that flying two planes couldn't achieve this ..even if the other planes had hit their mark the possibilty still did not seem feasible,but... it not odd that afterwards the economy s basically being threatened by the banks,wall street and the actions of our govt to enter into a war over WMDs that didn't exist but chased after them with the word of just one man..and change the reason for our mission being there once the blunder was discovered ..

..just how deep does the rabbit hole go,seems to me there is more than just Osama's quest that is attempting to accomplish the destruction of our economy...spock

It is true that Osama was not a big fan of America. But it is also true that the FBI had no evidence connecting him to the attack on the World Trade center.

I'm sure Osama was happy to see it happen, and not so happy to have been made the fall guy for it.

But if you are looking for someone who wants to destroy our economy, look no further than Obama, your current corporate President. He has put us into such a debt that we will NEVER EVER get it paid off before the fall of the empire.

And the empire (American economy) will fall. This is part of the plan for a one world government where the dollar will be replaced by another currancy called the Amero.

From Wiki:

The North American Currency Union is a proposed economic and monetary union of three North American countries: Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Map of a theoretical NAU, with Canada, Mexico, and the United States
Implementation would involve the three countries giving up their current currency units (U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, and Mexican peso) and adopting a new one, created specifically for this purpose. (Some versions of the theory, particularly those circulating in Canada, assume only the United States and Canada would be included.) The hypothetical currency for the union is most often referred to as the amero.[1][2] The concept is modeled on the common European Union currency (the euro), and it is argued to be a natural extension of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).

Conspiracy theorists contend that the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico are already taking steps to implement such a currency, as part of a "New World Order (NWO)

I read about this quite some time ago.

Well it seems that America has to up its game so to speak.

The EU has a population of 400 million...The US 300Million

And of course China..

The Dollar has to move over regardless....Empire Days are over.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 08:33 AM
Gore Vidal loved America in the way the best of the founders did.
Indeed, he seemed at times, to be the last of their number—a fierce defender of the purest, most revolutionary of ideals at a time when the contemporary political class prattled on about constitutional principles they neither understood nor valued. (At the bicentennial, in 1976, Time magazine featured a cover with Vidal in historic garb, an honor that delighted him sufficiently to earn a place for the cover on the wall of his Italian villa.)
Vidal, who has died at age 86, was a great man of letters: an author (Julian, Burr, Lincoln, The City and the Pillar), playwright (“The Best Man”) and National Book Award–winning essayist (United States Essays, 1952–1992) on the literature of his native land and the world. To this he added status as a life-long challenger of the Puritanism that he regarded as the ugliest of American tendencies.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 07:57 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Fri 08/03/12 07:58 AM
The supposedly Civil War going on in Syria is far from being civil.

What is really going on is terrorists being supported by western governments...US UK France Germany etc for the purposes of economic exploitation of natural resources.

The US and The EU need to stop China from becoming the next super Economic power... nothing more nothing less.

Funny old world.

Not so funny for Afghans/Iraqis/Libyans/Syrians/

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 07:45 AM
larry Silverstein has got to be the cleverest real estate investor and developer on the planet.

He insisted on including anS at the end of attack on his insurance policy.

Or was it inside Information????????????????????

rofl rofl rofl

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 08/03/12 07:40 AM
You have had my opinion

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