Community > Posts By > funches

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Sat 12/29/12 12:56 PM

Not if they welcomed it. It's only forced on someone/something that doesn't want it to happen. Show where it states anywhere close to Marry to being ok with it, show me where she was in objection to it.

Cowboy stay focus

Virgins do not get pregnant without sperm

so explain how the prophecy that Mary a (supposedly) Virgin would have a child, can be full filled without God "intervening"

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Sat 12/29/12 11:25 AM

Friendship ought to come first in a relationship. You start by knowing each other good and bad side , likes and dislikes. From there love starts. Love deosn't jump happen over night . Its a gradual process.

which sort of answers the question "can Men and Women only be friends"? ...

Yep, men and women can be just friends.

hopefully for the sake of their children

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Sat 12/29/12 11:16 AM

if you really believe I am a follower.. then I daresay your perceptions of me are wrong.. I am not a follower, I question, constantly.. if GOD told me to jump off a bridge.. I'd tell him NO.. because I know (logically) he would never ask that of me.. might want to read the story of Abraham and Isaac

I have led quite a remarkable life so far.. and I'm not done yet either.. but I always look to him as a sounding board to better understand myself and others reactions to truth and life.. although at times.. I can't always comprehend the purpose.. I can change a) how I react to it.. and b) whether or not I take action.. wherein comes, I believe, the Free Will part

I remember God putting Adam to sleep before stealing one of his ribs, don't you also believed that Adam had "Free Will"?.....which is why I'm unclear how you believe that you have the "Free Will" to stop a prophecy of God

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Sat 12/29/12 11:08 AM

Friendship ought to come first in a relationship. You start by knowing each other good and bad side , likes and dislikes. From there love starts. Love deosn't jump happen over night . Its a gradual process.

which sort of answers the question "can Men and Women only be friends"? ...

True. I think some people will assume the 'friendship' referred to here is just that, while others will assume it is a low key primer to expected romantic connection. I spose there needs to be flexibility in our definitions of friendship with the potential love interest.

As such, I think men and women can be friends.

I'm not disputing it, I'm agreeing with the original poster, that if you are to marry someone or have sex with someone...shouldn't they at the least first be a friend

that it goes against human nature that a man and woman can be friends and one of the two is not thinking about Love or having thoughts of knocking boots with the other

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Sat 12/29/12 10:56 AM

And keeping it in context of what we're talking about here. God has explicitly told us not to do what that man did in that church, therefore it is completely against God's will..

didn't you claim that you took a personal walk with how would you know the shooter didn't do the same and that's why he did what he did

you guys keep trying to skip around the issue...if God didn't want it to take place...then why didn't God stop it from taking place

where was God?

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Sat 12/29/12 10:51 AM

Again, Jesus is the Word and in the beginning was God and the Word.

that Jesus is The Word is something you believe...but it's no getting around the biblical fact that Jesus popped out of a womb, and this is why he is a creation....

so do I go with what you google cut and paste from one of those Satan websites ...or do I go with what is in the bible?

choices choices

Yes, he took on the form of a servant.... we already been through this close to a million times now Funches. He humbled himself and took on the form of a breathing person in the flesh.

that is still your belief...not everyone agrees with your belief....but one thing that can not be disputed is that Jesus popped out of a womb as a creation

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Sat 12/29/12 10:49 AM
Edited by funches on Sat 12/29/12 10:52 AM

No my friend. Jesus isn't REQUIRED to do anything. He does the will of the Father out of love, just as I do the will of Jesus.

Love is an excuse people use to justify their stupidity towards if you want to prove that Jesus have "Free Will" an incident in which he rejected doing the Father's Will

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Sat 12/29/12 10:39 AM

Again, what are you talking about? Show some evidence where God "controlled' Mary for those 9 months... show me where he forced her to do anything. She could have very well freaked out and killed the child either while in her or when it came out if she had wanted to. Please show me where there was any free will taken away.

Prophecy is the proof that there is no "Free WIll"

How so?

A prophesy is purely knowledge of something that will happen in the future. Doesn't mean it forces it to happen.

either a prophecy is forced to take place...or The Father is not omniscient ...take your pick

What are you talking about Funches?

A prophecy is PURELY knowledge of an even that will happen. That's it.

It's not God made a prophecy so it will happen because he did. No, he gave the prophecy to give knowledge of something that will take place. Not because it has to, not because he forced it to happen, but because he already knew it would happen and shared that knowledge with us.

Cowboy.... Virgins do not get pregnant unless someone or "something"(no pun intended) force it to happen

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Sat 12/29/12 10:33 AM

the shooter attended church and was influenced by the word of God

just because he proclaims such.. doesn't make it so..

I believe it's easier for this kind of criminal to choose the 'insanity' route as a defense as there's no other justifiable way to explain their insidious acts otherwise.. saying GOD told me to.. and to be sent off to a cushy asylum so they can keep ranting like a lunatic sounds easier than having to worry about a harsh prison life.. just sayin.. there COULD be a method to their madness....

so someone that goes to church and does what they believe is the Will of God is suffering from Madness?

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Sat 12/29/12 10:31 AM

Prophecy is the proof that there is no "Free WIll"

I don't agree.. there is ALWAYS free will.. however if one allows their naivete to out-way logic.. then they deserve whatever 'fate' they allow to happen.. but I believe that even if one says it's a PROPHECY.. one still has the right to stand up and fight.. even though the prophecy may dictate they lay down and die (so to speak)

Zero-effect...clearly as a follower you can't believe that you have any "Free Will" to stop a prophecy of God

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Sat 12/29/12 10:27 AM

Already did. But God has caused nor instigated, nor anything along those lines with any massacre. So didn't know what you were talking about.

the shooter attended church and was influenced by the word of God

Was not influenced by God, what he did was totally against God's laws and will. Regardless if that is what he claimed or not in an attempt to justify his actions.

if he heard the word of God then that is justification, if God didn't want him to do it...he would have stopped him

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Sat 12/29/12 10:24 AM

Again, what are you talking about? Show some evidence where God "controlled' Mary for those 9 months... show me where he forced her to do anything. She could have very well freaked out and killed the child either while in her or when it came out if she had wanted to. Please show me where there was any free will taken away.

Prophecy is the proof that there is no "Free WIll"

How so?

A prophesy is purely knowledge of something that will happen in the future. Doesn't mean it forces it to happen.

either a prophecy is forced to take place...or The Father is not omniscient ...take your pick

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Sat 12/29/12 10:06 AM

Yes Jesus does do the will of the Father. What does that have anything to do with what we're talking about here?

aren't all creations require to do the do the "Will" of The Father ...

We do the will of Jesus, which in turn we are doing the will of the Father. As they are "one". And again the word translated into "one" is speaking of the will of the being, what they desire.

why is Jesus required to do the Will of The Father...and not vice versa..can you explain it without making Jesus sound like a creation

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Sat 12/29/12 10:01 AM

Again, Jesus is the Word and in the beginning was God and the Word.

that Jesus is The Word is something you believe...but it's no getting around the biblical fact that Jesus popped out of a womb, and this is why he is a creation....

so do I go with what you google cut and paste from one of those Satan websites ...or do I go with what is in the bible?

choices choices

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Sat 12/29/12 09:51 AM

Yes Jesus does do the will of the Father. What does that have anything to do with what we're talking about here?

aren't all creations require to do the do the "Will" of The Father ...

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Sat 12/29/12 09:49 AM

Yes the father is far more powerful then Jesus.;

that's why Jesus is like Satan and Adam and Eve....they are all wannabes

And no popping otu of a womb does not make one a creation, specifically in this context. Jesus already had life before he entered into the womb. His life source was not created in the womb.

his life source was/is "The Father" ...but he popped out of a womb...and that makes him a creation

Incorrect. Jesus was with the father in the beginning.

In the beginning was the Word the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Then the word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

you said that God is only a title to show repeat your above statement with out the inclusion of the word God ...and you will see that Jesus is only a wannabe and why in the beginning he was a creation of The Father

No Funches, again after again after again after again after again, the WORD "God" is used in reference to them because it means authority. I do no know if in the original scriptures it contained God's name or not. But in the english translation it translates it to "God" and is capitolized to show it is a proper noun eg., a name.

In this verse keeping it in context we can see that it is referring to God the Father and the Word which is Jesus in the flesh.

excuses excuses...if God is a title, this is why only wannabes will use it Ceasar etc.

so again repeat your statement without including the title God without making Jesus seem like a wannabe

bet you can't

How is he a wannabe? He is our God. He is the one that created us, he has that authority to judge us, he has the authority to give us life. He has total authority over us, thus he is our God.

if jesus isn't a wannabe..why do he need authority?

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Sat 12/29/12 09:39 AM

What are you talking about now? Adam and Eve are not singular people.

Adam - Mankind
Eve - Life

And Satan only thinks himself to be more powerful then God, so yes could call him a wannabe.

And Jesus never proclaimed to be more powerful then the Father. He countless times says he does the Father's will.

I'm not disputing what you stated, I'm only saiding that what you stated proves that Jesus is only a wannabe that is expected to do the "Will" of The Father ...just as Satan and Mankind

Jesus is OUR God Funches. He isn't God over God the father, which is why he refers to his father as "God" eg., "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me".

Then we have "do not tempt the lord THY God" or in other words, do not tempt the Lord your God.

And no Satan doesn't do the will of the Father. And which is why he was kicked out of Heaven and locked in chains. And later will be destroyed in the lake of fire.

And mankind follows the laws of Jesus Christ. He is the one whom made us, he is the one whom directs us on how we are to live.

Cowboy, you were the one that stated that Jesus does the "Will" of the Father're arguing with yourself

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Sat 12/29/12 09:36 AM

Yes the father is far more powerful then Jesus.;

that's why Jesus is like Satan and Adam and Eve....they are all wannabes

And no popping otu of a womb does not make one a creation, specifically in this context. Jesus already had life before he entered into the womb. His life source was not created in the womb.

his life source was/is "The Father" ...but he popped out of a womb...and that makes him a creation

Incorrect. Jesus was with the father in the beginning.

In the beginning was the Word the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Then the word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

you said that God is only a title to show repeat your above statement with out the inclusion of the word God ...and you will see that Jesus is only a wannabe and why in the beginning he was a creation of The Father

No Funches, again after again after again after again after again, the WORD "God" is used in reference to them because it means authority. I do no know if in the original scriptures it contained God's name or not. But in the english translation it translates it to "God" and is capitolized to show it is a proper noun eg., a name.

In this verse keeping it in context we can see that it is referring to God the Father and the Word which is Jesus in the flesh.

excuses excuses...if God is a title, this is why only wannabes will use it Ceasar etc.

so again repeat your statement without including the title God without making Jesus seem like a wannabe

bet you can't

no photo
Sat 12/29/12 09:33 AM

Already did. But God has caused nor instigated, nor anything along those lines with any massacre. So didn't know what you were talking about.

the shooter attended church and was influenced by the word of God

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Sat 12/29/12 09:29 AM

Again, what are you talking about? Show some evidence where God "controlled' Mary for those 9 months... show me where he forced her to do anything. She could have very well freaked out and killed the child either while in her or when it came out if she had wanted to. Please show me where there was any free will taken away.

Prophecy is the proof that there is no "Free WIll"