Community > Posts By > SilentWater

SilentWater's photo
Sun 10/26/08 07:08 AM
You mean Youngstown?

Uhm well if you like music there are almost always some local bands playing concerts, most of them are decent.

There's a bar called The Cellar which is really popular, lotsa college kids go there.

Southern Park Mall isn't too far from Youngstown.

Just some ideas

SilentWater's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:15 PM
Maybe God has multiple personality disorder? That would explain how sometimes in the Bible he seems like a nice guy and other times he just wants to blow **** up and punish people for no reason.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:07 PM
Why is "Satan" a bad thing?

In the Bible, Satan and his followers rebelled against God because they were tired of living like domestic dogs, complacent but without any real free will or personalities. They did not want to put up with God's countless and pointless rules, they did not want to be part of a Collective, they wanted to be themselves. So they left.

This is the exact same reason the founding fathers of this nation left Europe.

LaVeyan Satanists believe that anyone should be free to do whatever they want as long as it does not violate the fundamental rights of other human beings. Men deal with each other not as slaves or masters, but as traders. This is the guideline for a perfect free nation outlined in our Constitution.

If you really think about it, America is a Satanic nation.

SilentWater's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:18 PM
Absolutely wonderful :). As a musician myself these words echo soundly for me.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 07/25/08 10:48 PM
A human being in any situation can determine what is right or wrong based on reason and logic. It is wrong to take someone's bike because they paid for it and you didn't. It is wrong to kill someone for no reason because it doesn't make any sense, anyone has the right to survive unless they threaten someone else's right to survive. We don't need to think that if we steal a candy bar God will make us burn in hell. I don't even refrain from stealing because of fear of going to jail. I don't steal because I understand and respect the Capitalist system and pay for what I want. I don't steal because it isn't reasonable to steal anything from anyone.

Human beings have reached the level where we can think about whatever we want and not be persecuted for it. This means we have the freedom to understand things around us and behave in a sensible manner without having to be guilt tripped with man-on-a-cross stories for it. Any man who bases his actions on reason, reality, and respect is more righteous than a thousand fundamentalists in a megachurch, because he represents the will of the free human being, not of any god or spirit.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 07/25/08 10:30 PM
Brainwashing at it's finest. It isn't okay to think about anything that goes against the morals of society even though thinking has no separate effect on the world around you frustrated .

What religious folks need to realize is that human beings to NOT need to live in fear in order to lead safe and productive lives. It is perfectly possible to never commit adultery or theft even if you think about it all the time. It's called self-restraint and ethics. Believing in God doesn't give you that, it only gives you fear. Sure, fear keeps people in line, but is it really right? Why let God control you when you can just as easily control yourself?

SilentWater's photo
Tue 05/13/08 06:08 PM
Please don't try to bring old superstitions into modern-day politics. It's silly.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 05/02/08 04:09 AM
[quotewho would want to date someone with herpes??

People who already have herpes? I think that's the point of that site.

SilentWater's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:20 AM
Yeah but I do Progressive Death metal with like classical guitar interludes and jazz progressions and stuff.

All the musicians around here are punk-rock garage band losers.

SilentWater's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:16 AM
Why is it so hard to start a death metal band around here?

SilentWater's photo
Thu 05/01/08 11:14 AM
Thanks for all the non-perverted comments :).

SilentWater's photo
Tue 04/29/08 07:27 PM
new pic, paragraph, etc...

SilentWater's photo
Tue 04/29/08 07:15 PM
Yeah yeah everybody's happy but me

SilentWater's photo
Tue 04/29/08 06:59 PM

Break a bottle of cheap liquor over his head and push him down the stairs.

Why waste a bottle of liquor? Cheap or not it will get me drunk. Then I can annoy him to death.drinker

Because if you just pushed him down the stairs without breaking a bottle of cheap booze over his head first, it wouldn't be a "Mexican Waterfall"

Mexican Waterfall=the only thing men understand these days.

SilentWater's photo
Tue 04/29/08 06:37 PM
Break a bottle of cheap liquor over his head and push him down the stairs.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:30 PM

Speaking of food, the price has gone up, on meat and everything
else, last year 25% of all americas grain was used 2 make ethenol fuel, This year it is going 2 be one third, all that grain was used 2 feed meat critters, Now the price has gone up 2 'make' meat, many 3rd world countries that usto eat a lot of grains began 2 be able 2 afford meat, Now both are in short supplie. The worlds grain supplies are the LOWEST now in the last 30 years, BUT the earths population is mutch higher now than 30 yrs ago.

We'd have a lot more food if we wouldn't send so much of ours to goddamn Africa and Iraq. Countries should mind their own business.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:25 PM

when hunting is just for the mere pleasure of men, it's absolutely wrong.
but when it is done just to satisfy a necesity and when it is done in just the exact amount required to fulfill such a necessity.
Then and only then hunting should be allowed.

Actually, everything should be allowed. Everything except theft, rape, and murder of other human beings. As long as it doesn't hurt other human beings or their property, it is an insult to the human race to ban it. Why should I care if other people want to kill animals for fun? They are not my animals or anyone elses, so let them have fun! I think the only hunting which should be prohibited is the hunting of endangered species, since that destroys biological records of the ancient past and eliminates something we can learn a lot about or use to great advantage in society.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:20 PM

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being. Which created everything.

Atheism: In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded.

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being who created everything, except itself which was apparently created by nothing, which is impossible. He hated his creations and spent thousands of years telling them to just shut up and do what they're told or else he'd torture them. But everybody thinks he's a really nice guy.

Atheism: Who cares what happened in the beginning? I just want to live my life and have a great time, now get off my front porch and stop trying to tell me I'm going to hell because I have a higher-paying job than you!

SilentWater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:13 PM

If we cut all the trees, the earth wouldn't have a way to cleanse it's polluted air. Only God could have created such a beautiful thing as a tree!

But we are smart enough to plant new trees. What I mean to say is, eventually the human race will be so advanced we'll be completely self-reliant. We will have machines that can do anything from cleaning the air to producing food to destroying diseases. Eventually we will be God, since we'll be able to control everything. But we can never get to that point if we keep telling ourselves that Man is a sickly little worm just waiting to be crushed under God's heel, a pathetic whelp who should live a life of submission and constantly feel guilty about his own existence. Religion was a good thing to help primitive man carry on, but nowadays I think it is just holding us back as a species and as individuals.

SilentWater's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:00 PM
One of my Christian friends tried to convert me because she was afraid I'd go to Hell if I didn't. I told her: "I don't drink or do drugs, I don't steal, I don't lie, I don't hurt people, I just live my life and try to be happy and prosperous. If God would send me to hell for THAT, doesn't that make him the enemy of every man alive? Why would I want to worship a god with such fascist rules?"

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