Community > Posts By > CurvesssDaytona

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:14 AM
Everyone is different so everyone will be attracted to something different. What I hate is a person who belittles others because they dont share their same idea of beauty. It is TRULY in the eye of the beholder. Not your eye but mine. What attracts me isnt the same for you but I am not any less or better for it. So if I like a certain type of person and you dont then so what? Get over it. I wont be happy liking what you like unless it is the same. Anyone can find something attractive in a person if they take the time. But remember beauty fades over time and no one looks the same as when they were 21. There has to be more that keeps a person. If someone doesnt like you then find someone who does. Yes there are shallow people and they will get what they give.

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:58 AM
Congratulations! It is nice to see 2 people who are happy together.:heart:

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:56 AM
Waiting or nor waiting is your choice. There are some relationship issues that go along with waiting. You wont know whether you will like sex or not. And you wont know if your husband will either, if he is a virgin. Some people love sex and others can take it or leave it and still others dont like it at all. If you and your spose are in different camps that may be a real challenge to overcome, especially if you dont care for it and he loves it. In my experience I have chatted with alot of men who arent matched up sexually with their wives and it is a real problem because men tend to feel close to their wives in lovemaking. So if they arent getting satisfied sexually that will be a major souce of frustration and probelms in your relationship. And if you want ot more than him you will get very frustrated, probably buy a vibrator and then he will feel inadequate because he cant satsfy you.

SO the bottom line is make sure you have complete open communication with the person you intend to marry and especially about sex in marriage. Remember the Bible says "the marriage bed is undefiled" There is nothing bad about intimacy between 2 married people so having an open mind is important if you want to have your relationship work.

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:25 AM
I love watching a man groom himself sooooo sexy. Not sure what it is, maybe just that he takes the time to look his best or seeing that razor go over the curves of his face or or.........oh giggles....blushing

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 10:22 AM
Despite what alot of people think you cant know a person in 3 weeks and to tell someone you love them that soon is a little creepy. Most of what someone is feeling isnt love but lust and elation about having someone who is paying attention to them. If a person is honest with themselves they will list all the things they love about someone and what they dont. Take a good look at both lists and really search yourself to see if those things you "love" arent the same things that would really irritate you 3-6 months from now. Finding someone takes being crystal clear on what you want and dont want from a mate and from a relationship. Most people take the first person that comes along and instead of comparing that person to what they want they attempt to fit that person into their set of criteria and ignore the things that dont fit but would ruin a relationship. Love isnt available in the drive thru or cooked up in the microwave. You simmer slowly and cook for a long time and that is when it becomes the tenderest.

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:52 AM
it is interesting goddess that you are asking advice about something you already know in your heart. I think the issue is not whether he is a playa but whether you want to call it quits. Must be SOME reason why you are willing to put up with this CRAP from him or anyone.

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:41 AM
you have done this already in another thread. Does that wee little ego need stroking that bad?laugh :wink: :tongue:

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:36 AM
Welcome and hope you find that woman of your dreams...keep your eyes open to all possibilities.....

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:31 AM
Wmyers once you live here you can never leavesmokin

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Mon 12/10/07 08:29 PM
You asked if oyu CAN buy us ladies a Christmas present.. the question is are YOU able to?

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Mon 12/10/07 08:27 PM
I think you already know the answer but you lack the cojones so get some and dont worry about the friendship... seems one-sided to me.

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Mon 12/10/07 08:05 PM
Icey you look a little old to be in the class of '07laugh

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Mon 12/10/07 08:04 PM
Thank you JSH and remember Azrae it doesnt snow in FL in the winter:tongue: glasses

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Mon 12/10/07 08:03 PM
Thanks Heather and women friends are also welcome! If you come down to Daytona let me know.

CurvesssDaytona's photo
Mon 12/10/07 07:59 PM
Hiya everyone. Saying hello and hoping to make some great friends along the way, nothing serious....just moved back to Daytona and looking to get out of the house once in a while.


CurvesssDaytona's photo
Sat 12/08/07 03:17 PM
Just do a search for your desired age range... simply enough. Most older women do enjoy dating younger men. In my perspective the ones my age are usually too dull and boring and not willing to get "off the couch"yawn